
The Ultimate Souls

Mike was an average white collar office worker for a large corporation. He was not happy with his job, but not depressed enough he would kill himselfor others. so one day when he is suddenly hit by a speeding street sweeper on his way to work, it seems like his end, but he is transported away as a soul minutes before his death on earth. now he has to restart his life in a world full of magic as an overpowered child. He has to keep his powers under wraps to not make anyone suspicious. Will he be able to keep his powers under wraps? Or will his powers prove to be to powerful to contain. Join the discord below for sneak peaks into chapters, and an idea board for you to contribute. Each week, I’ll try to have a idea taken from there and included, with proper citation, in the story.

Is3kai · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

The Birth of a Powerful Soul

There was a bright flash of light, and Deja was pushed out of his mothers womb. Deja was crying tears of joy as to having a new body. His mother and father took it as him being upset and tried to comfort him. Deja felt a snip, and heard;

"OK! Your son is perfectly health, and is all good to go with you to your home."

Deja opened his eyes and saw three people, towering over him. One was a beautiful woman, with Green eyes that just shone with a love for life, and little red freckles to complement her orange-ish hair. The man sitting next to her was as handsome as she was beautiful. HE had dark blue eyes that shone with fearlessness and love for his family. His jet black hair and tall stature made him intimidating to most. Closest to Deja was what seemed to be a doctor. The Doctor was an average height, and had Bluish eyes that seemed to be peering into Deja's soul. He had many small instruments, none of which looked familiar to Deja from his life as Mike. The most out of place thing in the Doctors array was the Large, polished stick in the corner. The woman spoke;

"Thank you doctor! We will be heading back home then."

The man and the woman picked Deja up, and walked towards a circle inscribed on the ground. Once he was picked up. Deja had a better view of the room. The room was completely wood, and the windows were drawn back to let in a cool breeze that smelled slightly of pine. Deja turned his attention to the floor, and saw a polished wood floor, with a stone platform in the center. The platform had a some-kind of inscribing on it, looking similar to the devil-summoning circles that were legend on earth. As his family quickly started approaching the platform, Deja noticed some glyphs on the ground, encircling the 5-point star.

'Universal Translator'


Up popped a message in the corner of his eye. It was written in English:


'Teleportation? I guess anything really is possible here. I should still be wary about this until my [System] comes back online.'

His mother and father walked with him in their arms to the circle, and a wall of white light surrounded them, encompassing the entire star and circle. The glyphs glowed a blinding blue, and the family vanished from the doctors office with the doctor waving them off.


The doctor sighed and sat down. That kid had an amazing aura around him, one only High-tier medically trained mages could see. He wondered if the kids parents were nobles, to produce an exceptional offspring like that child, who seemed to have boundless amounts of mana flowing through his tiny little body. The doctor turned to write up his report.

"Hmm. That kid should turn out interesting. Maybe I should tell the boss about him."'

'Nah. If the Boss were to find out about him, the kids life would be in danger.'

The doctors morale dilemma had stopped him from noticing the man walking up beside him.

"Doc! How's it goin'. I just need to know if you had seen anything interesting about your patients in the last week or so."

The doctor jumped out of his chair and bowed at the man behind him.

"Yes Boss. I have not seen anything out of the ordinary since that last incident about two years ago."

'This is my last gift to you, Kid' He thought as he walked out of his office for the day. 'I don't know how long it will be until you are discovered anyway, but let me prolong your life, for a little while'

The doctors' forms laid on the desk, barren, with nothing but the name Deja Voss written on them.


The Voss family appeared in what seems to be a little town. It seemed peaceful, and quite serene. The grass was a vibrant green, full of flowers rich in color, and trees encompassed it on all sides, minus what seemed to be an entrance to the town. From Deja's point of view, it seemed that they had landed in a town square.

"Emilia! Welcome back! Is this your new baby?"

With that statement, all heads turned toward the platform, and a mob of people rushed at the family of three.

"Is this Deja?"

"He is so CUTE!"

"Who's a good baby."

The crowd encircled the family, causing Emilia to seem a bit stressed. Deja noticed this and started to try to help his mother in the only way he new how. Crying. The tears flooded down Deja's cheeks, causing all the adults and children who had surrounded the small family to back away.

"There, there. Little Deja must be tired, so we are going to head back to our house."


The Voss family arrived in a small city home, and Emilia unlocked the front door. They entered a nice and clean home, with everything tidy put away and organized. The couple brought Deja upstairs and set him in his cradle. Laying down, Deja thought about how tired he was after that mass of people surrounded him say how cute he was.

'And that was without {Cuteness} being active. Good lord! If I activate that I might give someone a heart attack.'

Deja continued to lay there, thinking, about this whole ordeal. His death, reincarnation, and rebirth, until his spirit finally gave way, and he sank into the west depths of unconsciousness.


Deja opened his eyes in a different place then where he remembered falling asleep. This room was full of what seemed to be filing cabinets, and a small desk. The desk had nothing on it but a computer and a lamp. Deja looked down at himself and saw the same white flame he had seen when he was a soul again.

'Did I die again already?! I just got reborn!'

But as Deja looked closer he noticed something about the cabinets. One side of the room was labeled skills while the other memories. Deja floated over to the skills side of the room, and saw an alphabetically labeled drawers in each, and he decided to open up G.

'Lets see here. {Godly Footing}, {God-Speed Movement}... these are my skills alright. I guess this is what the inside of my mind looks like? If so, I guess it would make sense to have it set up like an office.'

He floated to the computer. It seemed to be a white laptop, but upon turning it on, he noticed that it did not hav a desktop, only a command input with the words

[System Offline]

'Hmm. It seems this computer is my mental manifestation of the system.'

Deja turned around and noticed a door out of the room that was ajar. He floated towards it, taking one last look, and exited.

Hope you enjoy!

Right now, I upload 3 times a week, but if we reach the vote goals, that will rise.

50 Stones- 4 times a week

100 stones- 5 times a week

150 stones- Every day


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