
3 Years Ago

3 Years Ago

Jack walked through the battlefield, his footsteps echoing eerily against the silence that now pervaded the once-bloodied landscape. The sun was setting, casting an ominous red glow over the scene. As he trudged on, he spotted a few familiar figures standing at a distance, their backs turned to him.

Hope sprang in his heart, and he ran towards them, eager to reunite with his friends. However, as he drew nearer, he realized that something was off. Each figure had a twisted and bloodied appearance, and as they turned to face him, they asked him haunting questions.

"Why didn't you save me?" asked one, their face contorted in agony.

"You promised me that you would die before anything happened to me," accused a woman, her eyes were filled with pain.

"Why didn't you use your sword to kill that?" questioned a third, their voice laced with accusation.

Jack felt a crushing weight upon his chest as he realized that all of these voices were the echoes of those he had failed to save. He tried to explain, to apologize, but the words caught in his throat.

Suddenly, a dark figure appeared, looming over him with a mocking grin. "You could have saved them all, but you didn't. You're nothing but a failure," the creature sneered.

Tears streamed down Jack's face as he fell to his knees, overwhelmed by the weight of his guilt and the impossibility of changing the past.

As the weight of his guilt became too much to bear, Jack's body began to convulse. His throat constricted, and he tried to scream, but no sound escaped his lips. The pressure in his chest grew, squeezing at his heart until it felt as though it would burst.

Suddenly, with a sickening rip, his chest tore open, spilling forth a gush of blood and seven multicolored stones. The stones glimmered and swirled, hovering around him for a moment before shooting off into the distance.

Jack collapsed onto the bloodied ground, his vision darkening as he felt his life slipping away. He felt a sense of peace wash over him, and with his final breath, he whispered, "I'm sorry."

As Jack's consciousness began to fade, he felt a sudden jolt, and his eyes shot open. His surroundings were unfamiliar, and for a moment, he couldn't place where he was. The stark white ceiling above him provided no answers, and he struggled to sit up.

Pain shot through his body, causing him to groan in discomfort. His mind was a haze of confusion, and he couldn't remember how he had ended up in this place. The only thing he could focus on was the woman sitting beside him, her hand resting on his forehead.

Her beauty was striking, and her red hair contrasted sharply against the pristine white of the room. Her eyes were full of concern as she spoke softly, but her words were a jumble of incomprehensible sounds to Jack's ears.

He tried to speak, to ask where he was and how he had gotten there, but his voice was hoarse and raspy. His confusion mounted, and he felt a sense of unease rising within him. Where was he? And how had he gotten here?

Jack's brow furrowed in confusion as he took in the strange objects and machines surrounding him.

As he looked around, he saw the artifacts making beeping sounds, their purpose completely unknown to him. He tried to sit up again, but the pain shooting through his body made him hesitate.

Turning his attention back to the woman beside him, he spoke again, this time more urgently. "Where am I?" he managed to croak out, his throat dry and scratchy.

The woman's expression softened, and she spoke softly in a language he couldn't understand. Jack's confusion deepened, and he began to wonder if he had been transported to another world entirely.

Suddenly, Jack's attention was drawn toward the table where the golden hilt of his sword rested. He recognized it immediately, his heart sinking as he realized that it was the only thing left of his once powerful weapon.

There was no blade attached to the hilt, only empty sockets that once held seven gems of various colors. The sight of the empty sockets filled Jack with a sense of loss and regret. The sword had been his constant companion for years, a symbol of his power and strength as a warrior.

Now, it was nothing but a useless hilt, a reminder of everything he had lost. He reached out to pick it up, his fingers tracing the intricate designs etched into the metal.

Jack winced in pain as he traced the hilt with his fingers, lost in memories of battles past. Despite the pain, he couldn't bring himself to stop, as if the hilt was the only connection he had to his old life.

As he exhaled, he carefully placed the hilt back on the table and turned his gaze to the woman. He noticed that she was carrying a glass of water.

As the woman supported his back and brought the glass of water to his lips, Jack looked at her intently. He took a long drink of water, savoring the cool liquid as it flowed down his parched throat.

He couldn't help but wonder who she was and why she was helping him. He had no memory of how he had ended up in this unfamiliar place, and he didn't know if he could trust her.

But as he looked into her eyes, he sensed a deep compassion and kindness that put him at ease. He knew that he could trust her, at least for now.

As Jack lay down on the bed and closed his eyes, he felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him. But despite his weariness, his mind was racing with questions and concerns.

He began to inspect his body, wincing in pain as he probed his injuries. The more he examined himself, the more he realized just how gravely injured he was. His body was covered in bruises and cuts, and he could feel broken bones and internal injuries as well.


As the days passed by, Jack's body slowly healed. With the help of the woman who had been caring for him, he had been able to recover much faster than he had anticipated. She had provided him with various elixirs and medicines that had helped his body heal at an accelerated rate.

Soon enough, Jack was able to stand and walk around without any assistance. As he moved around the unfamiliar surroundings, he began to notice that this world was much more advanced than his own. The technology and architecture were beyond anything he had ever seen before.

He couldn't help but wonder how he had ended up in this place. Was it some sort of alternate dimension or a parallel universe? He had no answers, but he knew that he had to find a way to survive and adapt to this new world.


As he stood by the window, Jack felt a sense of displacement. He was wearing unfamiliar clothes, surrounded by strange artifacts, and in a world where he couldn't understand the language. He looked up at the sky and saw the same stars he remembered from his own world, but they looked different somehow.

He let out a deep sigh and ran his hand through his hair.

As he turned away from the window, he caught sight of his reflection in a nearby mirror. He barely recognized himself. His hair was shorter, his face looked familiar but different, and his eyes held a weariness he had never seen before.

He checked the door once more, making sure it was securely locked before turning towards the window. He could feel the cool breeze on his face as he gazed at the moonlit sky, his eyes glinting with green light, and suddenly, his body vanished into a thin air.


The alley was bathed in a dim, eerie light that barely illuminated the dark corners. The only sound was the heavy breathing of the bulky man as he writhed on the ground, his tattooed body trembling uncontrollably. His once powerful limbs were now mangled and broken, and his face was a mask of fear as he looked up at the man who stood over him.

The man towering over him was a formidable figure, with broad shoulders and rippling muscles that strained against his dark clothing. His eyes glinted with icy coldness, and his features were chiseled and hard like the stone of a monument.

The air was thick with the smell of blood and sweat as the man on the ground gasped for air, his eyes darting frantically to the side where a motionless figure lay. It was the body of a girl, her clothes tattered and her once-beautiful face now twisted in an expression of pain and fear. Her eyes were blank and lifeless as if her spirit had already fled her body.

The bulky man's mind reeled as he tried to comprehend what was happening. But before he could even make sense of it, a hand covered his head, and a searing pain coursed through his brain, making him writhe in agony. He felt like someone was squeezing his skull, trying to wring his very thoughts out of his head.

Just as he felt his consciousness slipping away, he was jolted back to reality by a new sensation - a scorching heat that spread through his entire body like wildfire. Every nerve ending in his body was set ablaze, and he screamed in agony as the pain consumed him.

Amidst the pain, a single thought pierced through his mind - regret. Regret for every bad decision he had made, every person he had wronged. He wished he could turn back time and undo all the mistakes he had made, but it was too late now.

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