

You can find +15 chapters ahead on my patreøn



[Pietro Maximoff POV]

"Yes, yes. I heard you loud and clear the first time." 

If one were to ever ask a question to Pietro about how his life turned out, he would say everything was going well swimmingly but the only thing he didn't like ironically turned out to be tied to the thing he loved most about himself. 

His speed. 

The same ability that made the speed of sound look like toddler jogging to him was the same ability that turned him to an over glorified errand boy, mailman and a janitor. 

Running all over the country and the wider globe like a certain mythological speed god. 

Other than taking out a few gangs and cartel, he was also tasked with taking out the strays that were too far and wide which includes, and not limited to, mutants, kingpins, crazy scientists and any of the immoral ilk. 

He just received a voice note(try three) from Vision about the splintered groups of mutants that defected from the Magneto's Brotherhood after he was caught and imprisoned. 

'Maybe I should slow down for this one?' He thought. 

One of the disadvantages of being a speedster in a youngster's body was how he used his speed for almost everything, making him more bored than most for the entire day. 

He arrived at the place they were using as a hideout, an underground fighting ring. "Seems like the one spearheading these guys has a few good points on his IQ."

They were using one of their own members who had an unnoticeable mutation and enhanced physique to win a lot of the matches. 

"Knock, knock. Anybody home?" Not caring a bit for tact, Pietro loudly knocked on a door and waited for the other party to open it. 

According to his tech lenses, there were seven people in the room in front of him and they were going over the records and their winnings for the day. 

The door was slightly opened and a massively buff guy with a gruff voice squinted his eyes as he saw Pietro standing there. "What do you want pal? Night's already over."

"Oh I didn't come for that. Someone wants you to vacate the premises."

"Hey, what's the bozo saying, Vince?"

"He's saying some stupid-" 

His words came to an abrupt stop as he looked down at his chest and saw a blurry hand sticking inside his body through the door. 

Pietro drew back his hand and the man immediately slumped down after going through cardiac arrest. 

"M… m…tant." He managed to croak out before his darkness took over his consciousness. 

The others in the room immediately reacted upon seeing their friend slumping. Though they didn't clearly hear what he said, they came to the likely conclusion and had no thoughts of holding back. 

The door was riddled with bullets the very next second after Vince slumped and it continued for the next ten seconds before it stopped, revealing over a hundred holes on the door and walls. 

"That's kind of cool, I think. Shooting out some kind of metal pebbles at twice the speed of sound." Pietro said after putting the last stack of cash inside a duffel bag before shrinking it and putting it inside of a pouch in his utility belt. 

"Who are you? Did that bastard Marcel send you? We can talk this out and come to an understanding. Mutant to mutant." One of them took the lead and tried to settle whatever was going on without fighting by appealing to the common camaraderie between mutants. 

"Sorry pal. Your eviction notice is due."  Pietro smirked as he caught the hardened hair shot at him between his fingers. "Strong and fast."

Before any of them could react, time slowed down as Pietro walked around them and tapped different joints on their body. 

Six thuds resounded in the room as they all fell like noodles, knocked out cold, leaving Pietro bored once again. 

Unfortunately for these guys, they went into Vision's naughty list as soon as they started making deals with the local crime lords and gangs. 

If they had stuck to their underground fixed matches, they would have been left alone but greed for power was something the ambitious had in spades. 

"Would you look at this? Nice execution."

Pietro's figure blurred to the other end of the room as he heard the voice behind his ears. 

His eyes captured the figure of a seductively beautiful woman garbed in all black with a playful smile on her face. 

"No need to be alarmed, my little cutie. I just need someone with a little more power to perform a few tasks for me." She said and took a step towards Pietro. 

Having already identified the woman in front of him thanks to his contact lenses and Vision's databank, Pietro made the most normal and obvious decision he could take at that moment.

"Quite the playful youngster, I see." She commented. 

Pietro ran. 

Wanda was a pain to deal with before she started practicing magic and now someone Vision classified as extremely dangerous just showed up behind him. Of course he'd run! 

'Contact Vision: The Black Queen is on my ass!' He hastily gave the command and the next second he found himself back in the same room.

"Shit!" Time had already slowed down and he was about to run away again but he unexpectedly crashed into a magic barrier. 

