
The News

     Master Mongrel stagger into the training ground, as he came closer to the stairs needing to relay an urgent message to Master Shifu and Oogway she followed behind her father worried about him. She listened to the conversation as Master Mongrel explained the emergency of the situation, at that moment Mei thought about returning home as soon as she possibly could but going against her own thoughts she had full faith in her father to take care of this Boar. As she watched over her father take care of Master Mongrel she watched her father begin his training, she had never seen him so focused a small smile appeared on her face knowing that even though he became more strict he was more or less the same as when she left. She watched as he broke rock after rock and chuckled as she saw Tigress's face her little sister was completely mesmerized by her fathers fighting style, she had never seen her more excited than the time she taught her some of her own advance moves when she was just a little Tiger. As the training went on she noticed Oogway coming up from behind she moved out of the way as she listened in on Oogway's conversation with Tigress.

     Mei couldn't help but feel bad for Tigress but knew that she would have to learn the hard way on her own that she will never get any better at Kung Fu if she kept following her father's style. She wish she could tell her this herself but knew that her own journey wasn't complete. As Oogway mentioned ordering food to Shifu, Mei couldn't help but chuckle at her father's dumbstruck face, she knew how her father got when he focused on solely training, she decided to stick around for dinner even though knowing she couldn't have any. She missed the noodles back home. She decided to follow the messenger to the valley of peace to see how much has changed over the time she's been gone. Mei watched the children play and the adults go about their day.

     She couldn't believe how much had changed the streets were even busier than she remembered, as she followed the goose to the noodle shop he placed the food order for Master Oogway, Shifu, and Tigress. She watched as the big Panda freaking out over the order being put in for the Jade Palace, Mei couldn't help but chuckle at the Pandas excitedness as he began to quickly making the noodles. When the noodles was done boiling he placed them in a pot off the side as he began hastily cutting the vegetables, he feels as though he's forgetting something. He looks to the paper the goose brought then he suddenly remembered to add the spices. He grabs the pot of noodles that seems to have uncut vegetables in it and places it on the counter as he added the pepper he asked the goose questions about the Jade Palace "So uh what do you guys do all day up there at the uh..." and just then he suddenly sneezes into the pot of noodles "Jade Palace" he continued wiping his nose. Mei grimace in disgust hoping that it was going to be thrown away instead of being served to her family.

     The goose replied in an uninterested monotone voice "Kung Fu" the panda misheard heard him as he replied saying "Thank you bless you too" as he wrapped up the pot in a large cloth the goose shook his head re-answering his question in the same uninterested monotone voice "No Kung Fu" the panda finally realizing what he meant replied "Oh yea Kung Fu" he walked to the side door the lead out of the kitchen, he walked over and gave the goose the food "That's really neat how you do the...Fu thing" he said making confusing hand gestures showing that he has no idea what the goose was actually talking about "With the...Kung..." he smiled nervously. The goose now holding the food gave the panda a very bored expression on his face " You have no idea what that is do you...". The panda slouched forward in defeat "No..no I don't". Mei couldn't help but sigh "You know you could always be a little nicer" she said to the goose but she knew he couldn't hear her she walked over to the panda and lightly patted his back in comfort. The goose shrugged as he began to walk out "Well I should probably get this back" Mei stiffened as her mind began to race 'Wait...seriously! Your taking that disgusting pot of noodles to the Jade Palace!' the panda quickly perked up happy to see his food going to the Jade Palace "Right yes of course they're gonna love it. Love it!" he called out as the goose made the turn. Mei quickly followed the goose worried about the noodles reaching the Jade Palace, she tried her best to get the noodles to fall to the ground or something but it was no use in her current state all she could do was sit back and watch.

     As the food arrived everyone sat down together to eat, Master Oogway felt the presence of his granddaughter he smiled gently. Tigress looked at him curiously "Master Oogway? what is it?" He looks at her with his smile still on his face "Hm?" Tigress looked at him confused "You were smiling about something do you mind if I ask what about?" she asked hoping to get an answer. Master Oogway looked at Shifu as he began to speak "Tigress do you remember your sister Mei" Shifu perked up a bit as Tigress suddenly stood up excitedly almost knocking over her bowl of food "Big Sis! is-is she coming back" she could barely contain herself since she left they haven't heard anything from her for the past 10 years she wanted to show her how much she's learned since she left. Mei chuckled slightly at her sisters excitedness she felt the same way about Tigress, she really wanted to come home but it wasn't time for her to return yet. Oogway put his arm on Tigress's shoulder slowly lowering her back down to her seat "I sense her presence here she is among us in spirit as we speak" Tigress slumped a little in her seat but happy that she was with them in some shape or form. Master Oogway continued to speak "She speaks of returning within the next few years she can't wait to see how big you've gotten with her own eyes" Tigress smiled at this although she would have to wait a few more years she is happy to know that Mei will be returning "I miss you big sister come home soon" Mei couldn't help but smile as she nodded. A small smile played on Shifu's face "Yes daughter it will be wonderful to have you" Shifu was relieved to hear this news that his daughter was with them in spirit but he was even more happy to know that his daughter will be returning home. Mei watched them eat their food although she was happy to be in their presence even if they couldn't see her she couldn't help but cringe at the memory of what was done to those noodles before it got to them.

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