
The Trash System

A little boy was only 13 years old who had his life ruined by his family who sold him to pay off their dept to a gang when he was only the age of 5. He was forced to burry dead bodies from people unlucky enough to cross the gangs path, when he wasn't putting bodies into the ground he was being used as a stress doll while being injected with drugs, and some even went as far as to use him as sex doll. The only reason he wasn't killed was because he was useful; the gang said as long as he served a purpose he wouldn't be killed and could watch anime when they weren't using him. Watching anime, reading mangas and playing games was his safe haven for himself. It saved him from committing suicide dozens of times, when he was on the verge of killing himself he would always think something on long the lines of "What new anime is coming out next" or "Maybe I could beat that Dark Souls boss". This hesitation was of course personal salvation which as everybody knows is hard to control. Then One day when he was asleep he got on his computer to play games before his daily routine of burying the dead, torture and sex there was a strange message that he didn't usually see when he played Dark Souls 2 which in his opinion was a huge pain in his ASS! The Message had link to a quiz that said "Would you like to Reincarnate?".....

New_Player · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


Hey readers forget to mention his skin color in like Archer Emiya from Fate!====================================

[Ding! Host has been given their zanpakuto would Host like to spend an additional 500.000 SP to awaken your sword spirit?]

"Yes." I said hearing the multiple notifications pop up.

[Ding! Spending 500.000....Remaining SP: 500.000.]

[Ding! Zanpakuto has awoken now revealing weapons name to Host....]


[Once bounded by the Host, you won't be able to get another zanpakuto! Would Host still like to continue?]

"Yes System." I say with certainty and full confidence. When katana the almost double the size of my body shoots out from my chest revealing the katana's full shape. The handle was blue with gold on on some parts, there was no hand-guard except royal blue ribbons dangling from the end of the handle. (The size of the Washing Pole Katana from DS)

[The swords name is: Unknown(Undecided)]

(So you are the person who wields me~hmm?)

"Yes, but why does the sword have no name?." I answer the new voice in my head starting to think if I'm going insane.

(I nicknamed it Monohoshizao, but I don't really know anything background wise about my the swords I wielded, only that it was my trusted partner through life and has now been bestowed onto you it look a like.)

"Is it okay if I name it then?" I ask. I didn't want to call my sword a name that meant 'literally, laundry handing pole'!

(I don't mind in the slightest if you name the sword though you'll have to get my recognition for the name so recommend to name it once you get a feel for it first, you show great potential to I'll be watching you in hopes of an entertaining show.)

"Well let's see where this world takes me then shall we?" I said walking to wherever the author brings me to after buying clothes for 100SP and putting my sword into the Inventory. I hope he doesn't screw me over.

Walking for about a hour until I see a man with a grey hair wearing glasses you would see on an old librarian, his skin is a light mixed color and he's wearing some kind of priest get up while holding....a shotgun! I never went to church in my past life, but I don't think a priest is supposed to be carrying a gun! Right? Is this some kind of custom in this world or is he just a unique case? The man is just standing there in a field of grass where the trees and bushes leave naked.

'He looks familiar somehow?' I thought trying to get a closer look. He hasn't seen me or heard me yet so that was good; he went into his pocket and took out a....cigarette? There's no way this man is a priest.'


Looking down at my feet noticing a twig that I stepped on I curse in my head. The man doesn't react it looks so I try to stealthily tip-toe away in retreat, but when I turn around I met with a shotgun pointed at my face by the man that was just standing in the clearing a second ago. I look around planning my escape route when I heard the man finally talk:

"There's no point in running away demon. If you so much as move without my permission I'll blow your head off." the man said spitting out his cigarette and strapping on it. I couldn't tell if this man was lying so I decided to listen to what he said. "Now answer me; why is a demon like yourself in the backward of a church?"

"A church?" I said confused at what he said.

"Your telling me you don't see that that white building with a cross of it?" he said pointing and looking at the building keeping is shotgun at my head still.

"I'm sorry, but you got the wrong guy, I'm a human." I said hoping he'll believe me. He looked back at me with a more intense glare when I hear the sound of kids running around. Turning my head I see a kid two kids who are about my age with bluish hair; one climbing a tree with smile while the other wears glasses with eyes full of worry.

