
Guess I am a Villain!? Shocking?


That was all I could say, it seemed like I forgot how to speak. All I could do was just stare at the person, for more accurate description an elf, and for an even more accurate description, a girl. Ever since my transmigration into this world, I had become confident around ladies and maidens in distress. In my last world, women would actually pay me to not be seen with them. Now with my awesome new body, women want me to be around them. It was a funny site, the prettiest girl was sitting on my bed and she looked so innocent. Except there was a small dagger in her right hand! And the way she held it, I instantly knew that she knew how to exactly use that dagger. Not that it was scary to me, since becoming overpowered, challenges are welcomed at my doorway. So far all challengers or to say nations, have gone home crying. While I was lost in my thought the girl kept speaking.

"Hello there Finn. I am the Hero Sophie, and I am here to talk with you."

"So, how ya been?"

All I could possibly do was start staring and wondering what the hell was going on. She is inside my room somehow, without the palace guards noticing and literally sitting on my bed. Though it sounded nice, the Hero was sitting right in front of me and all I could do was think..."Duh". And did she just ask me "How am I doing?" I mean we are sworn enemies and I don't know if she knows, but I could just slit her throat with my brand new birthday present and live my life filled with luxuries. In my head, I felt I could just slit her throat or stab her in her heart, but my heart had for some reason decided to rebel. This random girl, very beautiful mind you, is the hero and now I have to kill her with my own two hands. And all I could do was stare at her, while she hummed and came closer to me with the dagger. While all this was happening, my hands instantly clenched my sword and I got ready to battle. My heart will have to just commit suicide again. Seeing this the Hero or should I say Heroine, closed in our distance at a fast speed. And our battle commenced, here is a commentary of what happened, although as a man I did try to go easy on her.

"Mr. Finn approaches the arena, while Mrs. Sophie walks solemnly closer to him."

"Both have their weapons ready! Over here we have Finn the Villain with his trusty-rusty looking sword, while on this side we have Sophie the Hero, or is it Heroine, with her dagger sharper than glass or whatever."

"Who will strike first?!"

"Seems like Mrs. Sophie will be the first person to strike, she uses the spell 'Plasma-Dagger' to strengthen her dagger and charge it up with the life giving force of light. With it she goes in for a jab!!!"

"Finn blocks it with his 'Shadow Sword', Mrs. Sophie is moving very fast and is too agile for the Villain. The Hero sees in opening, she goes to stab his gut! Oh! But that was just a fake, Mr. Finn has trapped the hero. He parries her blade and sends it flying out of her hands. Then he quickly uses "Dark Binding" to bind her feet and hands. As, Mrs. Sophie comes falling down, with a not-so-ladylike landing, and Mr. Fin is the champion!"

"Oh! What a fantastic battle, but our Prince is really the Devil...and the Devil uses twisted ways to win! What a grand show!"

And that was really about it. The Hero turned out to be just an elf, who has immense light magic, but no combat experience whatsoever. And still that God was afraid of her, I wonder why she is so "threatening" to him. I mean someone who looked that cute, could never be a killer. Right? No matter, Sophie was lying on the floor squirming like a worm. Calling me names, that I cannot repeat...Let's just say by the time she quieted down, I wanted to kill her. But something was holding me back and I don't know why I didn't want to kill her. Her beauty was messing with my head. I picked her up in my arms and carried her onto the bed, it was not one of my best ideas! She proclaimed the king of perverts and I just dropped her on the floor. Which earned me another great nickname, basically I was a useless idiot who couldn't do anything right. She was just a sore loser., and I had some questions of mine that needed to be answered. An elf girl who is abnormally cute, or the Hero I needed answers. Our conversation was at best traumatic. I did get some information out of her, which is tough to get from her, since she is worse than a depressed teenager! I learned that, although she was the Hero, she isn't able to defeat the Demon Lord on her own, aka Creepy Dude who Summoned me. She was an elf and elves are not supposed to kill, it makes sense as to why my mother only used her powerful light magic for only firework displays. Because of that she had no proper training at all, apparently there is a prophecy that states, the Hero will have someone that will aid her in her mission. Apparently she thinks I am that guy, even though I am the guy that was summoned to kill her. The prophecy is honestly pretty straightforward.

