
The wife of the CEO

TAGS #CEO #SLICE OF LIFE #LOVE AFTER MARRIAGE #SWEET LOVE Cheng Yinan a beautiful, independent woman. She just returned from abroad and landed a job at one of the influential Corporation in the country. Lu muchen the CEO of Lu Corporation. He looks cold to the outside world, but very warm to the ones he cares about. What will happen when two people who know nothing about each other are expected to live together for the rest of their lifes. " Good morning beautiful " he greeted and planted a kiss on her forehead. " Good morning " she responded giving him a smile. " You should smile more.. You look really cute when you smile " he said lightly pinching her cheek. " Same goes for you Mr. Lu " she said also pinching him like he did to her. Lu Muchen was actually shocked, since she acted that way on her own accord. Cheng Yinan thought that since she decided to give their relationship a chance, why should she be shy around him when she could just act normal. She giggled upon seeing his expression.

lucky_star45 · Urbano
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43 Chs

Engagement (4)

The shock present on the faces of the guest were very grave. How can the Daughter of the Xu family and Madam Cheng herself could do such a thing.

Xu Xinyi could feel the glares that were been shot at her. It felt like hole were being diged in her soul. She was clenching her dress hard.

" How could a woman be so wicked to her fellow woman " a person said among the crowd. " I wonder how could she sleep knowing she had wronged someone " another person said.

Lu Muchen nodded at his assistant again.

Mo Xinyu went outside and after a while he came with a group of men. The total of men would be three. They came walking with their heads held high.

The stood in front of Fang Xi. She was a little scared as she didn't know them.

" Miss Fang you are under arrest for the defamation of Miss Cheng Yinan " said one of the guys who seemed to be the leader. Fang Xi's mouth dropped open and her face was drained of colour. She wanted to talk but the words were just not coming out. Her breathing started to hasten as she was panicking. She clenched her fist and mustered up courage to talk. " What do you mean by arrested.. I did nothing wrong " She said frowning at the officer. " You said false information about Miss Cheng Yinan which according to the law is defamation " the officer said then cuffed Fang Xi's hands.

She tried resisting but it was in vain.

After Fang Xi was taking away Xu Xinyi was expecting that she would be next.

Lu Muchen's eyes met hers and she felt a shiver run down her spine.

" I would not take you to jail neither would I let you go free " Lu Muchen's voice pierced it way through her ears. " I would something that is important to you " He said and his attention was diverted from her.

" How did yo..... " Cheng Yinan was asking but was cut off by Lu Muchen. " That is not important right now.. we have something important to do first.. I promise I would answer all your questions " he said and nodded his head towards his parents.

" Ladies and Gentlemen let us continue with the reason why we are gathered here " Lu Yesi said.

Madam Lu then brought the cushion with the rings on it and smiled at them. Lu Muchen picked one ring and Cheng Yinan picked the other.

Lu Muchen slipped the ring onto her finger and kissed it. The people were so excited that they were making noise.

Cheng Yinan blushed profusely to his action.

She also slipped the ring into his finger. It was finally official. They were now engaged.

Lu Muchen pulled her into her hug and kissed her head. " I'm half way of making you mine " he said only to her hearing. " Am already yours " she responded but was shocked when realization dawned on her. Did she just say it out loud. ' Ok God what is wrong with me ' she thought to herself. Lu Muchen was also shocked by what she said but was actually happy hearing it.

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