
The Wolf of the North and the Panther of The East

Kirana Min White has always been a loner, she doesn't care who sends threats her way because she has a secret. She's a Guardian from another world, she protects every animal that surrounds her school White Claw Academy. After a new transfer student from Seoul arrives Kira is then thrown into the most action she'd ever had, Jin is just like her! But before they truly get to know each other's abilities Kira is captured!? She and Jin both have secrets that hold them back, Kira hopes to keep far away from him and Jin wants to know more about the girl who's eyes glowed the color of emeralds.

TheBlackRose · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter Eleven More than Friends

Kira and I saw the dirt road that led to the school soon afterwards. By this time the potion was taking an effect on her more than it was me, I looked at her. I saw how bad she looked, her grip had tightened on my shoulder the past few minutes. "Kira..are you alright?" I dared to ask, she just nodded like it was nothing "I'm alright Jin…" Her words were slurred as she spoke. "I could help you more if you'd stop pretending you're alright," I said a little harshly.

Kira looked at me like I'd slapped her in the face "I'm..sorry.." she said quietly. I pulled her closer to me as we walked along the road, "Just tell me what I can do to help you feel better, please?" Kira's eyes watered a little but she turned away from me. "Jin..I..we, we can't be anything more than friends.. You know that right?" I felt my heart sink once more. Why did Kira not want to be more than this? I understood where she was coming from mostly but I know there was something she wasn��t telling me. I stopped walking and pulled her off the road with me, "Kira. I know I may not fully understand everything about but.." I felt my heart beat faster as I looked into her eyes, those beautiful emerald eyes.

Her wings, tail and ears made her almost irresistible. I wanted her to accept me, but how? I felt Kira's hand on my shoulder and looked up at her again "Jin, I…." she didn't get far because she collapsed. "Kira!?" I caught her just before she hit the ground, "Kira..wake up!" She groaned "I feel like shit.." I laughed, "You scared me.." Kira was the type of girl to work herself to death. I wanted to help her, even if she didn't want me to "Jin.." Kira reached up and gently brushed the stray hair from my face, "I hope you'll stay here." I smiled at her "I think that's arrangeable" I said and then I kissed her, Kira was mine. I could feel it, she felt the same as she pushed me onto the ground with her.

Kira's face was a little red but she didn't stop, soon I could feel her hands moving underneath my shirt. "Jin..I'm sorry for dragging you into this" She said quietly, I grabbed her face with my hands and kissed her deeply. When I pulled away she was crying with a smile on her face "Kira, I'm glad I met you. And I don't care how far I have to go to prove that to you." Kira grinned for what must have been the first time since we'd met. She leaned into my ear and whispered "Thank you" And then everything went fast. Soon my shirt was somewhere in the grass, something about Kira made me relax more.

We'd both been through more than what was needed, we'd been stuck in a loop. And that loop had broken, we kissed until we couldn't breath. Her hands running their fingers through my hair, Kira was amazing in her strength and her compassion. I'd known that before I even knew her name, I loved this girl. No matter how far we were apart, I could feel that Kira was begging to feel the same, slowly. "Jin.." she looked up at me, her eyes were glowing bright green, as were mine. "Yes?" I answered, wrapping her in my arms.

Her face went bright red, "Would it be alright that..we stayed outside?" I smiled "It's fine with me, what about Ms. Sarah and Tanya?" Kira laughed "They can wait.." She pulled me closer and kissed my neck, things spiraled from there and soon I woke up with Kira in my arms, my shirt was wrapped around her. She looked so cute with it on, I noticed that she was clinging to my waist. I laughed a little, she might've been older than me but she was like a little child, her ears and tail were the only things left that reminded me of what had happened, "Kira?" I said gently as I ran my hand through her soft hair.

