
The Werewolf King: My Saviour

What happens when you discover that your mate was lying to you so that he can keep you prisoner because he thinks being human makes you unworthy of being an Alpha's mate?

QuiliviaDeTreasure · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs


When I got into the penthouse I rushed to the bathroom and opened a first aid kit. I cleaned my wound with tears still falling from my eyes endlessly. I rejected him, moved to the human territory and she still managed to find me. She was so different from Cade. He was always nice and I knew he tried to stop Aiden but I guess going against an Alpha was not a choice. He thought I was a mistake, I was so stupid to trust him. I walked back to the bedroom as soon as I had my pajamas on. I was tired of crying endlessly so I grabbed my phone to call Alex as usual there was no answer. I took it as a sign, I was alone in this world, mother was part of me but she had a mate now. One that would do anything for her and I was not going to tamper with that. I was not going to be selfish.

I locked myself in the whole weekend enjoying the alcohol that Aiden left behind. This was meant to be a new beginning for me and here I was still hurting and alone. Maybe I was meant to be alone. I suddenly got an idea, I still had money left plus the one I made from the diner was enough to get me by. Yes, I am leaving this town, besides I wouldn't want to run into Cade's mate again. I was going to start over somewhere further away. I stood up and started packing. I didn't have a lot of things but it still took me time to finish. By the time I was done, my phone started ringing, it was Tracy. Some friends she was. I was gone for two days and she didn't even bother calling me. I ignored it. I made the last attempt of calling Alex, "Hello?", a woman picked up. "Who is this?", I asked with a trembling voice. "Oh! Am Dixie", she said cheerfully. I knew Alex didn't have a relative so who was she? my heart started beating fast. I was scared. "Hello?", she said again and I just couldn't answer. "Woman, why are you answering my phone?", it was him, it was his voice, I know it from anywhere. The way he was speaking to her with so much warmth and comfort. It was obvious they were close, close enough to allow her to pick up his phone without permission. "You were taking a shower what was I supposed to do?", she said still cheerful. "Give it to me... Hello, This is Rhodes", he said with a serious voice he always used during his meetings. "Hi Alex", I replied feeling something suffocating me. "Zeb? Am so sorry, there was a lot going on and I just didn't get the time to call you back. How are you?", he said with the voice that I loved hearing and it pained me even more. "I... i...", it was harder than I thought. "Zeb, am sorry. I will explain everything as soon as I get back ok. I know I broke your promise but I promise to be back by next week ok?", that was exactly what he said last time and I had to wait for almost two months. I swallowed hard, my eyes started to water. "Zeb, can you hear me?", he pleaded. I miss him so much, I wanted to believe him but I just couldn't. "I just wanted to tell you that am leaving. The keys will be at Miss Rose's desk", I said then hung up. I switched the phone off, dragging my bags out of the penthouse. I hugged Miss Rose one last time giving him an envelope to give Todd, it was the ring. I drive away crying all my feelings away.

I didn't have a plan so I was just driving aimlessly for hours. I finally stumbled upon a sign written 'Red Moon Pack' now that got my attention, I hit the breaks. I was on the verge of reversing the car so that I could get the hell out of the werewolf territory when I heard a child scream for help. I was about to ignore it thinking it was a trap when I saw her running away from a weird-looking wolf, then I remembered what Alex told me, it was a rogue. I took a gun he gave me that had silver bullets, thanking him for insisting I keep it for protection. I had no idea how to use it but I remember him explaining it to me and that would have to do. I rushed out of the car following them into the woods. She kept screaming, I ran faster until I saw the wolf trying to reach her, she was holding on to a tree like her life depended on it. I aimed and shot the wolf on the hind leg, it turned towards me, barring its canines at me. It was so terrifying. I aimed again then shot it before it could bite me, it was so close that it fell on me, covering me with blood. I heard another sound of paws coming our way, I pushed the dead rogue aside then rushed to the tree. "Hey, buddy, what's your name?", I asked and before he could answer, I was turned and pinned to the tree. It all happened so fast that my head was spinning. "Who are you and what the fuck are you doing in my territory!", the man with a huge scar on his neck asked squeezing my throat. "Alpha stop, she saved my life. She killed that rogue", the boy said. "Quiet Thomas", the man inspecting him said making him look down, he was scared. "Hey! Don't talk to him like that!", I spat making the scarred man squeeze harder. "Speak!", he said and I nod my head pushing his hand away. "My name is Zebrine and I was just passing by when I heard him screaming", I said trying to catch my breath. "You're human. How did you kill a rogue?", he asked calmly. "I shot him with this", I showed him the gun. "Silver bullets, you're a hunter aren't you?", the other man asked. "What? No, my mate gave it to me. He said I should use it to protect myself from rogues", I explained keeping eye contact with the scarred guy who looked surprised. "You said mate", "Yes am mated to a werewolf. Isn't that obvious?", I said rolling my eyes, finally standing and as usual I was nowhere near his height. "Oh goddess Thomas!", a woman screamed as she ran towards the kid along with a man who had relief on his face. "Mummy! The lady saved me from the rogue mummy look", he said showing them the body of the dead rogue. "Get out of my territory. Now!", the scarred man said making me walk away quickly. "Wait. Alpha please... allow us to shelter her for the night as a token of gratitude for saving our son. Please", the man said. "Fine".