
The Vampire King's Obsession

"Because you are her--Abigail. Your soul is one. Even though I want her to come back to me, if I remember having to sacrifice you, I can't. If only I could choose, I would choose to keep you without sacrificing anyone." 嗯是苏㕶质检总局进啊进啊进

sakurai_yuki · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Feel guilty?

"I am your master, and you are my servant. If a servant makes a mistake, he must be punished!" Kinsley said.

The dining room turned into a tense place with Kinsley and Alesha arguing. Kinsley, holding back to see Alesha's rebellion, finally approached her. Kinsley grabbed Alesha's chin and pointed her right in front of his eyes.

"Alesha, listen carefully. If only you had been more obedient and not interfered with things that were none of your business, I wouldn't have done anything harsh to you. I'm not one to bully women easily, but since you're the one who stirred up trouble in the first place, don't blame me for doing something even crueler than this!" Kinsley withdrew his hand and let Alesha leave his presence.

"Kinsley, you're a devil!" Alesha said.

With tears in her eyes, Alesha ran out of the dining room and up the stairs to her room.

Aunt Margareta felt sorry for Alesha, a woman who didn't know better than to take the wrath of a man like Kinsley.

"Sir, it seems you were too harsh on Miss Alesha. You shouldn't take your anger out on Alesha, who doesn't know anything." Aunt Margareta said, trying to make sense.

"Auntie, you don't need to interfere. Alesha will sooner or later become the sacrifice of the blood full moon night ritual. Why should I have compassion for her? Abigail is waiting to wake up from her long sleep anyway. There's no reason for me to take pity on Alesha."

"Sir, you say so only to cover up your true feelings. You're too afraid that you'll fall for Miss Alesha and forget your purpose."

"Shut up, you Auntie! Don't speak any further. I'm doing this because I still respect you as the person who once took care of me!" Kinsley left the dining room hurriedly for his room.


In the room, Kinsley went straight to the bathroom and drenched his entire body with the gushing shower water.

'What's wrong with me? Why did I lose control? Is it true that Auntie said that I'm running away from reality? Am I doing this because I'm too scared of falling in love with Alesha and forgetting Abigail? No! I've survived for 300 years waiting for Abigail to wake up. How could I possibly love another woman?' Kinsley thought.

The cold water continued to soak Kinsley's body, making him feel better even though his mind suddenly replayed Alesha's words saying, 'Kinsley, you are a devil!'

Kinsley spent half an hour in the bathroom with his mind in turmoil. He came out of the bathroom wearing her kimono towel. As he was about to lie down on the bed, Alesha's words rang in his mind again.

'The more I dodge, the more that voice disturbs my mind. Alesha's hateful words, why does it make my heart ache? Why did you come to this, Kinsley!'


The next day,

Kinsley was all dressed up in his shirt, getting ready to go to the office. Auntie approached him from outside his bedroom door.

"Sir, Miss Alesha has been in her room since last night. Should I see her and ask her to go to the office?" Asked Aunt Margaret.

"Aunty has seen enough. For today, let her do what she wants. Don't restrain her. Order clothes for her daily needs, and prepare all the necessary things."

"Yes, sir." Aunt Margarett replied with a smile.

Aunt Margarett immediately ordered clothes from a reputable boutique to be delivered to the house. In the meantime, she picked up one outfit and gave it to Alesha's room.

Knock. Knock.

"Miss Alesha, this is Auntie." Aunt Margaret said at the door.

"Come in, Auntie. The door is unlocked." Alesha replied.

Aunt Margarett came in and put the clothes on the bed; she saw how shabby Alesha's face was. It is evident that Alesha had not slept and was uncomfortable all night.

"What's your master saying, Auntie? He must want to lock me up and not let me go!"

"I know Miss still resents Master for being arbitrary like last night. But I believe Master didn't intend to hurt your feelings. Perhaps it's out of guilt that Master is relieving Miss Alesha of work or home today and not forbidding you to leave this place."

Hearing Aunt Margarett's seemingly impossible words made Alesha flinch. "Auntie? Mr. Kinsley told you that?" Alesha asked to make sure.

"That's right, Miss. If you don't believe me, you can ask him directly." Aunt Margaret replied.

'Kinsley, what exactly do you want? It would be best if you changed your decision as soon as possible. Is it just because of guilt?'