'I know what world im in!' My face turns into a fave of excitement. The man looks at my facial expression before turning to where I'm looking before turning back to me emitting bloodlust.

"Oh~you almost had me there if not for your facial changes when you looked at those kids." he said slowly pulling back on the trigger as I shield my face.


I wait for the pain of having my head shot off to come but never did, slowly opening my eyes I'm met with black flames that have surrounded me.

"What the hell!" the man yells seeing the erupt from my body. The flame a were black with violet hues raging all over my body that even I was panicking since these flames were the Void Devouring Flame that could potentially swallow heaven like the wolf greek myth, Fenrir. "I don't recognize those flames so tell me kid who are you?"

"I don't have a name, I woke up in the forest after I escaped from a gang holding me hostage for 13 years." I said trying to figure out how to disperse the flames.

"Just out of curiosity how old are you by chance?" the man asked pulling back his killing intent giving me room to calm down.

"I'm 13 year old." I said still on the ground trying to calm down. The man puts down his shot gun releasing a deep sigh looking at the ground then back to me.

"So what is that black flame around you kid." he asks idly standing there shining no signs of trying to attack. The flames begin to calm down and soon disperse like they were never there.

"I don't know either." I said lying with a straight face. He walks towards me again this time holding out his hand instead of a gun. I take his hand with caution still not fully trusting, well not yet anyway.

"My names Shiro Fugimoto and I'm an exorcist who hunts devils," the man known as Shiro said smiling at me with his burly smile "If you want to, you can stay with me and those two other kids over there playing while I sure out what to do with you."

"Fine." I said knowing this is the world of Blue Exorcist where devils actually exist which exorcist hunt down and kill. "Is there a chance I could become an exorcist?"

He looks me up and down seeing my clothes that weren't burned at all from the fire that bursted out a minute ago.

"Before I that you have to at least tell me what those black flames were first so I can determine if your a threat towards those kids." he said giving off a slightly dominating aura.

"The flames you just saw are called the Void Devouring Flame one of many flames I poses." I said leaving out some details.

"How do you know that when you told me you didn't know before?" he said with a discerning look.

'Trying to gain the upper hand, well we Otakus have created a skill that can get any other-worlder out of any situation!'

"When the flames died down I heard a name being whispered into my ears." I said with a straight face using the Otaku Bullshit technique that I learned after countless reading sessions of fanfics, mangas, and comics.

"Hmmm~ then why did it flare up like it did before?" he said giving me the same investigating eyes.

"It reacted to my emotions when I was being attacked or maybe it sensed a threat, its probably one of the two." I said calmly with the same poker face I've been rocking for awhile now. The man starts walking away before turning his head back around slightly opening his mouth:

"What's your name kid?" he asked pitting his left arm on his waist.

"I don't have one." I say bluntly with a slight depressed tone in my voice.

"Huh~Well I can't have that....From here on your name is Anbāaizu Fojimoto and as far as making you an exorcist well we'll have to see first." he said walking away. "Aren't you coming or what."

[Would Host like to use the name Anbāaizu Fojimoto?]

"Yeah, I'm coming." I said answering both questions. The system set my name as Anbāaizu Fojimoto when an expected something unexpected happens.

[Error! Error! Error! Error! Error! Error! Error!]

[Glitch detected... Exterminating.... Complete.... Repairing....Salvaging Status....Salvaging Skills.... Salvaging System Functions....Error!]

[One of the System Functions has been affected by the Virus and now only contains things related to Cooking while contains some stuff from the Anime multi-verse!]

[Error! Status has been effected as well along with some skills!]

[ Name: Anbāaizu Fojimoto

Class: Grandmaster Magic Chef

Subclass: Adventurer Swordsmen

Race: High Human

Bloodline: N/A


Strength: 40

Defense: 40

Dexterity & Endurance: 200 -> 400 -> 800

Magic: 200 -> 400 -> 800


{Grandmaster Cooking Magic}

{Grandmaster Magic Cooking Technique}

{Heavenly Flames}

{Traveling Swordsmanship}

Passive Skills:

{Racial Skill: Double All Stats}

{Eyes of Grandmaster Magic Chef}

{Traversing the Land}

{Grandmaster Magic Chef Knowledge}

{Greater Magic Expansion}

{Greater Dexterity Up}

{Knowledge of the Discovered}

{Zanpakuto-*Awakened*} ]