
The Tragedy of the Wretched Mind and Mending a broken wall.

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What is The Tragedy of the Wretched Mind and Mending a broken wall.

Leia o romance The Tragedy of the Wretched Mind and Mending a broken wall. escrito pelo autor DaoistfNyIO2 publicado no WebNovel. Not every mind is mindful. A mindful mind is entrepreneurship based. It despises idleness and embraces hardworkingA clenched mind is a restricted mind. It denies itself life success variables. It is m...


Not every mind is mindful. A mindful mind is entrepreneurship based. It despises idleness and embraces hardworking A clenched mind is a restricted mind. It denies itself life success variables. It is manipulated easily by the slight plight which a mindful mind would seek explicitly a way to put in order. A mind in trance is awaken in adversity but heartwarming mind seeks and puts in order ordeals. Mind is a bag everyone carries. The content is determined by the make up. An industrious one carries a productive mind: unindustrous carries a languid and wretched one. The life variables that make one unique are incubated and hatched by the mind. It is the focal point of every being. A mindful being is a successful being. He/She thinks divergently and critically to explore hidden opportunities. The world is full of adventures to be ventured but it requires super acumen and mettlesome mind to discover. Romadi and Bisi swum in the hot sea of death because of their poor heed to their father's advice. Basuka's unconscious mistake fetched him a slight consequence of wretchedness but Romadi and Bisi's conscious felony fetched them solemn repercussion of death. An advanced mistake calls for advanced consequence. Think and choose, the word is for you!

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