
The Watcher of the Dimensions

The watcher is a fanfic novel of fantasy type animation and movie

SaintKing · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
689 Chs

Chapter 5 Charles and Eric

The kids' face paled when they heard this. They never saw a powerful human like Arthur.

Sean asked with curiosity.

" Are there any powerful beings than you? I heard that."

Arthur sighed.

" Don't ask, you will die. The world isn't simple as you see. Gods, devils, supernatural beings, mutants and humans are the tip of iceberg."

Rose nodded.

" Yeah, we met a few powerful mutants before though they weren't interested in any of the events in this worlds."

Havoc shrugged his shoulders.

" Well, that is fine. If they involve themselves in this world, we will have hard time against them."

Arthur laughed.

" Smart. Indeed, that is the truth."

Moira took a deep breath as she tried to calm down.

" Um, sir?"

Arthur gazed at her.

" Sigh* Just don't ask. Although I respect government, I still don't trust them. I have bad blood with your government."

Moira groaned.

" If you have any requests, I can rely them to the higher ups."

Arthur waved his hand.

" Never mind. Let's rest up first."

Next day.

Arthur was reading the newspaper with a bored look.

" Ah, everything looks boring. I need to do something."

Rose who was cooking breakfast said with a calm tone.

" Should we go after him?"

Arthur shook his head.

" Not yet, I couldn't find where was it. Until then we can't touch them."

Rose nodded and minded her job.


Arthur looked at the door and said lightly.

" I will get it. By the way prepare two more portions."

Rose's forehead was filled with black lines.

" Do I look like your slave?"

Arthur smiled brightly.

" Please."

Rose humphed and took out two more bacon.


Arthur opened the door. He saw three young men.

" Right on time. Please get in."

Trio went in with surprised looks. They couldn't figure out how did he find them even though they erased their precense with Charles's power.

Arthur guided them to the kitchen.

" So, I guess you need my help after all. You didn't know how to capture him, did you?"

Charles frowned slightly. He couldn't read Arthur's mind unlike others. He was clueless for the first time.

" You! Who are you?"

Arthur grinned.

" A man who is destined to meet you. It is nice to see you again. Our meeting was little short last time."

Charles wracked his brain, but he couldn't remember where he met Arthur before.

" Excuse me, I have no collection of you. Can you tell me where we have met before?"

Arthur chuckled.

" Honestly, we haven't met in this time, but we have met in the future. You and Eric were there."

Eric didn't believe Arthur's words.

" Huh. Are you some kind of insane?"

Rose who heard this almost blasted away the kitchen. Arthur burst out with laughter.

" Perhaps. But do I need a reason to lie to you?"

Hank pondered for a moment.

" It seems none. But, why didn't you contact them then?"

Arthur swirled his finger.

" Time and space. I can't meet you before our time. This will cause all my work go to the drain."

Hank pressed his palm on his forehead.

" So basically, you are a time traveler. If what you are saying is the truth, there must a worm hole somewhere around our world."

Arthur looked at him with surprise. He never imagined he would someone who is well versed in the science.

" Precisely. Because of my neglince, our world is merging with your world. If I find catalyst, the time axis and space collapse will be stopped. However, I couldn't find forany years. The catalyst must be in hands of Shaw because I felt its energy."

Charles sighed.

" That would be a little difficult for you. His ability can disable most of our power. He is immune to mental attacks and physical attacks."

Eric nodded.

" That is right. Especially he can absorb energy through the impact and kinetic power. Such a ridiculous ability."

Arthur smiled and put his hand on the couch.

" Fortunately, that doesn't apply to me because I use divine power."

Hank tilted his head with confusion.

" Divine power?"

Arthur explained with a serious tone.

" Power of the God. I am somewhat a god."

Charles looked confused.

" Does your world have gods?"