She groaned as she rubbed her eyes "Yea?" her voice was a little clearer now too. "Feeling better?" as soon as I said that her grip on my waist tightened, "A little...Sam..kicked me pretty hard" I hugged her back, "We should get back to the school you know.." She said. She began to sit up but I pulled her back to me, "Nah..can we stay like this a little longer?" I got my answer when Kira kissed me. "Sure," After another hour the sun was just rising above the treeline. Kira was the one who woke up first, gently nipping my ear until I woke up as well, "Now we need to get going." she said, I nodded and sat up Kira handed me my shirt as she put hers back on.

I got up and turned away while she did that, then I heard her hit the ground. "Shit.." I whipped around to see Kira holding her leg, the splint was a little busted and had come undone when she'd tried to get up. "Hey, hey..let me help" I picked her up despite her ranting that she could do it herself. Kira was still limping so I helped her walk, "I can walk on my own ya know" She mumbled under her breath, I laughed "Not everything has to be done alone Kira." Her face went bright red "S-Shut up Jin!" That made me laugh even harder, she slapped me on the head "Come on! Ms. Sarah will have our heads if we are any later." "Fine..Kirana" She paused for a second, "What. Did you just say?" she growled.

I looked at her "Kirana?-" her face turned even redder, "C- could you not call me by my full name?" She looked like an anime character when they didn't want to admit they liked being called by their full name. Kira noticed me staring at her and looked away, "what?" I asked. "Nevermind alright? Now let's get going" "We won't get there too fast unless I carry you." actually that would make us slower but, I wanted to carry her anyways. Kira looked horrified, "what!? I can walk," "prove it then" I let her go and walked to a tree leaving her standing there. "Walk to me without falling down or limping, if you do that then I won't carry you alright?" She nodded.

"Fine!" Kira said, I smiled a little, this girl was impossible! She started walking, I could see she was in pain but she kept walking towards me, I ran to her "Okay! Okay! Stop Kira, you don't have to do it," Her face was pale when I got to her. "I hate you.." she said with a little laughter in her voice, I hugged her. "Let's go home now Jin..we've wasted time." I shook my head with a smile and we started back up towards the school, this time Kira willingly let me help her walk. As we got closer we both could smell the roses growing stronger, "Jin. We're almost there.." Kira said, I noticed that she was a little out of breath. "Should I slow down?" She shook her head, "No. Let's go"

I sighed and picked her up, "wa- what are you-" "Just let me carry you for god's sake!" Kira stopped struggling after a few minutes, soon we saw the school. As we got to the driveway I saw Tanya waiting for us, "Where the fuck have you two been!?!" She yelled as Ms. Sarah also came running out of the school to greet us. I let Kira down as we both walked to our friends, Tanya swept Kira up into the most aggressive hug I'd ever seen, "Nice to see you too-" Kira choked as Tanya let her go.

Ms. Sarah hugged the two of us as well, she saw Kira's leg "Are you alright?" her voice was full of concern. "I-" I cut Kira off "Moon broke it when they were fighting." Tanya's face darkened "Moon didn't hurt the two of you anywhere else right?" Kira nodded as she handed her the empty vial, "Ah..so that's why you two look like shit" I laughed "It was mostly me that felt like shit." we all ended up laughing so hard none of us could breathe properly, Tanya helped Kira up the stairs and into our dorm room. "We'll leave you two alone so you can rest alright?" Kira and I nodded as Ms. Sarah and Tanya left.

Kira had already laid down on her bed, "Why does my bed smell like you?" I froze. "Um…" she laughed, "It's alright Jin..just rest" she said as she closed her eyes. "Jin?" "yea? What's up Kira?" she sighed deeply, and reached into her jacket pocket. When she pulled her hand out she held two round gems in it, one was blue and the other was red. "Take the blue one" I got off of the chair I was sitting on and walked over to her, she'd covered her eyes with her other arm. "Head still hurt?" she groaned "Just take the damn Soul Stone Jin," I chuckled and took the blue one.

