
The Plan

"I promise" Jenny said " Any plan you give me I can stick to. As long as its you"

"So first, we will have a couple code sayings to know its not a projection, recording, or any other type of decieving trick they pull on us."

"Okay how about our middle names?" Jenny suggested

"Hmm? No, we need something they wont be able to figure out from records." he paused thoughtfully, his blue eyes shining in the white moonlight. "How about the color of the paper I wrote our first love note to you on?"

"Hmm not bad" Jenny replied "not bad at all. I remember clear as day. Forest green" That day in art class they had been talking about different colors representing different emotions. Hate and love both were represented by red. Jenny asked why they were the same, why were the two different emotions the same color? Shouldn't they be different? Then, Wren had said love should be represented by forest green because it was such a lovely color, and later he wrote a note to Jenny, the color of the paper a deep forest green.

Wren smiled at Jenny. "Forest green it is" he paused, "getting back to the point, thats not my only plan, if I do get taken and you escape, remember you promised". Jenny nodded and he continued, "The necklace I gave you for your birthday, remember I told you it was special? This morning after I heard the news, I took the necklace and put a tracking chip inside of it since it was broken anyways and you had asked me to fix it. I have the same one on the ring on my finger you gave me for valentines day, so I can track you and you can track me. It will glow green if your within 10 feet of me. Here it is" Wren concluded, extracting the necklace from his jeans pocket.

"Okay. I think I got it" Jenny said "I love you, goodnight"

"Goodnight" Wren said "Stay strong remember my promise" And with that, the two fell asleep wondering what would happen in the days to come.


The next morning...

Wren awoke first, to the sounds of the birds chirping and the sun shining on his forehead. He heard the forest rangers coming. They had followed their footsteps from the days before. He knew what he had to do. Before anything he moved out from under Jenny and scribbled a quick note

I love you Jenny Penny

Remember our promise

Stay strong dont let then catch you

remember the necklace

forest green

destroy the note when your done- Wren

He knew Jenny would be out if sight at such a high branch, but he needed to lure them away from her with a convincing story. So he bolted in a randon direction making extra noise in the trees and bushes he went by. He heard a ranger calling out, he knew he had been heard. He kicked up the speed a notch, not wanting to seem like he was purposely getting caught. He heard heavy footsteps behind him and knew the rangers were gaining on him. Suddenly he felt a heavy figure knock into him, plowing him down and making him fall face first into the dirt.

The man that had plowed him over spoke into his walkie talkie "Subject 142, Wren Thomas, has been apprehended. Im sending my location. Please come with assisstance. The girl may be nearby." he ended the message, and cuffed Wren looking into his face. "Why did you run, son? It will only make everything harder. We are trying to help you"

"You..." Wren spatt out "Will never ever help me. Taking me from my family, my friends"

"Don't worry, you will be cured of the disease soon" The ranger said in a deep monotone. "And soon enough we'll find your little girlfriend too"

"Wait? She was...." Wren pretended to be confused at this "Chosen?"

"Don't pretend like you dont know, idiot, you know she was chosen" the ranger replied.

"You stupid son of a--" Wren said flinging his elbow at the mans face "Don't you dare hurt her" Wren snarled.

"Hey chill, between you and me, we haven't found her yet" the ranger said gruffly.

At that Wrens shoulders relaxed immensely, like a giant weight had been lifted.

They walked back the rest of the way in relative silence, and pausing to speak when the ranger had to speak into his walkie talkie. Wren knew when he was near the tree that Jenny had been staying in, and the said to the ranger, "The trees look nice today. What a lovely shade of forest green".

The ranger first looked at him quizically, then replied "indeed it is"

At first, Wren thought he would also look up into the tree to see if she heard him, but he didn't want to give away her position.

Suddenly he heard a bird calling from where the tree was. It was a wren calling he knew it by heart. Wren breathed out a sigh of relief after hearing that. He knew she was okay. She would make it.

"What are you looking at?" the ranger asked Wren

"The birds, the birds are so beautiful, I will love them forever" Wren told the ranger which only furthered the rangers confusion.

The ranger grunted at the youngster assuming he had already gotten the disease. Acting so strangely about the forest and the birds... he must be crazy...

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