
The Ultimate Lifeform

Mark, dropped to his left knee & propped his right elbow on his hip, holding firm his sniper rifle until he had the Suspect in his sight. Gripping his sniper, Mark aimed straight at the suspect's head as he held a woman at gunpoint. Mark took a deep breath and was about to pull the trigger, but the next second he found himself in a room. Author: I will upload whenever I want... I am doing this for fun, so if I get some good reviews I will continue this story.

Hoosierdaddy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


I will not upload on Saturdays and Sundays, had to study my ass off so... yeah don't waste your stones on these two days, support other fellow authors.

I did mention this in an earlier chapter, but I know most of you don't read it so I thought maybe I should notify you guys.

And also here are some answers to some comment:

1. Love interest?

- Mark only have two love interest, Felicia and Eva.

2. why he gave a body to Eva?

- Well, mark alien is capable of doing the same thing and if he by chance transport to a world like a shield hero, then she will not be able to help him.

Then you might ask why he wished for her, well bro if he didn't wish for her then he wouldn't be able to unlock Alien x or other powerful aliens like grav- attack[The alien who can control gravity and make black holes].

The watch literally can make anyone a god... Alien X can pretty much clap anyone's ass, that is how op that alien is!

And if he needs more power, well he can just scan One above All or the Celestials, Beyonders and there you go... Unlimited power!!

3. Also is the last wish is stupid?

As for his weapon summon ability: Well he can summon any weapon he wants, which means he can summon, let's take EA for example, or even the ultimate nullifier, anything that is considered as a weapon could be summoned.

4. Did absorbing other's DNA hurt?

- yes, it does, Mark is not absorbing 1/10 of their DNA, he is absorbing 10/10, so yeah it will hurt like hell.

5. Next world?

- Well, that isn't going to happen any time soon but I will drop some names.

[Bleach, Slime data ken, BNHA[Maybe], Fate, DBS, Overlord, Naruto[Maybe], Harry Potter[Maybe], DXD]