
The Villainous Apostle: The Killer's Second Chance

The book isn't working like i thought, if you want you can read my main book, it has about 200 chapters and still going strong... What happens when a psycho killer and assassin is given a second shot in life with a system that can potentially make him stronger? Will he begin his new life for the better? Absolutely Fucking Not! Cary Smith, a 56-year-old psychopath killer, and assassin died of blood loss in some backway alley after being shot by police. He awoke in a dark area and witnessed the craziest thing he could have imagined. [System initializing...] …" [Getting information…] “What!” [Cary Smith…] [Transmigrating the soul to a parallel universe] [Generating a new identity] Apostle of the Demon Lord “Lucifer” System name: Urith Message from Lord Lucifer: Bring carnage wherever you go; your body and age will never hold you back now] hihihehehehahahahah....I can't wait to fuck some women and kill some in this new world. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Targets - 50 power stones (1 bonus Chapter) Golden Tickets- help me to reach ranking for more bonus chapters Castle- 2 bonus chapter Warning: The story will have strong language, Violence, and sex. Extra Tags: Pure Evil, Ruthless, Fantasy, 18+ This novel is entering in WSA, help me to get this novel on top :) Instagram: mahaksh7 (you can chat with me, official illustration and concept art will also be uploaded here very soon) Read my other novel: The Moonlight Swordsman Discord: https://discord.gg/yMQcQRwYe7 (for my main novel for now, you chat and discuss here, or even make suggestions) Cover- midjourney

Mahaksh · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Time to Complete the Quest

Deimos opened his eyes slowly to the warm glow of morning light flowing through the window. He felt warm and comfortable, but as he looked about, he realized Rose was nowhere to be seen.

With a lazy yawn, he got up from the bed and dressed himself before making his way towards the main hall.

The aroma of freshly cooked breakfast welcomed him as he stepped in, and he noticed Rose bustling in the kitchen, cooking up a storm. She turned to face him and smile.

"Breakfast will be ready in 5 minutes,"


Deimos sat at the table, rubbing his chin, lost in thought about his quest for Lucifer.

He knew he still had to take out more newbies and create chaos in the leveling zone to complete the quest.

Today seems a good day to earn some exp hihiheheh.." he thought.

The appetizing aroma of a plate of breakfast snapped Deimos out of his thoughts, and he glanced up to see Rose setting down the dish before him.

His tummy growled in anticipation as the omelet and bread looked and smelled delicious.

"So what are you going to do today?" Rose asked as she sat in front of her with her breakfast.

"I have some work to do today, so I will be busy. What about you?"

"Okay, then I will visit some of my friends; you can text me or call whenever you are free, and we can go and level up.

"Let's quickly reach level 5 and run some portals and dungeons. We will be able to get more weapons, artifacts, and rewards in that way."

"Sounds like a plan then,"

More artifacts, weapons, and corpses mean more money hihi, I need to get leveled up fast now," he thought.

Deimos savored the omelet and bread as he enjoyed Rose's company during breakfast.

After bidding her farewell, he left the building and called for a taxi. His mind was now focused on his quest from Lucifer: to kill more newbies and cause chaos in the leveling zone.

After 15 minutes...

The taxi screeched to a halt, and Deimos fished out 20 quesos from his pocket to pay the fare.

Once he got out of the vehicle, he walked towards the leveling zone.

Deimos quickly summoned his Ratmorph Fang and attached his dagger to his belt.

He moved cautiously through the deep jungle, avoiding any monsters that might come his way.

For the time being, his top priority was to locate and eliminate any low-level humans in the area.

He soon discovered his first victims: a group of four people who were scavenging around the remains of dead monsters. These were different monsters from the ones he had been hunting, likely to be different from Ratmorph.

Backstabber," he thought.

[Title: Backstabber Equipped]

As Deimos approached the group of four, he moved quickly and silently, trying to avoid detection.

He gripped his new dagger tightly in his palm and thrust the blade into the back of the first member of the group, catching them off guard.

[Special trait activated: -1 health per sec]

"Who the fuck are you?"

"How dare you.."

One of them charged at Deimos, his blade slashing downward. Deimos evaded the strike and retaliated by thrusting his dagger into the attacker's chest.

Without missing a beat, he spun around and caught the third person off guard, delivering a lethal blow to their neck.

[Special trait activated: -1 health per sec]

[Special trait activated: -1 health per sec]

Deimos easily dispatched the last remaining member of the group, who was visibly shocked by the quick and lethal attack.

These people were nothing more than children in the eyes of Deimos, a seasoned killer and assassin who had been refining his skills since childhood.


[Alex Level 2 Slain!]

[Soul absorbed]

[David Level 2 Slain!]

[Soul absorbed]

[Deep Level 2 Slain!]

[Sould absorbed]

[Rex Level 2 Slain!]

[Soul absorbed]

[Exp Gained: 20]

[Name: Deimos (Apostle of the Demon Lord "Lucifer")

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Level: 3 (25/150)

Class: ?

Title: Backstabber (Not Equipped)

Strength: 31 Agility: 31 Stamina: 31

Health: 26 Mana: 166 Int: 31

Machoness: Max Money: 530 quesos

Skill point: 0 Stat point: 1

Weapon: Ratmorph Fangs (Common Grade)

Skills: Hand-to-hand combat (mastery), Sniping (mastery), Gun fu (mastery), Daggers and knives (weapon mastery), Boulder's Rain (Grade 1)]

*Tsk* Only level 2 and didn't even get any stats or skill points."

"Let's see if they have any loot or money."

Deimos searched over the fallen party's corpses, hoping to find some valuable loot.

Unfortunately, he only found 100 quesos in total.

The weapons they carried were of such low quality that he didn't even bother picking them up. There were no scrolls or magical items on them, so Deimos moved on to continue his hunt for more profitable targets.

Deimos continued his hunt for low-level newbies in the forest, killing anyone he encountered.

Despite the fact that the experience he gained from them was minor, he managed to gather approximately 250 quesos in all, raising his account balance to 780 quesos.

He wasn't able to find any quality loot, but the quesos were a welcome addition. With his kill count rising, he was only 20 exp away from leveling up, which was a good sign for him.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Power stones :)

Mahakshcreators' thoughts