
Chapter 1- The Slap

Slap! The sting of her mother's hand upon her cheek was a brutal punctuation to the silence that had befallen the room. Amelie's vision blurred as her tears gathered force, each drop trailing over the heated skin left by the slap. The doctor, his assistant, and her friends, Silke and Ella, all bore witness to this unprecedented display, their expressions a mixture of shock and pity.

"Amelie?" Silke's voice was soft, a whisper against the tension, as she hurried to Amelie's side, offering her shoulder as solace.

Her mother stood there, chest heaving with every ragged breath, her elegant gown rustling with the tremors that racked her body. It was not just the slap that echoed in the room but also the unsaid words that lingered like specters amongst them. "How could you do this?!" she cried out, her voice rising above the delicate clink of medical instruments on the silver tray nearby. "This time, you've gone too far!"

The war outside had seeped into their lives, its shadow now darkening their doorstep. Her mother's hands, which normally would have been busy with needlework or a tender touch, now shook uncontrollably, the lace at her cuffs trembling like fragile wings. "As if the times weren't hard enough, now that we're in the midst of war, and your brother has been conscripted," her voice broke, betraying the iron-clad composure she had always upheld.

Amelie, usually so resolute and brimming with the tomboyish confidence of her youth, felt the weight of her situation settle upon her with crushing finality. Her gaze fell to the floor, to the intricate patterns of the rug, anything to avoid the disappointment etched into her mother's eyes.

"Madam, please calm down, this won't help anything," the doctor interjected with a practiced calmness, his assistant hovering close, ready to offer support should she need it. They moved towards her mother, their movements slow, attempting not to startle her as one might approach a startled doe in the woods.

The room, adorned with its rich draperies and gilded mirrors, felt like a cage, the opulence suffocating. Amelie's adventurous spirit, once soothed by the beauty of such surroundings, now longed for the freedom of the open fields and the comfort of a simple life—a life that seemed more distant than ever before.

Amelie's heart was a tumultuous sea, each wave of thought crashing against the next with dizzying force. The once comforting walls of her chamber now loomed over her, the floral wallpaper she had once found so charming seemed to mock her with its cheerfulness. Her mother's words echoed in her mind like a haunting refrain, leaving a bitter taste that not even tears could wash away.

How could she have known that her very being would become the eye of a storm within her own family? She, who had climbed trees and raced through meadows, now sat listlessly on the edge of her canopied bed, hands clasped tightly in her lap, her knuckles white as bone. Her independence, once a source of pride, felt like a millstone around her neck, dragging her deeper into despair.

In the quiet of her room, save for the soft whisper of her sobs, Amelie's thoughts danced a macabre waltz. The scandal of a young unwed mother would be enough to set tongues wagging, but an unexplained pregnancy? It was inconceivable. Each imagined conversation with her father and brother filled her with dread, the looks of disbelief, the disappointment... it was too much to bear.

The memories of her dreams played before her—a handsome suitor, a loving home, children whose laughter would fill the air—now all seemed to slip through her fingers like grains of sand. Things she never knew she would want once she was old enough. But now she craved those simple dreams with a fervor that stole her breath away. Could there be a place for her in this world where propriety ruled with an iron fist?

"Amelie?" Silke's gentle voice cut through her turmoil, a salve on her raw nerves. "Amelie, we'll figure this out, alright? You're not alone in this."

All Amelie could do was nod, the weight of their kindness and understanding nearly crushing her. How could she possibly repay such devotion when she had caused them so much pain? The sunlight filtering through the lace curtains helped to illuminate the room, but it did nothing to chase away the darkness settling over Amelie's heart.

Then she was left with the harsh reality of her predicament: an uncertain future, and a child to care for. She felt trapped, the walls closing in around her, suffocating her. She needed air, needed escape from the suffocating confines of her gilded cage. Amelie's hand absently rested on her belly, and she felt the first fluttering of life within her, a butterfly asserting its existence. A surge of protective instinct swelled inside her, drowning out the cacophony of her thoughts. She would not let this baby suffer for her mistakes. Amelie Huber was strong, she reminded herself, named after her late grandmother who had endured so much in her own life. This was just another trial to be overcome.

She laid down and finally succumbed to exhaustion, her body no longer able to sustain the tempest of emotions. As sleep claimed her, her breaths grew shallower, her chest rising and falling beneath the layers of her nightgown, stitched with delicate care by hands that now lay limp at her sides.


Hi, this is my second story, but I haven't finished a story yet. Now I'm asking myself how spicy this story should get. I could also leave it as it is. I'm not sure yet. Please help me and leave me your opinion.

Carolancreators' thoughts
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