
The Wolves Conquest [Robb Stark SI]

What happens when a pragmatic and ruthless businessman and scientist is reborn as Robb Stark? How will Westeros deal with a smarter Robb Stark.

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4 Chs


How had it come down to this. Just as Tywin was on the crux of establishing our dynasty as the topmost in Westeros, everything was falling apart. Was this the result of beheading Ned Stark at the sept of Baelor, Ned Stark who might have held the reigns to that Bloody Wolves of the North? No, it isn't that. Perhaps this was borne the day that Joffrey, that spoilt brat, attacked the second Stark daughter at the Ruby Ford, leading to the killing of the eldest daughter's wolf. No, perhaps the blame for the fall of our dynasty falls to the people of our house only. It falls on the foolishness of Tywin's eldest children. They couldn't do their duty. It was their lust and arrogance that led us here. The only thing Jamie had to do was to not lay with his sister and keep to his vows. No, however, he had to lie with his equally foolish sister. Cersei only had to give the fat king children, and Ned Stark would have served us loyally for the rest of his life while ensuring his sons continued to do the same. Now, however, we have his sons ravaging our lands and those of our allies with unheard-of constructs that they somehow got back when it appeared that the starks were losing. Now, the Stark fraction of the Vale Civil war has almost taken over the Vale; the Reach has collapsed onto itself, with every house wanting to become the Lord Paramount, another mess made by Cersei, and Westerlands, with only a few pockets of resistance left. While I never believed in the gods, I still somehow find myself praying for a miracle while I am left with no choice but to confront the Wolves. I hope that others may continue the resistance even if I falter. Should we fail, should these savages succeed in their mission to subvert and conquer, they will irrevocably destroy the lion's legacy, the one which I and Tywin have worked so hard for.

Memoirs of Kevin Lannister 

Memoir's section in the National War Museum of Winterfell