Author's Note: "What is this dude doing?" He has the cutest elf girl in front of him and the doofus is so depressed he can't even describe what she looks like! I mean I always wanted a girl with blonde hair and big blue eyes. I mean just look at that, slim figure, and her hands are small. They would perfectly fit into my hands...That smile is so contagious and her dressing style is rad. The Amethyst purple cloak and then her light armor on her, makes her look like a warrior princess. I need her address...Ahem!

The prophecy is almost like a love letter, it makes me wanna barf but also tells me that I might have a chance at pulling the Hero. Not that, it matters. Well it kind of does. I mean how likely are you to be transported to another world, and you get to kidnap a beautiful girl that came to kidnap you. I can just imagine being called a Master, I meant in a nice PG way, of course!

"Called through the enemies hands,

Thy shalt be the Hero's guide,

Only with him and his plans,

Will the Hero defeat the Demon's Pride,

The Demon will have to be deceived,

Only the Hero can make him understand his will"

It is a very straight forward prophecy, apparently centuries hold, and according to Sophie I am the guide who was summoned. The world's fate depends on me and I am not sure that I trust the prophecy entirely. So just for the heck of it, I tied her to the couch in my room, and let her there. Elf girls are actually pretty hard to shut up and I didn't want my parents sending guards up to check on us. Knowing my mother, with her beautiful eyes, she will think of the worst outcomes. Ranging from her boy sexually assaulting this poor girl to me getting murdered by my own girlfriend. And she might even forgive this lunatic and decide to have us married, definitely this one, while my father will just agree wholeheartedly.

Author's Note: That depressed stinkbug better not touch my Sophie, I mean the Hero...Makes me wanna get him killed right now. What's a loser like him trying to rizz up that beautiful elf girl. If I was the MC, I would give her my life. Um, I meant I would protect her.

After adjusting for a while, I tried to sleep. With one thought creeping into my head, this would technically count as the first time a girl was sleeping in my room. As a boy, I am proud to say although this achievement was entirely a mistake, she did try to kill me, I am a true man now! Now that I think of it, Sophie's face is so perfect! Her blue eyes were big and round and very expressive, along with her small elf ears that I so wanted to touch. And she was a foot shorter than me, I am exactly six feet tall, while she is like five nine...the perfect height. And here I go thinking again, I need to kill the hero. The Creep Looking Down From Above will only then let me go, why didn't I just stay dead. My life is getting more and more complicated than it was before...A prophecy...I am in love...I am a man...and the Demon Lord wants me to kill the hero...But there might be a way around it...And I am considered a Villain throughout this realm...I really need to start doing things for myself. As I closed my eyes, the last thing I saw was Sophie's head falling down elegantly onto her chest as she started to softly fall asleep. So beautiful...


Late at night, we see two demons flying to the tallest tower in the palace. The two demons silently swoop down through the window. Moonlight being their only source of light, they look through the window for a minute, trying to listen for any sounds of someone awake. These monsters had two large horns sporting through their foreheads and their faces were horrifying to look at. Teeth as sharp as knives were being displayed, as fangs sprouted through the lips. And their eyes were lifeless, with only a dark pupil reflecting no light. They were tall and rippled with muscles, with every flap of their bat-like wings. As they communicated with each other, the demons silently crept up onto the ledge of the window and landed inside a room. In the room, they noticed two bodies one of a elf girl tied up and sleeping on the plush velvety couch next to the bed, while the human boy slept on his bed with a dark blade clung tightly on his chest. As the demons crept around the room the elf girl stirred. Her ears were tingling and she started to murmur. One of the demons, the darker of the two took out his weapon hidden in its sheath. He took a spear out and started the motion to stab the elf girl, when she opened her eyes...Bright blue eyes stared into the demon's black lifeless pupils.

