
The Trickster among the Stars

He woke up to a world he barely recognized, full of things that shouldn't be possible. From one to the other second everything changed. A System, game like, with the athority over seemingly everything. A duel to death. The only way to stay alive is to kill, right? At least he has something to fight for, if it isn't already too late.

Cedmo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

The Trickster among the Stars #22 - Fifth Duel


- all fighters simultaniously stop 

I didn't expect that one to connect!

- the perfect moment to dance with death finds an abrupt end

Shit, It wasn't very deep ...


22. Chapter - Fifth Duel - part 8

 *System voice / System Info*


 - description 

Mostly else Thoughts 

 - This Chapter contains depictions of violence and strong language. Viewer discretion is highly advised.

 - Thanks for reading! Enjoy!


- the hit daggar user cowers in the shallow water, taking deep breaths to ease the pain

"Are you good?" 

- the sword fighter asks while awaiting Ethans next move

"Don't worry, ... "

- he whispers against his closed lips, while taking out a hidden red potion, and slowly drinking it

"You know you guys should switch weapons, or even equipment while you're at it, ...

"Shut up, you fucking bastard!" - he answers after finishing the whole bottle

- following his comrades example, the sword user chugs down a yellow one

" ... maybe that would actually give you a chance!" - he goes on uninterrupted

"That's riduculous!"

"In any case ... "

- he raises his shoulders as if to signal that he doesn't know

"We should end this pointless farce!"

- he concludes with a childish tone

- giving both of his opponents the last kick to entirely put thier rage into even deadlier attacks

Shit! That might've been to much ...

 - he thinks while dodging and blocking one swing after another

 ... On second thought ...

 - he stops his defensive strategy, by ramming his shield into the combined attack of both of his opponents

 ... It is time to switch!

- but instead of retreating, to the other contestants suprise, he lets go of his shield and sword, pulling out the dark shiny buckler and knife 

*Activating Skill: Advanced Hidden Attack*

- before the sword fighter can react, Ethan cuts his arms and chest open in a wave like motion

*Activating Skill: Advanced Strengthburst*

- to give him the rest completely he jumps up kicking his head to the right, dislocating every single neckbone

- his last standing target can at first hardly react at all just giving off a surprised grunt

- but the loud splashing of Ethan and the still half alive body falling back into the shallow water bring him back into the death deciding moment

"Take this!" 

- he screams out while continuously attacking full of anger and fear, forming slowly into despair

"How you fight, ... "

- he adds to his opponents words defending all incoming attacks

" ... I can fight too!" 

- he keeps adding more stregnth into his moves parrying the daggers, sending them away further and further

- the tall fighter tries to respond with one final attack, hopefully overpowering him completely

- but even that wasn't enough, Ethan reflects both incoming daggers up with such strength, leaving his opponents chest completely open

 - to the daggar users surprise, no attack is using this obvious chance at killing him

- the only move Ethan uses this opportunity for is sending his right leg into the water, creating a splashing wall of turbulent water, blocking his confused opponents sight

- from one to the other second a single point in the wall of water ruptures, letting through, a foreign technical looking knife, flying directly into his targets throat

The first knife he saw in this world!!!

It finally found a use again ...

... a use for killing :( You can do better than that Ethan!

Thanks for reading, and Enjoy!!!

Cedmocreators' thoughts