


There was one thing that he absolutely disliked and that was school, the thought of being in class the whole day and all, really infuriated him but he always had no choice. A lot of things were at stake. Dylan Dark was born in a very rich family and never lacked anything but when something he really loves gets threatened; he was left with no choice but to what he was told. He grew up with his mother and never knew his father until one day his mother left him at this big house and said that his father will take care of him now. Ever since then he never saw her again and that was sixteen years ago, he was only five. Living with strangers you had to call parents and siblings was hard but as time passes he adjusted. When that old man realized that he was dodging classes he threatened him with his mother. The old man said that he knew where she was and if he continued behaving in the way he was then he would never be able to see her even if she dies. So ever since then, he really tried not to miss any class, not because he wasn't good in his academics but he had to set an example to others, so he was told.

It was a good thing that it was Friday and classes had ended. It was weekend now, and there were no special appointments with family so he was safe to enjoy this weekend in a way he wanted. He had just finished taking a shower when he received a call from his other best friend.

'What are you doing tonight?' she asked.

'What do you have in mind?'

'There is this club; I heard it is pretty hot. Let’s go and check it out.'

'Okay, where should I meet you?'

'I will send you the address,' she said and hung up.

The message came in quickly and he checked it and was a bit shocked. He dressed himself, took his wallet, cell phone and car keys and left the house.

He arrived at the place thirty minutes later and found his friends already there. He had three best friends including the girl who called him earlier. All of them were in the same level and shared a couple of classes together. They had been friends since middle school and never parted since then.

He greeted his friends and looked at the vast forest before him.

'Are you sure, this is the right place?'

'Yes, it is.' Laura answered.

'I was shocked to hear that there is a club here,' Taylor said.

'So what’s next now?'

'We follow that road,' Laura said as she pointed to a gravel road that was just near them.

They arrived at an odd gate about two miles from the main road, someone showed up and Laura did something he could not see and they passed the yard. They drove about another ten minutes and passed another gate before they all started seeing cars parked. The place was fully packed which meant it was really popular despite the place being weird and looked as if it was haunted. After getting out of the cars, he felt the chills by being just there.

'Laura, are you sure this is a club and not a haunted place?' Dylan asked.

'I heard from this other girl online, it is a club and private. Let us go inside and check it out.' she said as she urged them to go towards the entrance of the club.

He followed behind, looking closely at his surroundings. There was this aura about this place that he had never seen or felt before. The building itself, its architecture was different. It had that ancient feel though it looked like it was built less than a decade. They arrived at the door, two men probably bouncers judging by their built and faces were there. Laura did all the talking and they followed her inside only to find the reception. What kind of a club was this?

'Welcome to Lucid Dreams,' the pretty receptionist said with a big smile. 'Is this your first time being here?'

'Yes, it is.' Laura answered.

'Please take those forms and read them, if you are satisfied with the terms and conditions then sign the forms,' she said as she passed the forms to them.

Dylan took the form and began to read its contents. This was totally absurd, how can there be rules like that in a club? What was so special about this club anyway? He was now curious more than ever.


1. Color red is prohibited.

2. Whatever happens inside the club remains there.

3. No fighting




10. Members only

Before he could sign the forms, he went to the receptionist to confirm something.

'Rule number 1, what does it mean?'

'You are not allowed to enter the club premises wearing any red cloth, just like you right now.'

'Does that mean I cannot enter?'

'Since you are new, we will offer you something else to wear if you do not have any other. But since it is just a jacket, I will advise you to leave it here and you will collect it when you leave.'

'Okay, I understand.'

'If you are satisfied with everything please leave your forms and enter.'

They signed the forms and entered the club. The place was fabulous, extraordinary and deserved the name. Since they didn't reserve and were not members they had to make do with what was there but luckily Laura found someone whom she knew and they joined them. Everything was superb from the beginning, the alcohol, the music and not a single soul was wearing red. He was busy asking himself questions when he heard Laura asking the same question he was curious of.

'Why do they prohibit red?'

'It is said that the owner hates red more than anything, so no one wears that color. Some people once tried to break that rule and they suffered in the end.'

'Exactly how?'

'They had their membership revoked and thrown out. I think the white witch was really angry that day.'

'Did you just say the white witch?' Dylan asked.

'Yes, that is what the owner is called.'

'As in a real witch or?'

'To be honest, I really do not know but what i saw personally was how she wears only white clothes and her hair also white.'

'Is she that old?'

'She looks very young; no one knows about her. She is a mystery but above all she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.'

He could not believe that there was something like that but whatever it is, it would not hurt to see it for himself.