I woke up to screaming, and before I knew it my body reacted on its own accord. I instantly leapt out of the bed, whipping out my sword in the air as my eyes glowed with power. I attacked the figure over Sophie with such force, that it didn't even get the chance to ready itself. In that instant, I felt a fury taking over me. Noticing the other demon through my senses, I detected him near the window trying to make an escape...but he met the same fate as his friend. Both of the demons heads, had been clean cut off and Sophie had blood over her face. She started to cry and I just lost it. Grabbing her by the neck, I started to shake her, yelling at her to tell me what just happened. I was shocked and terrified, in this world I wanted to live and this stupid girl had almost ended my life. Had not been for her screaming and had she been a bit late, I would have been dead along with her. At that moment, I decided to end her life. Except my hands wouldn't move, instead my sword was suddenly too heavy to draw out. I felt angry, but I still couldn't kill this girl. As I let go of her, blood dripped from my hair onto the carpet and I went to the bathroom to clean myself up. Looking in the mirror I looked at myself and saw my reflection. I looked dead inside, this was the first time someone had tried to assassinate me. My father had forced me to fight in many wars, but at that time I was aware of my surroundings. This stupid girl was messing my life up and I the most overpowered being in this world, couldn't manage enough courage to kill her. Stupid elf girl was still sobbing...and I was getting irritated. After a while, it stopped and I stepped outside to see Sophie lying on the ground with her eyes closed. Something took over me.

She couldn't hear me, my senses and abilities had been lifted with shadow magic and I was undetectable to any form of sensory. As she lay there, I took out my sword, picked her up and jumped out of the windows. Something had to be done about her and it was better to do it in the quiet. It was still late at night and the moon shone brightly, as I jumped from rooftop to rooftop with her body hunched over my shoulder. A quick strike to her neck and she fainted. I don't know why I should feel any regrets. Since, she did try to kill me but for some reason I felt the betrayal she had in her eyes, when I had struck her. Hero or not, she was ruining my life and I needed to send her far away. I will not be her guide, the Demon Lord has chosen me to kill her, but I can't do that. So as the Villain, I will take a step and let her survive but in a place where she will never become powerful enough to challenge that stupid God. As blood dripped from my face onto her face, I realized maybe I am a Villain, who not just accept it. The backstory of a villain is always a depressed guy having issues and then killing the world. Trying to run away from my fate was just stupid, all I was in my old world was a revengeful crackhead and in this world I am an overpowered guy who kills for his country. But in reality I enjoy it. Because if I didn't than wouldn't I have just quit or hesitated to take up arms.

"Tonight I am born! Not God or Fate can decide what I become. I accept who I am, and will conquer this world! She is just a killer like me and the Demon Lord is just like me. Rather I take this world for myself and challenge the wrath of God himself"

And with that, I dropped the Hero from the height of a two story building. Hoping that she wasn't dead, but at the same time letting go of her and my feelings. I had become a shell of a human body. A machine which could only reason and execute, that night on my birthday, I truly became the Villain. As I looked down at the crumpled heap of the beautiful elf girl on the ground, blood flowing from skulls, and her eyes were finally open.

Author's Note: I knew it, he was just a wretch. Finn likes to "crumple" people a lot doesn't he. First he decides to save her and then he decides to drop her. I wonder if she will live or die.

An elf girl, lays on the ground, she stared up and looked to see the silhouette of a man. His silvery white hair glistened with the moon light, as Sophie wondered to herself, "Why?" In just one day, she had met someone, and so many phases of emotions she had gone through. The world depended on her and the guide she found turned out to be worse than a demon. A being that plays with his prey before executing them. Sophie closed her eyes, as the blood dripped on her from above as the man floated away.

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