It started to glow, Kira peaked out from under her arm. "So your soul is a match for that gem..good to know I'm not alone." I sat down next to her, "what do you mean?" She smiled "You're a Celestial Guardian too Jin.." I felt a weight lift from me, "So I'm like you?" This time Kira didn't answer. Her breathing had evened out, she was asleep "Sweet dreams Kira" I kissed her gently on her forehead and grabbed a spare blanket from the closet and covered her. I wanted to join her but I needed to ask Tanya and Ms. Sarah a few questions, just as I got up to leave Kira's hand grabbed mine, "humm?" She was still asleep. I smiled, and sat back down again. As if she knew I was still there Kira let go of my hand and turned on her side, "Get some rest...The danger has passed" I wasn't too sure about what I was saying but it felt better to say that then 'I love you'..

I wanted to say 'I love you' but it wasn't the right time. I walked out of our dorm room and headed towards Ms. Sarah's office, it was kind of scary with the halls of the school being empty but at the same time there wasn't anyone questioning why Kira and I disappeared. As I was almost to the door I heard Ms. Sarah and Tanya talking, "That can't be true Sarah..she's just a normal Celestial." That was Tanya speaking, I heard Ms. Sarah's chair move like she was getting up "Tanya there's no denying it, last night was proof that Kira is the heir to the throne, Jin and you are her closest friends right now. I spoke to Kira a little before she headed back to her room.." "And what did she say?" Tanya snapped. "She's got the symptoms for evolution, whether your potion sped up the process I don't know."

I jumped when Tanya opened the door, "Well. Are you just gonna stand there and eavesdrop or are you coming in?" I walked in and she shut the door behind me. "What were you talking about?" I asked Ms. Sarah as I sat down next to Tanya, "Well..I think that Kira isn't just a regular Celestial Guardian" she said. "What do you mean by 'not a regular Celestial'? Is there a third category for Guardians?" I asked, something was going on and I wanted to know what it was. Ms. Sarah nodded "Yes there is, but since their so rare most Guardian's and Celestial Guardian's think their myths or legends" Tanya scoffed "Myth my ass Royale Guardians exist. But because they were hunted so much they are all in hiding, why do you think that only one Celestial Guardian is at every meeting? Because they know that a Royale Guardian is watching them and how they work with normal Guardians." Tanya said, pulling out an old looking scroll that looked like it was more than a million years old.

Ms. Sarah peered over at her "So that's the Red Scroll Kira's mother found...this changes a lot of things Tanya" I looked between the two of them "Could anyone tell me what in the hell is going on?" This was worse than knowing Kira was in a cage and I couldn't help her get out the moment she was taken. "Jin.. I think that you, Tanya and Kira are the three Heirs." I'd only heard of the Three Heirs in story books, it was once said that on a winter's day two of the Heirs would meet, and after meeting one would go off on their own for a personal reason leading the second to find the third after the first never returned.

"Are you saying that..Kira is.. The Royal Celestial Guardian of Life!?" I nearly yelled those words. Sarah nodded again "yes Jin, that would make Tanya the Royal Witch of the Demons and you The Royal Guardian of Death.." I nearly passed out from shock "but...I'm from the South..I'm a Panther Guardian I'm not a Celestial nor a Royal Guardian." Tanya shook her head "But you've fallen for Kira I take it? In the story the First and Second Royal Guardians end up falling for each other, but the First is cold to the Second because they don't want to endanger anyone by having feelings." I knew how that worked out for the First and Second.

They both tried their best to ignore their feelings for each other and ended up forgetting how to love, Tanya tapped me on the shoulder "But you should know something Jin. In order to fully become the Royal Guardian of Life Kira has to experience more pain than anyone would, so if what Sarah says is true I need you to be strong." I smiled a little "I'll do my best to support her," Ms. Sarah and Tanya both smiled "In that case, Tanya will help me make arrangements for the three of you to meet the other Celestial Guardians." I felt a little fear weave into me, the other Guardians weren't people to mess with. But if the three of us were the Three Royals then maybe we'd get more respect.

