

I'm in the middle of a field of flowers.

I can hear the sound of a train passing behind me but I pay it no mind as all my attention was on the young child in front of me.

She looked about seven years old. Her wavy brown hair and eyes of the same color felt strangely familiar to me.

The child let out a wide smile while looking at me.

Seeing the smile on her face, I felt strangely happy.

Many questions came to my mind,

'Who was this child?'

'Why's she all alone?'

But these thoughts all go away from my mind as the child turns around and starts running towards the opposite side of the field.


Don't go.

I try to follow her but my body refuses to move.

While running the child turns her head around and says,

" *&*$"

What's she saying?

I can't understand her.

I raise my hand towards her and hope for something to happen, maybe she'll stop. But that doesn't happen and the girl runs away.

I can't see her now. I don't know how much time has passed but I still can't move.

Now that the girl was gone, I felt that a part of me had gone missing.

I know. It's stupid.

I don't even know who the child is, so how could I be this sad?

'I hope she's alright.', just as I think this, I feel something touching my legs.

I look down to find the girl's head lying near my feet, that bright smile still plastered over her face.

I try to scream… to do anything at all but my body refuses to do anything that I want it to do.

All I can do is stare at her head.

Why would anyone do something so inhumane?

I feel tears falling down from my face… it seems that I can cry at least.

Who did this to her?...

As if to answer my question, a voice whispers into my ear,

"You did."


I open my eyes panting heavily.

A migraine torments my head, I massage my head to lessen the pain even a little.

I feel like I had a weird dream, but I don't remember what exactly it was about.

After my headache subsides, I finally take not of my surroundings. They felt unfamiliar to me.

I was in a completely white room; I wasn't alone either.

I stop counting the number of people in the room as I count past fifty. They all were just starting to wake up and it seems they had headache as well as evident from the frown on some of their faces.

Who are these people?...


Who am I ?

I couldn't remember who I was… why didn't I notice that until now.

Until now I had felt strangely calm but this revelation sent me into a frenzy of panic, sweat starts forming at my forehead and I could hear my heart pounding faster and faster as time went by.

It doesn't matter if you don't know everyone in a room…. But if you don't know yourselves than that means that you're knee deep in some sketchy shit.

Was I part of some kind of experiment or something ?

I had seen a lot of movies with a plot like that.


Wait, how can I remember the plot of a movie I watched… when I can't even remember my own name ?

None of the questions that I had were answered, but the pile of questions I had kept on increasing.

By now everyone in the white room had woken up and everyone was equally confused. Commotion started to rise in some parts of the large room but I pay them no mind.

Why should I care about others, when I'm scared shitless ?

Just as the tension in the room was going to hit the roof, a door that I didn't even knew existed opened and a man wearing a brioni suit came inside.

Everybody in the room turns their attention towards this mysterious man.

From the way he carried himself, he seemed like one of those caring grandfathers you see in movies, his hair had started graying and his piercing black eyes seemed to be hungry for something. He walked with a cane; its tip was fashioned in the shape of a skull.

The smile on the old man's face didn't match with the mood in the room.

Some of the people started speaking up,

"Where are we?"

"Who are you?"

One man just fell to the floor and started sobbing.

"P-please let me go.", the man manages to start to stutter out.

Seeing the man so miserable, the smile on the old man's face vanishes.

Maybe there's some sort of reasonable explanation to this', I think as I see the concerned look on the old man's face.

He walks forward towards the sobbing man and raises him up from the ground. He smiles at the man kindly and says in an utterly flat voice,


Saying that he lightly slaps the sobbing man and the man... bursts into a million pieces.

Shock, fear and all kinds of emotions pass through me as I witness the scene in front of me. As I was standing close to the sobbing man, some of whatever was left of him had gotten on me.

I felt sick but I don't even have the courage to move... so I just stand there utterly and completely terrified.

The man who was completely covered in blood, walked back to the front of the crowd, he still had that smile on his face. Nobody was asking questions now.

They were just silently praying for their own survival.

The old man faces the crowd with that eerie smile on his face, he says in a flat voice,

"Anymore whiners?''

A satisfied expression envelops the old man's aged face as no one replies to his provocation.

"To answer your previous question, I'm known by many names… Satan, Lucifer, Beelzebub, Mephistopheles, Iblis. I'm sure that you've heard about me from somewhere or the other."

The man waits for the crowd to register what he just said and continues on to say,

"Now that you know who I am… I suppose there isn't much else to say other than: Welcome to Hell."



Carrot_Dudecreators' thoughts
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