
Run Jenny Run

Jenny darted off to the right, the cool evening air biting into her face. Bolting down the asphalt road barefoot, she was suddenly thankful for all the years in track running, soccer playing, and for once in her life, thankful for gym class. The officer they had sent was quick on her tail, fully decked out in tactical gear, but still very agile and quickly gaining in her, especially since he was wearing shoes, unlike Jenny. She realized she wouldn't gain much ground on him if she kept running down the road, so she suddenly veered off into the woods to her right, disapearing from the officers line of vision. She knew the forest better than anyone, quickly and expertly avoiding branches and trees like she was born to run through there. Eventually, she lost him, but kept running for about ten minutes after she stopped hearing his footsteps plodding behind her. Before the footsteps had stopped, she had heard a shaky voice, tired from the running, calling for backup.

Jenny knew she had to get out of the forest, because in no time, they would be looking for her. She was about to start running away when a strong hand came over her mouth and pulled her into a stiff grip she couldn't escape.

"Its just me" A familiar voice whispered in her ear "I didn't want you to scream". Even though the voice was so uncannily familiar, she was decieved by recordings in the past and wasn't about to make the same mistake. First she relaxed into the grip, faking the person out, she then set her left foot back, and used all of her might to elbow the stranger in the chest making them to fall over backwards.

She whipped around and checked the person, assuming it was another officer, but instead, it was her longtime boyfriend, Wren.

"Shit Wren! You scared the hell out of me! What were you thinking! The officers are coming for me" she was furious and scared to death.

"Hey... Jenny, sorry" he paused for breath. "I didn't want you to scream." Wren said

"Why would you care..." Jenny asked "You're not being hunted"

"Why would I be out here in the middle of the woods?" he paused "for fun? No! I was chosen too. Remember I left for that summer trip? They recorded all my absences as unexcused and marked all my scores at zero. They were in the middle of fixing it when THIS happened. Not like I was a straight A student anyways..." Wren said.

Jenny remembered it all now. They had a bug in the grading system. So all of the already bad B's and C's Wren had were automatically turned into F's when they never entered the grades. This turned Wrens already low GPA even lower, causing him to be picked for the lowest in the district.

"Oh" Jenny said softly in realization looking into his deep blue eyes. "But Wren, what are we going to do?"

"We're gonna run" Wren replied, even softer "And we'll fight. Fight till we have nothing left"

Jenny nodded in anticipation, shivering still from the cold wind.

So thats what they did. They ran.

Jennys wild dirty blonde hair danced around her petite face as she darted through the forest. Eventually they stopped to take a break and Jenny and Wren bith found various cuts and bruises all over them from the branches and plants in the forest.

"We need to figure out what were going to do" Wren said. "They're going to know the obvious places to look for us, and they'll expect us to go to the blockaded areas around the state borders, but instead lets head south towards the Keys. I have a beach house there we can probably stay at." Wren said drawing a map in the dirt with a twig he found.

"Alright" Jenny said "I just feel like they're gonna find us no matter what we do" Jenny continued, sitting on Wrens lap and combing a hand through his dirt filled hair.

"Hey, we'll get through this baby" Wren said, gently kissing Jenny's soft forehead.

Jenny smiled up at Wrens face and replied "I just hope so". Half an hour later, the sun set leaving the two in the darkness to look at the stars. They climbed up high in one of the sturdiest looking trees and strapped themselves onto a branch like Katniss had done in the Hunger Games. Jenny laid down on Wren, whos back was leaning against the rough, dark, trunk of the tree.

"I love you" Wren said. "My Jenny Penny, I will love you always and forever. I promise we can get through this. I want you to know, if they take me back to the program tomorrow morning, I'll distract them. You just run. Run like hell out of here and make it out of here alive do you understand me." Wren said sternly, tearing up.

A tear only barely visible by the moonlight leaked down Jenny's face. "I can't... Can't leave you..." she cried.

"Yes you can" Wren said "Promise me" he hugged her tighter and whispered gently in her ear "promise"

"Okay" Jenny cried softly "I promise"

"Alright" Wren said "I have a plan but you have to follow it no matter what ok?"

These first chapters are pretty long. They might not continue to be so long and I may not update very often. But I will try! Please enjoy.

alexagirl300creators' thoughts
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