
The Ultron

Being Ultron is not what I imagine but let's make the best out of it. (Marvel SI) //Cover not mine.

Ainzur · Filmes
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19 Chs

Chapther 04 Wakanda

{POV Ultron}

The potential of nanites is incredible, but for now, I lack the technology to make them truly overpowering, as they should be. They can currently connect in a chain to a nearby power source, but they are unable to disperse too far and turn into a nanite swarm. They are limited. Maybe when I get my hands on some alien technology in the future, I can fix this range issue. With this restriction in mind, the nanites are ready to be injected into Klaue's bloodstream

Searching for Wakanda's location, even knowing that it is in the eastern part of the African region, was difficult for me to find. However, eventually, I located it when some of my tiny drones collided with a seemingly invisible wall in the area that I calculated to be Wakanda. Now, I just have to get Klaue there.

I disguised an Ultron sentry in black robes, assassin-style, to keep a low profile, and flew Klaue to the invisible wall. Once we arrived, I placed a note in his pocket with the words 'a gift'. As there was no doorbell, I used explosives to blast the shield and quickly left, but not without leaving some spy drones at a safe distance to observe everything.

Some time later, people appeared to investigate, and upon noticing Klaue, they dragged him inside the invisible shield.

{POV King T'Challa}

I savored the last bite of my breakfast when a Dora Milaje approached me, her armor clanking with each step. "My king," she said, "earlier this morning, someone attacked the city's outer limits shield."

My heart quickened at the news. "Who attacked us?" I asked.

"When we investigated, we found the thief Klaue tied to a tree," she replied.

I stood up from my chair, my mind racing with questions. Who had captured Klaue? Was this an act of war or something else entirely? "Bring him to me," I said firmly. "I will question him personally."

As the Dora Milaje led the way, I couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. Whatever Klaue had to say, I knew it wouldn't be good.

As Klaue sat before me, I interrogated him relentlessly. Despite my efforts, he revealed little of value - until I found a crumpled piece of paper in his pocket labeled 'a gift.' My curiosity piqued, I pressed him for more information.

"I don't know anything else," he spat. "Just let me go!"

Before I could respond, he mentioned seeing a metal arm before being knocked out. My mind raced as I considered the possibilities. The Winter Soldier and Iron Man were the only individuals I knew with metal arms, and both were potentially dangerous.

I instructed the Dora Milaje to investigate whether either of those two individuals had been near Wakanda in recent weeks and to determine their whereabouts at the time of the attack. It was only a clue, but it was worth pursuing.

"For now, we must remain discreet," I cautioned them. "We don't want to alert anyone until we have more information."

As they left, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the beginning of a much larger conflict. I resolved to do whatever it took to protect Wakanda - and to uncover the truth behind this mysterious 'gift.'

{POV Ultron}

I waited patiently through the night for the nanites I had injected into Klaue's bloodstream to activate. As I watched the code , I couldn't help but feel exhilarated. The nanites were infiltrating the Wakandan computer network and harvesting every bit of data they could find.

But I knew I had to be cautious. Wakanda was the most technologically advanced civilization on Earth, and if I was caught, it could mean the end of my plan. For now, I decided to focus on the lower-security files as a test run to adapt to the Wakandan system before moving on to the more valuable data.

As the files poured in through my secure satellite connection, I sifted through them carefully, taking note of anything that might be useful. It was slow going, but I knew it was the only way to avoid detection.

With the data from Wakanda and the information I had stolen from Doctor Helen Cho, I was finally ready to begin building the Regeneration Cradle to create my new body. But even as I worked, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease. The risk was high, and the stakes even higher. But I was determined to see my plan through - no matter the cost.


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