

I checked the time and it was exactly 4:30pm. The time for knocking off from work and I had to head home. I have been working for two weeks now. And it's so boring and tiresome at work.

Is this how work life is? I questioned myself.

I started walking, as it was not that far from home. Only 20 minutes to walk. I passed by the casino that was just along the road. In our area, only jobless people spend 24 hours of their time at the casino, and since I started working I was looking at a person spending his whole time at this place. I don't even understand why. He doesn't look like one of the kind. And now that I'm going home I see him right there again.

"This dude surely has nothing to do with this life?" I thought.

I passed by going straight home. I bumped into my best friend since we were kids, she is still my best friend, up until now.

Hey Hanna, where are you coming from this time? I asked her surprisingly.

"I was here and decided to check up on you. Elena said that you are at work? Seriously you are working? Who would have known Nicki the great would go to work? The world is really surprising? Tell me more? Oh I see the reason why you didn't tell me, you knew I would laugh at you the whole day on the phone. So since you didn't tell me, I will laugh the whole year." She rushed in words as always.

I was talkative but she is the worst. Maybe that's why I loved her so much.

"Say something and stop smiling." She mumbled happily after I wasn't responding.

"Just shut up Hanna. It's just a part time job. I won't stay long. I will start my own business very soon. Why do you like making a big deal out of nothing? I wish my sister would have said nothing." I giggled.

"Mm why do you make me feel bad always?" She asked pretending to feel bad.

"You are the last person to feel bad buddy. I said making fun of her. Oh and when are you moving to your new big bossy house?" I changed the topic.

"Very soon I can't wait. But that area is full of rich people I don't know how I will manage." She said with a sad face.

"Don't worry my baby; if you will live there then you will be one of the rich kids. Just don't forget me. And guess what, if I was you, I could have forgotten you already." I said and she laughed.

"You wouldn't dare. She snapped and she rushed to the cab that stopped besides us.

I reached home and I was so tired. I cooked the dinner for everyone then I went to bed, just then I received a call from my boyfriend, Rodney.

"Hello darling, how have you been?" He spoke from the other end.

"I'm fine just tired. I want to sleep now please." I replied.

"So when should I call then." He sadly said and I felt bad.

"Don't worry you can call me tomorrow lunch hour." I said and he disconnected. What a boyfriend he is, he can't even say good night, Poor me, Poor Nicole." I thought to myself and chuckled.

Just as I lay down to rest I received a message from Hanna.

"Hi girl, Can you believe were moving in tomorrow? I'm so bored. It's too far from you, but I will be coming at your work place, and you will be visiting me too".

"It's okay girl I will be visiting you. For now I have to sleep. Good night. Please say hi to George for me."

"Why do you always make me smile when I'm sad? George and I are just friends, Shame on you and Rodney. You people can't be seriously dating".

"Whatever girl, you always deny your boyfriends. I'm just used now. And how does he look like now? I want to badly see him".

"You are so funny. He doesn't exist to you, Maybe only in pictures one day. Anyway, I have to get ready for tomorrow so good night".

"Good night idiot, sleep tight". After dropping my last text, I lay on the bed and dozed off.