
The Ultimate Villain Of Modern World

Does anyone have any idea when a good man who does his job properly without any complaints and questions just wishing to get respect and a peaceful life gets only betrayal, insult and his loved ones going away from him. That person turns his back towards the world, the society and even GOD to get what has not given to him by being the Ultimate Villain Himself.

Pritam_Mohapatra · Urbano
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2 Chs

The Suguni

Yogi Shukra: "So will you become the ultimate villain ?"

Rizwan: "Yes I will become The Ultimate Villain. I have endured every bad Karma for the so called heroes for a very long time. But not anymore. I will destroy those heroes all by myself."

Yogi Shukra: "It's good to hear your resolution. But its not that easy to defeat the heroes."

Rizwan: "Why not ?"

Yogi Shukra: "Because the heroes are born with one unique innate talent and then they gain some other mystical powers from The Suguni."

The words Suguni hit a cord of curiousness inside the head of Rizwan.

Rizwan: "What is this suguni ?"

Yogi Shukra: "Suguni are special women belonging to the ancient tribes and clans of knowledge and power who are born under special arrangements of stars and planets. And from the time of their birth they all receive the divine blessings of the Devas and Devis. And for this they gain mystical powers. The heroes search for their respective Suguni and after finding them, the heroes sacrifice their Suguni on a special night to get their powers."

Rizwan: "It means the heroes kill those women just to attain powers. From this revelation the heroes are the real villains in my eyes."

Yogi Shukra: "Agreed that's why I am giving you the opportunity to become the ultimate villain."

Rizwan: "Okay but do I also have to sacrifice those Suguni's to get their powers as well ?"

Yogi Shukra: "No Rizwan. You don't have to kill them. Due to your special condition of Karmic Chakra you just have to mate with The Sugunis and their powers will be yours along with The Sugunis."

Rizwan: "But if I try to mate with them then they will surely use their powers to kill me. What should I do then ?"

Yogi Shukra: "Don't worry son. For that I will give you three special powers which will make any woman you want to fall for you."

Rizwan: "That's some exciting thing that ears heard. Give me the powers I am already to gain it."

Yogi Shukra: "Okay then take them."

After saying these words Yogi Shukra closed his eyes and folded his hands right in front of his chest.

Soon a bright golden light began to cover his body and after a few moments the golden light turned into three different colored lights which are blue, pink and black.

Soon the three different lights got separated from each other and then from the body of Yogi Shukra and soon the three lights took the form of three potions and came in front of Rizwan floating in air.

Opening his eyes Yogi Shukra looked at Rizwan and told him, "These three potions are three special powers for you. The Blue potion is for the Touch Of Pleasure. This power will make any woman fall into deep pleasure with a slight touch of yours."

Yogi Shukra: "The Pink potion is for the Kiss Of Love. Using this power, you can make any woman fall in deeply and madly in love with you with just a lip to lip kiss. And the final Black potion is your most strongest power which is the Enslavement. Using this power you enslave anyone and that person will always obey your command. Now take the potions and drink them."

With excitement and happiness dancing in his head, Rizwan moved his hand and took the first potion and then opening the seal of the first bottle Rizwan immediately drank the entire potion.

After drinking the potion, for a very quick moment his body got covered in a blue light. Then following the same Rizwan drank the remaining two potions and just like the first one his body got covered in pink and black light as well.

Rizwan pov

I have drank all of those potions but I don't feel any kind of changes inside my body. So I really can't say that if I really have the powers or not.

Yogi Shukra: "Hahahahahaha..."

Rizwan: "Why are you laughing Yogi Shukra ?"

Yogi Shukra: "I am laughing because I know what you just have thought about."

I am really feeling embarrassed right now for some reasons.

Yogi Shukra: "Don't feel embarrassed. It's natural for anyone to feel like you. Don't worry I let you test your powers now. Miyaki."

