
Chapter 4: The White Phoenix and the Yellow Badger.

In front of Dante was a sinister and enormous black stone door, details and runes covered every inch of the portal.

D- Well, by my calculations, this should be the Vault, but honestly, I think inscribing "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here!" would give the place a much less diabolical air. Well, there's no way around it, I'll have to call Al. I have no idea how to open this, there's not even a doorknob or doorframe.

D"- Al, Aldar, could you come here!!!

As if by magic, to his right, a little creature with long ears and a hooked nose almost as long as its ears appeared, bowing like a very embarrassed butler.

Al"- Young master called Aldar? Aldar has not yet completed the master's missions.

Before Dante could react, the elf began to bang his head against the tower wall with enough force to make the colossal door of the vault vibrate.

Al"- Aldar is a bad elf, a very bad elf, a useless elf.

The elf's murmurs were only interrupted by the noise of his blows against the wall.

D"- Stop! Al, stop!!! It's an order, I command you never to hurt yourself, mutilate yourself, or punish yourself in any physical way.

The elf instantly stopped hitting himself as if a rope or spell had been cast and began to cry and scream like a horn.

Al"- Young master is so good to useless Aldar, Aldar doesn't deserve the young master, Aldar deserves to die, Aldar is unworthy of being the young master's house elf.

D"- Hey Al, stop and listen to me, you are a good house elf, I am very satisfied with your help.

Those apparently were the wrong words, when Aldar heard them, he threw himself at Dante's feet and began to cry uncontrollably.

Al"- Young master is so good, so good!!! D"- Al, calm down, it's an order.

Dante didn't like ordering the elf, over the months he had gotten used to the creature's habits and customs. He knew from the books that if he gave the elf freedom, he would most likely kill himself the moment he stepped out of the tower. Without a choice, Dante just accepted that he would have to take care of the elf. Dante never had a family or friends in his other life so he didn't really know how to approach the elf or what to say to help the elf.

D"- Al, I will only call you to find out if you knew how to open the vault door, I remember asking you to take some galleons and buy books. Could you help me open the vault?

Al"- Young master, Al can, Al will show the young master how to open the vault door, the young master just has to put his hand on the door, and push a little magical power as if he were casting a spell.

Dante began to put his hand on the vault as the elf had shown him. When he tried to channel his magical power, he felt as if something gigantic was looking inside his soul. The feeling was the same as when we dream that we are going to school or work without clothes, only a thousand times worse. At the end of the process, with a bang, the door opens and the glow of gold in front of Dante was so blinding that for a moment Dante thought he had gone blind. At regular intervals, silver pedestals held items that emanated such a great energy that the hairs on Dante's arm stood on end. Among the piles of gold and the clearly magical items, there was a statue positioned in the middle of the room, dominating the space with its presence. The statue portrayed him with a serious expression and penetrating eyes. On the face of the statue, a silver mask was carefully carved. The mask took the form of a beast, although the exact identity of the creature was not clear, its contours were sharp and intricate, reflecting the skill of the sculptor.

A green-emerald cloak enveloped the statue, flowing gracefully around its body. Silver details adorned the cloak like small scales of a snake, forming complex and elegant patterns. The cloak seemed light as feathers, almost floating in the air, despite its richness and texture.

Dante moved slowly towards the statue, he was sure that at some point a basilisk would attack him or the statue would come to life and judge him for invading its domains. The surprise was great when Dante managed to reach the statue without any obstacles.

D"- Al, do you know if there is any defense measure in this room that can attack us?

Al"- Never young master, the tower is under the total and unrestricted power of the owner, nothing inside this tower will attack you and none of the defense measures will be activated against the young master… It's good… Well, the creatures of the biomes can be a bit hostile, so Aldair recommends that the young master avoid entering certain areas in the biomes until he has enough power to face a Norwegian Ridgeback Dragon. Dante didn't know whether to sigh for being safe inside the vault or panic about the comments about the Biomes. Dante made a mental note to ask Al to put a chain and a padlock on the doors corresponding to the Biomes on the 7th floor, just to be safe. Dante's focus returned to the imposing statue in front of him.

D"- Al, do you know what the effects of this mask and cloak are?

