
The Wife I Picked Up In The Game Turned Out To Be A Female Devil

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I_Love_Hina · Ação
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47 Chs

Chapter 381: In Fact, I'm Quite Strong

Chapter 381: In Fact, I'm Quite Strong (1/2)

Song Qian was well aware that the Empress rarely summoned outsiders. Even many high-ranking officials who had served in the court for decades had never met the Empress in person.

If Song Qian were to evade the question and claim that the Empress only wanted to chat casually, the people from the Tianwei Mansion and other family heads would undoubtedly not believe her. Moreover, when she was at the palace gate, the commander of the guards had casually taken out the "Snow Return Heart Technique." There was no cover at the palace gate, and there might have been sharp-eyed individuals in the vicinity who accidentally saw the book.

So, Song Qian decided to openly display the manual to dispel any doubts from everyone present. Additionally, when she revealed the Cold Dragon Token later, she could explain that it was also a gift from the Empress.

Of course, this wasn't the time to reveal the ace of having the Cold Dragon Token.

Everyone present understood that Song Qian was still an unmarried woman. Seeing her unabashedly display the "Snow Return Heart Technique," a manual for dual cultivation, everyone's suspicions were laid to rest. Even the family heads, Shangguan Mingjing and Yuwenzhaoming, felt relieved for Song Qian. Fortunately, the Empress had met her demise; otherwise, Song Qian might have become the Empress's plaything.

Soon, the court officials of Grand Yian Country began to arrive.

Seeing the scene before them, most court officials were dumbfounded, finding it hard to believe.

Wu Zhou, the Prime Minister of Grand Yian, was an elder of the three dynasties and a venerable white-haired old man. Representing the court officials, he asked the Deputy Prefect Han Tianluo, "Where is Her Majesty?"

"Dead," Han Tianluo said indifferently.

Wu Zhou widened his eyes, "Dead..."

He surveyed the ruins and asked, "Where are her remains?"

"Everywhere," Han Tianluo said vaguely.

Wu Zhou paused for a moment, his body trembling. Then, he took the lead in kneeling toward the direction of the Empress's bedroom.

"Empress, you have passed away!"

The other court officials outside the palace gate also followed suit and knelt.

With Wu Zhou's cry of "passed away," it symbolized the end of Empress Weixinlan's rule over the country.

Seeing this scene, Han Tianluo said to the family heads and immortal cultivators from the Lingyue Sect who were there to watch, "After the death of Empress Weixinlan, there are many matters in the court that need to be discussed and handled. I ask everyone to leave."

Thus, those who were not part of the court left one by one.

After returning to her mansion, Song Qian saw her father lying comfortably on a wooden chair in the courtyard, looking quite content. The courtyard seemed as if nothing had happened.

Seeing her father unharmed, Song Qian felt relieved.

Apparently, the Marquis of Wu'an hadn't come here.

"Father, I'm going out for a while. You must stay at home and not wander around," Song Qian called out to him.

Currently, with the sudden demise of Empress Weixinlan and no designated heir, it was unknown who would succeed the Grand Yian Dynasty. There would likely be turmoil in Grand Yian Country, but the greater the chaos, the greater the opportunities. It all depended on who could seize them.

Song Qian believed that as long as she made good use of the Cold Dragon Token as leverage, she might dominate the entire Grand Yian Dynasty in the future.

"Where are you going?" Song Ye asked.

"I'll tell you when I come back."

Just as Song Qian was about to use her movement technique to leave,

Song Ye spoke up again, "Just now, the Marquis of Wu'an was here."

Song Qian

Chapter 381: In Fact, I'm Quite Strong (2/2)

Song Ye paused, "But I have already killed him," he said.

He felt that there was no need to conceal these things any longer.

"How did you manage to kill him?" Song Qian asked in surprise.

Song Ye smiled faintly, "In fact, I'm quite strong."

"In what aspect?" Song Qian seemed curious.

Song Ye blurted out, "In every aspect."

Song Qian furrowed her brows. When her father claimed to be strong, she always felt it was a joke. After all, her father was now in the body of a different race, and she had seen the strength of different races.

A few days ago, outside the city, she saw a different race holding an iron sword, fighting evenly with a partridge, making it difficult to distinguish the outcome. How could someone with such strength kill the Marquis of Wu'an, who had already reached the Immortal Venerable realm?

However, her father couldn't be joking with her without reason.

Suddenly, Song Qian remembered that Empress Weixinlan had just told her at the palace that the decree for her marriage had been drafted and given to the Marquis of Wu'an. If that were the case, the Marquis of Wu'an couldn't have come to the Song Mansion for no reason.

In other words, the Marquis of Wu'an was likely killed on his way to the Song Mansion or shortly after arriving. The one who killed him might be the terrifying existence that wiped out the entire Grand Yian Imperial Palace.

This existence probably came for Weixinlan and naturally wouldn't spare all the male favorites of Weixinlan. Her father might have inadvertently witnessed the Marquis of Wu'an being killed and then made a joke, taking credit for the deed.

Of course, there was another possibility—her father wasn't lying, and he killed the Marquis of Wu'an himself. But where did her father's tremendous power come from?

After all, her father seemed no different from an ordinary person.

To verify whether her father was telling the truth, she might have to test her father's strength, but how exactly should she go about it? If she used too much force, she was afraid of hurting her father. If she used too little force, it would be difficult to determine the depth.

But suddenly, Song Qian realized that now was not the time to ponder these things. Whether her father was truly powerful and in what aspect, she would have ways and time to figure it out later.

The opportunity she wanted to seize might be fleeting, and she couldn't waste any more time here. Originally, she had only planned to take a quick look at her father and immediately set off.

"Father, let's continue this conversation when I come back."

After saying that, Song Qian's figure disappeared on the spot.

After his daughter left, Song Ye had to continue opening the Ninth Zone chat channel.

[One Meal Seven Bowls]: "Brothers, I'm back!"

[Fluffy Bunny]: "@One Meal Seven Bowls, how did it go? Up to which level did you reach?"

[One Meal Seven Bowls]: "I made it to level ten, but the guardian at level ten is just too strong. I can't beat him at all."

[Not Eating Beef]: "Who is the guardian at level ten?"

[One Meal Seven Bowls]: "It seems his name is 'Young Duan Ling,' incredibly powerful. I can't even scratch him, but one hit from him, and I'm instantly defeated."

[Fluffy Bunny]: "Is this 'Young Duan Ling' a cultivator? What's his cultivation level?"

[One Meal Seven Bowls]: "He is a cultivator, and it shows that his cultivation level is Foundation Establishment First Stage."

[Fluffy Bunny]: "He has already reached Foundation Establishment, and you haven't even opened your Spirit Meridians; naturally, you can't defeat him."

[Fluffy Bunny]: "I just checked; this Duan Ling was originally super powerful. Now, he is an immortal master of the Lingyue Sect, and his cultivation has reached the Void Spirit Realm. The one you challenged is just a younger version of Duan Ling."