
The wife of the CEO

TAGS #CEO #SLICE OF LIFE #LOVE AFTER MARRIAGE #SWEET LOVE Cheng Yinan a beautiful, independent woman. She just returned from abroad and landed a job at one of the influential Corporation in the country. Lu muchen the CEO of Lu Corporation. He looks cold to the outside world, but very warm to the ones he cares about. What will happen when two people who know nothing about each other are expected to live together for the rest of their lifes. " Good morning beautiful " he greeted and planted a kiss on her forehead. " Good morning " she responded giving him a smile. " You should smile more.. You look really cute when you smile " he said lightly pinching her cheek. " Same goes for you Mr. Lu " she said also pinching him like he did to her. Lu Muchen was actually shocked, since she acted that way on her own accord. Cheng Yinan thought that since she decided to give their relationship a chance, why should she be shy around him when she could just act normal. She giggled upon seeing his expression.

lucky_star45 · Urbano
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43 Chs

Not too late

After the adventure in their mouths, they left the place to head home. Cheng Yinan was starting to get really comfortable around Lu Muchen. They were walking back to the car. They were both silent all along their way until Lu Muchen broke the silence.

" what department were you at the City D school of Art " Lu Muchen asked while looking straight ahead. " Fashion department " she answered. A faint light flashed past her eyes as she spoke.

" Can you tell me what happened after the incident " he asked, this time looking into her eyes like he was drilling a hole. Surprisingly, it didn't make her feel uncomfortable. Cheng Yinan eventually nodded.

" After the necklace was stolen, it was blamed on me like you know.. I tried explaining myself several times but no one listened to me.. At that time the principal was very strict, she didn't take the incident likely so...she expelled me " She narrated. Her eyes began to glisten with unshed tears. " After a while I couldn't withstand the embarrassment any longer..so with the help of Yang Ruoxi's parents I got admissions abroad and I left... I always had interest in Computing, since I couldn't bring myself to go for fashion design anymore.. My original plan was to own my very own fashion brand where I not only manage it but I also design everything myself " she said.

Cheng Yinan sucked in air to avoid her tears from dropping. Lu Muchen felt her sorrow. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her.

" It not too late you can still make it work " he said. " Mm to okay " she said and began walking ahead.

Lu Muchen took out his phone from his pocket and typed something and sent it to someone. He then caught up with her.


District Police station

Fang Xi had been locked up in a cell in the district Police station. She wasn't lucky enough, she was locked up with some women who seem to have been there couple of times.

1st lady : " Oh who do we have here "

2nd lady : " Her clothes look expensive, she might be rich "

1st Lady : " Hey young lady..what are you in for " . Fang Xi pretended not to hear them and ignored them.

1st lady: " Hey we are talking to you "

The first lady tried to touch her.

Fang Xi : " Eeeewwwwwww, how dare you touch me with those filthy hands of yours " Fang Xi said while trying very desperately to tap off the 'Dirt' that was on her.

Her actions pricked the ladies and they gathered around her.

Fang Xi sensed the tension in the sir and began moving backwards.

" I said repeat what you said " they demanded but she couldn't make a little tiney winey sound.

Before she could make any movement, they all jumped on her and started beating her up.

She screamed and tried to escape but they out numbered her. She continued to struggle until an officer came to separate them.

Then they told her she had a visitor.

" What Happened to you " Cheng Yuxi asked her friend as she noticed the bumps and bruises that had taken place in her face.

" I don't want to talk about it... anyway get me out of here now " Fang Xi demanded loudly.

" I can't " Cheng Yuxi said. " WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN BY YOU CAN'T " Fang Xi spoke on top of he voice. " It not my fault.. can't you see it is Lu Muchen's doing " . " That bitch I don't know what she said to him for him to act like this " she tried to defame Cheng Yinan to drive Fang Xi's attention.

" I care less about that slut ... by any means necessary I need to get out of here ASAP " she said and walked out of the room.

Cheng Yuxi scoffed and stood up to leave.

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