
(Prologue) The Beginning of Something Terrible

Darkness. Bleak unadulterated darkness was all I saw. Then light was suddenly turned on but It was so bright I couldn't even see anything for a moment. I then looked towards the very epicenter of light and it spoke to me, "Youngling you were made from something special and new. You are destined to suffer and feel great misery, but you are also destined for Greatness. It is up to you on what happens now but know this, your abilities are not all powerful and you can be killed. Now go and live a life, hopefully a happy one.. my child".

Just like that I met my.. parent? but now I'm on a world, I don't have a name and I can't remember much other then some basic knowledge like the ability to create fire, make tools and how to make a shelter. I had basic speaking skills and I know that I have an ability whatever that entails. This world looks barren and miserable. Why isn't there more to it then this? Where exactly am I? What ability was I given when I was made? How was I even made? I have so many questions and no answers. I suppose I should walk around and look for someone. Maybe something similar has happened before and they can help give me answers. Hopefully the people on this world are kind enough to assist me..

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