
The titan world

Aot but with more titans a lot more

DaoistIDLx5A · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs


Inside of a small humble village there was a humble home Inside the humble home was humble family of 3 a son a mother and father and they all gathered around a tree it was Christmas and it was the fathers turn for presents so he got on the ground and opened his rapping and he said"just what I wanted a box" he said with a big grin"check the inside of the box"said the mother and son said while shaking their heads"oh come on it wa-" he was interrupted by DYING as he was crushed by a GIANT FOOT the mother and son were undoubtedly frozen in sadness fear and shock then the roof was ripped off as a giant or titan looked at them then the son soul was kicked out by another soul the main characters soul do not question it ben(mc) eyes had a lot less fear in them then the son because believe it or not he was a masochist sort of he would not do pain for pain but he had no problem feeling pain but he would not jump into a fire for pain so the titan shifter was about to smash ben