'I will be back,' he said as he stood up.

'Where are you going?' Sam asked, the last best friend of Dylan.

'I am going to the gents,'

'Oh, I am sorry for asking.' Sam said now laughing.

'I can tell,' Dylan said smiling back and left his friends.

The club was huge, now that he was looking at it. He could tell there was a lot he was not seeing since there seemed to be different levels in the club. Tired of being inside he decided to step outside for a bit and take a breather when something unexpected happened. For the first time, since he arrived he noticed something; the club yard had more than just one gate. He saw cars going in and out from the other sides, which was much cooler than the other clubs he has ever visited. As he was busy enjoying the scenery before him, an entourage of cars arrived. A total of three cars came to a halt in front of the club exactly where he was. There was one unique and stylish white limousine in between the two black masseratis sedans. What was unfolding in front of him was familiar; this looked exactly like the way his father always done things. Without moving an inch, he waited to see who exactly was in that car. At that moment the doors of the black cars opened, three women who looked like bodyguards came out from the car in front followed by three men from the last car. Lastly the front door of the limousine opened and a beauty came out, judging by the way she was dressed she looked like someone of utter importance. But the show was just starting because at that moment, the beautiful lady dressed in that astonishing and expensive black dress opened the other limousine door. At that moment, for a moment he really believed that he felt a cold breeze passing by and had goose bumps all over his body. The first thing he saw after the door was opened was how the lady in the black dress held out her hand to whoever was in the car. He saw a hand clasping the hand of the lady in black and one bare leg coming out and landing on the ground followed by the other. Lastly he saw the whole body emerging from the car and what he saw nearly caused him to faint. He was startled and shocked at the same time. It seemed the rumor was true; there was really a white witch in the club. Just as he had heard earlier, the woman from the white limousine looked more beautiful than the lady in black. Her skin looked fair and pale, that one could mistake her for a vampire if given a chance. Her eyes were sparkling even at night time like stars in the night sky, blue like sky and water of the blue seas. Her hair very long, he had never seen such long hair before. The hair seemed to be nearly touching her calves. It was very white and sparkling as if there were diamonds hidden inside it.

They began to walk towards where he was and he just moved a bit so as to clear the way, by just looking at the bodyguard's faces, he could tell that there were not the kind one would want to mess with. As the white witch and her entourage were passing, he noticed something much more shocking that he took his time outside before entering the club again.

His friends were now looking for him since he had been gone for more than thirty minutes.

'Where were you man?' Taylor asked as he joined them.

'Was taking a walk outside, this place is a beauty.'

'You just missed out.'

'Missed what, exactly?'

'The witch just came in with her bodyguards about ten minutes ago, she is a rare beauty.'

'Is that so?' he asked as if he did not see her.

'Yes, too bad she did not stay longer but disappeared upstairs.'

He could not help himself but laugh at that moment,

'What's so funny?' Laura asked him.

'I am just realizing how Taylor can be really into things.'

'You can't blame me, dude.'

'Hey guys!' Laura said and they all looked at her. 'From everything I just experienced tonight, I think it would be the best if we join the club.'

'Are you sure about that?' Sam asked.

'Yes, look if we want to have some fun we can all come to this level or floor and if we want somewhere quiet we can still manage to come here and just move to another level.'

'You might have a point there Laura.'

'You see,' Laura said smiling.

Dylan was having that same thought ever since he saw the white witch earlier, instead of listening to all the nagging back home he would rather come here and comfort himself with wine as well as ladies since this club seems to be packed with a variety of everything.

'I agree with you babes, let us join.' Sam said

'Then let's do the VVIP package, it has a lot of benefits so i heard.'

'Let's do that then,' Dylan said while taking a sip of his red wine.

It did not take long for the four of them to fill out the appropriate forms and make the necessary payments needed for the club membership. They were told that their membership cards will be shipped to them if they want or they will come and collect them after three days. While they wait for their cards, they could use the temporary passes which will gain them access to go anywhere in the vicinity of the club as long it is not the restricted areas. After checking all details, they were given access to the two gates. It was then that they learnt that the gate they used earlier was the recruitment gate sort of. It was not used normally but only for newcomers on their first visit but if they want to use it they can, it was not a thing. They got into their respective cars since they were not really drunk and left the club using the right gate which was named the wisdom gate as he saw when they passed through it. The gate led to a very nice tarred road which took them to the main road after just a few kilometers than the road they used earlier. And to think that they passed this turn when they first came, it was hilarious and funny to just think of it. For the first time in his life, he was now interested in something, very curious and was going to satisfy his curiosity no matter what.