
The fresher's meeting

15'th seat from the last row, in an auditorium, a girl (Xiong Zara) silently listening to the speech that's being delivered by the Co-founder of Shanghai Unversity (Mr. Munan). A boy (Zhuang) sitting in the 14'th seat from the last row, beside Xiong Zara. Zhuang smiling happily for the reason of winning a bet that was by his friend, Xue Feng. Mr.Muanan "Dear youth, Today we are here for the celebration of Our 'Fresher's meeting', Today..... So now we invite my friend and your editor-in-chief Mr.Xue"

Everyone in the auditorium clapping cheerfully except Xiong Zara. She has a very straight and cold expression.

The editor-in-chief Mr. Xue tells everyone present in the auditorium 'These two pupils Mr.Zhuang and Miss Xiong Zara have achieved their seats by obtaining a full scholarship in this "State's number one university". May I ask you both, Why did you choose this university and how did you plan to get a full scholarship to this university?

Zhuang - Sir, thank you! for asking this question, I did not study at all, so my sister always used to taunt me and one day she casually taunted me just like before but She did one thing very seriously and that was "making a bet with me" yah... She made a bet with me saying 'I bet you won't get into any university, forget about Shanghai University, Do you know my friend's sister got into that university and I am sure you won't be able to get into it'...hahahaa... and her devil's laugh. She made a bet with me that if I get into this university by attaining a full scholarship then she would apologize to me personally. So to win the bet I studied day-and-night, and I finally made it.

Xiong Zara- I liked this university from the very beginning and so I studied as per the requirement of this university.

Mr. Xue and all the pupils started applauding. They all were welcomed with great respect. During the time of going into the dormitory, Zhuang noticed that Xiong Zara went out of the university and so making it obvious that Xiong Zara will be staying in her own house.

Zhuang was attracted to the straightness of Xiong Zara.

Into the dormitory- Everyone in the university had to stay with 4 people (including themselves). Zhuang's dormitory room- Xue Feng, Ruan Zhushang, Xiao Shao Bin.

Characters -

Zhuang - A very lively and young boy who loves betting and enjoys the place of the first winner in every bet. He has a strong and warm-hearted character that makes him different from his dorm-mates.

Xue Feng (Zhuang's high school friend)- A boy who is lazy but loves to discover nature and its beauty by going on a journey every time he feels bored. He usually looks like a small kid, With cuteness in himself.

Ruan Zhushang- A boy who loves studying and has always been a good student in the class. He loves to eat different snacks but He is a very health precautious boy who takes every snack as per his schedule. He is a very righteous person.

Xiao Shao Bin- He is totally devoted to doing gym and focusing on his fitness parts, He also enjoys playing online games. He is a very narcissist person who loves to appreciate his beauty.

Into Xiong Zara's place- She lived in a very big mansion, alone, with no helpers, no family. Xiong Zara was a very much cold girl. During the whole fresher's meeting, Not even a single person (*not even single) was able to see any expression on her face. Her clothes looked royal, But the color of every dress of her was the same feeling-less and emotionless like her without any print or any design on it, Not even any other color. When Xiong Zara wears black then she will wear everything black, Her ears were not pierced, Her hands had red nails but not even a single paint on them, Her black hairs which were long and shinier. Her eyes that had no emotion and always looked cold, Her lips that were red and soft, and her hands who were always very cold to touch. Her look made everyone think that she must have been very lonely and she indeed was...

While heading to the dormitory Zhuang was stopped by a boy. It was Bo Chang. He was a bad guy. He used to bully people, and he was in the same high school in which Zhuang was. So Zhuang and Bo Chang already knew each other for a very long time. Bo Chang and Zhuang had a very bad relationship. They both disliked each other like anything... Bo Chang knew that Zhuang loves to bet and so he made a plan to use this weakness of Zhuang to make him lose from Bo Chang himself. Bo Chang unwillingly chose the Archaeological department so that he would not miss even a single chance to win from Zhuang. Let's see what Bo Chang told Zhuang that led to change in the future of all the characters in this journey...

Bo Chang- Zhuang, You can do anything for bet right.?

Zhuang- What do you mean? Are you provoking me to do some nonsense??

Bo Chang- Hmm, Do you have guts?

Zhuang- Do you know whom you are talking to? and about guts, I have it more than you...

Bo Chang- Fine then. I am sorry Zhuang I was bad before, Please let's be friends okay.

Zhuang- What? you want to be friends with me?

Bo Chang- Of course, Before I couldn't understand you but now I know that I am a loser and you are a winner.

In Bo Chang's mind (Huh, Who wants to be friends with you. Huh let's see at the end who has a perfect laugh. Haha)

Zhuang was a warm-hearted boy and so he fell into Bo Chang's trap and was now acting like Bo Chang was one of his very close friends. And then the real plan of Bo Chang started getting more and more twists...

Xue Feng started feeling anxious as he knew that it was one of Bo Chang's plans but Zhuang did not believe him. Whenever Bo Chang was anxious then he used to stay away from Zhuang so that in anger he doesn't speak up about his plan, And Zhuang was feeling like someone was disturbing and hurting Bo Chang, Zhuang would always suspect that Xue Feng was the one behind him because Xue Feng always used to tell Zhuang that Bo Chang lied...

Xiong Zara on the other hand did something that no one would ever believe. Zhuang followed Xiong Zara but could only find a clue towards this Secret Beauty...

another entry-

Xirou- A girl who is also in the Archaeological department and is a big fan of Zhuang. Her idol is Zhuang, and she admired him so much that she would follow Zhuang everywhere no matter she had time or not. Xirou was a very rich girl and so she didn't pay any attention to her studies. Xirou was so mad with the obsession of Zhuang that she even followed Zhuang to the place where Xiong Zara went. Later on, Xirou will team up with Bo Chang because Zhuang rejected the proposal of Xirou. And this rejection will lead to the changing of the future of Xirou with Bo Chang, her obsession will move into Bo Chang's way.

The entry of professors-

Professor Zhao- The main professor of the Archaeological department. Professor Zhao has done great work by pairing the right pupils. His role is to instruct Zhuang, Xiong Zara in main, and others as well. He is a very righteous person and he can not tolerate any indiscipline act.

Professor Shristi- Professor Shristi is the professor of the sports department. Her part is very important. Her identity will be very much shocking and the students at the university will start getting to know the major moral values of life because of Her.

Professor Trisha- The main professor of the Art and Sculpture department. Professor Trisha has a detective mind, She will help Zhuang and Xiong Zara solve their cases and she is an international professor. She will be one of the Professors to whom Xiong Zara will tell her identity, However Prof. Trisha will still support Xiong Zara after knowing her truth and this reveals the pure character of prof. Trisha. Professor Trisha and Professor Shristi have a very different relationship. This will be revealed when Bo Chang will release his plan.

Professor Nancy- The main professor of the Literature department. Professor Nancy is one of those who will help Zhuang by telling the truth about Bo Chang along with Xue Feng. And she has a caring nature.

Professor Dani- The main professor of the Music vocal department. He will help Zhuang in some serious matters and problems.

Let's see the next view of these amazing Professors.

Xiong Zara's next day in the university will make things even more interesting and Bo Chang will then make a plan along with Xirou to harm Xiong Zara...

Their devious plan will be into our views soon.

Hello, my dear readers, I'm Elno.

Here a horror female lead novel is for you by your beloved author Elno. Don't forget to leave comments for me to understand your views from your perspectives. You are my inspiration and you have made me stand to the place where I am now. I was a very weak girl but writing novels and collecting your views makes me cheerful and keeps me motivated all the time...

Hope you enjoy your further reading...

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