"But what about our old titles as The Panther of the East and Kira as the Wolf of the North?" I wanted to know what would happen to the legend Kira had built around this school. Ms. Sarah smiled "Those legends will remain the same, anyone who isn't a Guardian will still know you and Kira as those titles, think of it like this, you've ranked up. You still control your territories and other things but you're stronger and have more command than before."

As we talked I kept feeling like this wasn't just a simple action as Ms. Sarah was saying it was, there had to be more. Why else would Royal Guardians be so rare other than the hunters killing them for money and sport. "How do Celestial Guardians become Royal Guardians?" The conversation stopped, Ms. Sarah's face was stone cold for a moment "Pain Jin, pain and isolation. Royal Guardians are powerful because they only live for one thing. And that one thing is different for each Royal, for example." She pulled out a book from underneath her desk and turned to a blue bookmark in it.

"I want you to read this story and then come back here alright?" I was even more confused. Why did Ms. Sarah not want to explain it to me? What was so scary or worrying that she'd just give me the story rather than tell me straight out... "Is there something you and Tanya aren't telling me?" I growled, I hated being left out of important things, but just as Ms. Sarah was about to open her mouth and speak Kira walked through the door. "Kira!? I thought you were asleep," Her pale face looked almost white. Panic was running through me like adrenaline, Ms. Sarah rushed over to her and felt her forehead "My god your burning up," Kira weakly shoved Ms. Sarah's hand away from her face "I know but...I can't sleep, everything hurts too much," Kira was swaying on her feet.

I stood up and helped her stay on her feet, she smiled a thank you to me before looking back at Ms. Sarah and Tanya, "What do you want me to do Rana?" Tanya said softly to her. "I..think.." Kira shook her head "I don't know…" Tanya got up out of her chair and gave Kira a hug. "Don't worry, we'll fix this.." She turned to Ms. Sarah "Tanya I want you and Jin to take her back to your room, if I'm right that pain is going to turn into a lot more pain very soon." So Tanya and I helped her back to our room, I turned the lights on as Tanya prepared a cold cloth with her magic and put on Kira's head. "Jin.. can I talk to you for a second outside?" "Yeah sure."

Once the door was shut Tanya looked at me, "I'll tell you how this is about to go. First comes a fever with pain and then the pain is going to skyrocket, after a few days that pain will go away." I felt helpless as she said that, how could someone take that much pain for days? Then Tanya whispered the last parts, "After the pain is gone I want you to stay in the room next to this one, alright?" "Why?" Tanya's face turned a shade of red. "Because after that...um how do I put it...Kira will want some...explicit...things" "Oh.." my face went bright red. "But why do you want me in the other room? Wouldn't you also have to be in the room as well when she's like that?" I asked sheepishly.

Tanya laughed tightly "Someone has to make sure she doesn't try and find you.." Now I could feel the heat radiating off of me. This made her laugh a little "Oh don't worry so much Jin! Because only one Celestial can be turned at a time you'll be in the same boat as Kira" "Wait what!?" I stuttered, "I'm just a normal Guardian!" She shook her head, "I believe Kira gave you a gem right? Well once you wear it around your neck for a while consider how much space you'll need," She started to head back into Kira's room, "What do you mean by space?" I called after her.

Tanya just turned her head to me and smiled "For your wings of course! Every Earth Guardian that doesn' already have wings will get them!" And with that Kira and Tanya spent everyday together in our room, I could hear the girls talking. I tried not to listen when Kira cried out in pain in the nights afterwards, her pain was so great she didn't even speak, I could see that every movement was painful for her. I even went as far as to just tell her how things were going around the forest, Jackson had only appeared twice in the last two weeks. And every time I saw him testing out tech that looked even more painful then the electric chip they'd put in her, Tanya was able to remove it thank goodness.