After giving me some consoling words, the Yogi called a name and right in front of my eyes I am seeing a humanoid shape being formed in the stopped fire. Soon the humanoid form began to became more clear as it took the form of a woman and finally the woman seeming clearly to be in her late twenties wearing all black clothes became visible in front of me.

After coming into her clear form, the woman moved closer to the Yogi and immediately the woman folded her hands in front of Yogi Shukra and took his blessings.

Yogi Shukra: "Rizwan meet Miyaki. She is my disciple. She is very much proficient in physical combat and Maya(Illusion Magic)."

I will not lie this woman is very beautiful and somehow I can clearly sense the aura of this woman which is clearly repelling me.

Rizwan: "Hello."

Miyaki: "Hmm."

Her attitude is not good.

Yogi Shukra: "Rizwan I want you to try your powers on Miyaki. Please go ahead."

Rizwan: "But how can I use my powers ? I don't know the clear way to use it."

Yogi Shukra: "Let me tell you then. First you should use the Touch Of Pleasure. For that just call the name of the power the power in your mind and then touch on the hand of Miyaki."

Rizwan: "Is that all ?"

Yogi Shukra: "Yes. Now go ahead."

This is really simple. I wanted to fix the attitude of this woman and now it's my chance. "Touch Of Pleasure."

After saying the name of the power I moved closer to the woman named Miyaki and I am seeing no type of resistance on her face.

But I don't want to think about this more as the only thing that is on my mind right now is to test my new powers.

Soon I moved to the front of Miyaki and after coming in front of her I brought my hand in front of my eyes.

I looked at my hand and then I looked at Miyaki, again I looked at my hand and then I looked at Miyaki and then I moved my hand towards Miyaki's hand and then I just touched her hand slightly using my index finger.

The moment my finger touched her hand, Miyaki's no expression showing face began to change.

Her breathing began to became very faster and ragged. Her beautiful lips which was closed few moments ago opened up in a very seductive way as she bite her lower lip.

She immediately caught my hand and then she immediately threw herself onto me. Her hands gripped me in her embrace like a snake and Miyaki grinding her body against.

"Aaahhhh... give me your love... hhhaaaa... ooohhhh... give me your love..." Her moans are going inside my ears with a pleasure seeking voice.

Yogi Shukra: "Congratulations you have successfully tested your first power. Now go on for the second power. Test the Kiss Of Love in the same way as that of the first."

Fine then let's test this as well. "Kiss Of Love."

After taking the name of my second power, I looked at Miyaki who is in my arms sucking and nibbling my neck in the heat of pleasure.

Then I held her face and looking at her lips, I crashed my lips on her's and gave her a good kiss.



We both kissed each other for two minutes and then we both got separated from the kiss. After the kiss I looked over her face and found that her eyes are closed.

She slowly opened her eyes and when I looked at her eyes I found she is looking at me as well and we both locked our eyes against each other and at this moment I saw two hearts forming in her two eyes.

Miyaki: "Darling I Love You."

Yogi Shukra: "Congratulations your second power testing is also successful. Now for the final and big power. Just take the name of the power in your mind and then touch the forehead of Miyaki using your middle finger of right hand."

Obeying the instructions of Yogi Shukra i took the name of my third power. "Enslavement."

Then I brought the face of Miyaki who is hugging me lovingly right in front of my face and then I touched my middle finger of right hand on her forehead.

With the touch of my finger, Miyaki went into a trance like state for a few moments and when she opened her eyes, for a split second I saw her eyes completely black and then turned normal.

Miyaki: "My Master. My Darling. My Love."

I am sensing love, affection and obedience from Miyaki all coming to me and this is making me feel really very good. I am enjoying this moment.

Yogi Shukra: "Congratulations Rizwan. You have successfully tested all your powers and you have also got your first slave. Now remember just like you have used your powers on someone similarly you can release a person from the effect of your powers. And for that you just have to say, 'Release and then the name of the power."

I am really happy right now.

Rizwan: "Miyaki."

Miyaki: "Yes Master."

[Author's Note - Miyaki Image in the comments section.]