Al"- Of course young master, the mask of the beast of a thousand faces, can change to a certain extent the physical characteristics of the person who wears it, apparent age, height, colors and hair size can be changed and molded at the will of the user. However, it doesn't come close to a Polyjuice Potion, it's much more superficial. The master used to say that "like many things in life all most people need is a convenient illusion", however the main characteristic of the mask is distraction, when someone wears it their presence is suppressed. When the old master wore it, it was hard to look at him, Aldar knew the master was there, but for some reason he couldn't focus on him, unless the master spoke directly to Aldar, something prevented Aldar from caring about the master, whenever he remembered the master Aldar's thoughts were pulled to tasks that Aldar didn't remember if he had done or not so Aldar would check.

D"- I see, it's like the spells cast to repel Muggles, I remember in the book they said that a Muggle who came close to the field of the Quidditch World Cup would remember lost keys or forget if they left a pot on the fire.

Al"- The Ancient master's cloak is made of dragon skin, basilisk scales, sewn with unicorn hair and filaments of "Boggart", The Boggart after exploding leaves threads or filaments, the master took them and stabilized them with unicorn hair so they wouldn't disappear, so his cloak can change shape, just put a sample of clothing on the silver adornment on the collar and it transforms into the clothing in question and will continue with the resistance of the dragon skin and the basilisk scales. The method of its production is a secret and only one parchment containing its manufacturing information exists in the library.

At the end of the explanation Dante wondered what kind of person needed to spend so much time hiding their identity, but thinking about it all this came in handy. He had a few months until Harry's parents' death, and would have to wait at least 10 years to enter Hogwarts. Dante then began to formulate a plan, his main goal was to survive these turbulent times, and form some bonds. He swore not to be a damn shy and lonely, Dante was tired of his old life and this time since he was here anyway it wouldn't be bad to revolutionize this world.

Dante didn't think twice and took the mask and cloak, putting them on immediately. As if it were alive, the cloak clung to Dante's body and in his mind Dante could feel that they were connected, as if by instinct he could check the status of the cloak and could change it with a thought, it was like a part of his body moving an arm and changing the cloak took the same effort.

Dante nodded with satisfaction and began to withdraw from the vault, when he noticed out of the corner of his eye on a pure silver pillar an egg surrounded with white flame. Dante felt attracted to the flame as if it called him and asked for help, without a doubt the flame in front of him was asking for his help. On its pillar was written in ancient runes "beware, untamed, dangerous, violent, rude" but Dante didn't feel danger from the flame, he felt some kind of bond, and above all he felt compassion for the screams they were tired and almost lifeless or hopeless, Dante didn't think and just took a pure silver sword thrown in a pile of gold and broke the magic circle that surrounded the flame, almost immediately an explosion of White flames took over the whole room, and in front of Dante a small bird with sparse white feathers emerged from a pile of ashes.

The creature in front of Dante didn't seem untamed, dangerous, violent, or rude at all, it was just a cute little bird. While Dante was thinking about how he should take care of her until she learned to fly and most importantly where he should release the strange little bird, the little bird looked into Dante's eyes as if she wanted to see inside his mind. That look made Dante shudder, until what Dante could swear was a smile appeared on the bird's face, then the little creature began to chirp clearly asking for food. Dante began to take out of my dimensional space meat, grains and by mistake some medicinal herbs that he was classifying a little while ago, to his surprise the little bird ignored the meat and the grains and swallowed the medicinal herbs with a single gulp. Shortly after seeing the little bird eat its weight in rare herbs, Dante, still stunned, felt an explosion next to his shoulder followed by a white flash. When he came to his senses, a small creature was on his shoulder rubbing against his cheek. Dante, recognizing the animal as a phoenix, gently stroked its head with a finger before gently placing it in Aldar's hands and asking the elf to hold it while Dante looked for a perch. But before he could finish speaking, a pain similar to when Dante had burned himself with acid in the lab took his forearm. In the background, a bird's chirp mixed with Al's screams, Dante's mind was empty and on his arm the symbol of Hogwarts appeared as a scar in embers. The only part that was colored and looked like a tattoo instead of a scar of embers was that of Hufflepuff and on its edge was written "Plantae et Animalia respetient sicut amico vetere" (Plants and Animals will respect as an old friend). Shortly after the tattoo formed and a badger looked at him with pity, the pain stopped and Dante, with a sigh of relief, fainted.

PS:Next chapter probably only Friday or Saturday

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