"Now, now. Don't be so hasty to leave. I need a strong servant to infiltrate the Avengers and you'd do just well."

She had tried locating the people at the last place Trask was and of the three energy signatures she identified, one was shrouded from her prying eyes, the other was but a mutant child and the last was the prize she currently had her eyes on until she figures out what is blocking her tracking spell. 

Since she had already identified that they were part of the Avengers, she opted against directly attacking them and chose one of the stronger ones and luckily for her, this one literally ran into her hands. 

She'd read his memories first then make a few changes to it and have him run around the Avengers until he outruns his use. 

Pietro struggled to escape the hold she had on him, vibrating his body the fastest he could in hopes of phasing through whatever had him bound down. 

"Don't worry, I'll make sure it doesn't hurt… much." He heard her say with a chuckle as she drew closer and placed a hand on his head. 


[Vision POV] 

I already had everything set up for Sarah to step into the spotlight of the medical field with the miraculous discovery of a permanent cure for stage 3 cancer. 

The forged documents said that she's a geneticist under one of the research facilities that Stark Industries had a partnership with after the Stark Expo. 

I was about putting the finishing touches in my perfectly calculated plan to take over the medical sector when Pietro's distress signal came in. 

[Emergency message from Pietro Maximoff:

>The Black Queen is on my ass!] 

"That fast?" I blurted out. "ULTRON, how effective will my counter against the Black Queen hold out?"

<<97.3%. A drawn out battle at this point in time is not advised due to the elusive nature of magic.>>

I beamed myself to Pietro's location and arrived at the scene to witness Selene Gallio putting her hands on Pietro's head. 

I blasted her with an upgraded version of my former energy thanks to the upgrade of fusing with Kang's armor. 

The barrier she had around her and Pietro stood their ground against my initial blast. 

"Just the man I wanted to see." I didn't care about what she wanted to spout as laser beams trailed from my eyes and impacted her barriers, bringing a surprised frown to her face as the barrier gained cracks and shattered the very next moment and the lasers struck her but she deftly evaded it by bursting in black fumes. 

The lasers reached Pietro and impacted against the magnetic barrier installed in his suit which I had forcefully activated the moment I arrived. 

I shrunk him and stored him inside my body before facing the frowning Selene. 

"I'd say you owe me an explanation for this but we don't know each other well enough to owe the other anything."

"Wisely said." The frown on her face melted into a calm smile as she spoke. "You were rude in interrupting my time with that cute boy you just stole away. I believe I deserve some sort of compensation for that."

My retort came out as swift as my mind came up with it. "Sorry, I'm his ward for all intent and purposes and I can't let pedophilia happen before my eyes."

"Tsk. Tsk. You are not so cute, and less fun than my little toy so I'll be taking him back." 

Black fog covered my vision but I wasn't much concerned about it since my geographical compass told me I was still in the same room meaning I haven't switched locations and this was just an attack spell. 

A yellow barrier covered me and blasted outwards, disrupting whatever spell she was casting and clearing the fog. 

She didn't show any sort of reaction to me destroying her spell and I knew why when the fog covered me again out of nowhere with twice its density. 

My senses sent a ping of an attack from behind which I dodged by shrinking and enlarging at the same as some type of black scaly and bony hand tried grabbing me. 

I destroyed it with a concussive kinetic blast and created a swirling vacuum in the middle of my hands as I brought them together with a clap. 

The entire place exploded and the room was destroyed, with Selene nowhere in sight. 

"Did she pull back? Why?" The state of the room, particularly the state of the bodies laying around. 

Their bodies were pale white and all scrunched up and were currently slowly turning to dust. 

[Every cell in their bodies have been drained of the tiniest amount of vitality in it] 

"Black magic. Can't say I expected something else."

My location changed as I arrived in the Compound and brought out Pietro to check what Selene might have done to him. 

I let out a sigh of relief after the scan that showed that she was messing with his mind and I had put a stop to it before she could get into the speedsters head. 

Just to be sure, I did a few more scans and they all came out with the same result of attempted mental manipulation, before waking Pietro up. 

"Are you alright?" 

"Tell me the dream of a black witch about to eat away my mind wasn't real."

"I think I just got my answer."

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