
The Time Rift Chronicles

Magical Realism
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What is The Time Rift Chronicles

Leia o romance The Time Rift Chronicles escrito pelo autor Favour_Amadi_0981 publicado no WebNovel. In a futuristic city enclosed within a colossal geodesic dome, Dr. Benjamin Rider, driven by a tragic loss, unveils a time machine to alter the past. His son, Grim, torn between rebellious pursuits an...


In a futuristic city enclosed within a colossal geodesic dome, Dr. Benjamin Rider, driven by a tragic loss, unveils a time machine to alter the past. His son, Grim, torn between rebellious pursuits and a passion for history, finds himself thrust into an unexpected journey when the Rebellion's hideout is discovered. Fleeing chaos, Grim seeks refuge in his father's lab, where Dr. Rider unveils the time machine's potential. However, a looming threat emerges as an asteroid with otherworldly energy menaces their world. Driven by desperation, Dr. Rider sends Grim back in time to prevent the incident that claimed his wife's life. In a poignant moment, Grim agrees to the perilous mission but faces an unforeseen complication—alone due to a malfunction. Tearful farewells are exchanged as Grim vanishes into the past. However, an asteroid interference sends him further back than intended, landing him in an ancient African rainforest. Now lost in time, Grim absorbs energy and time particles, gaining unique abilities. Armed with historical knowledge and quick thinking, he grasps the urgency of returning to the future to save their world. The quest begins as Grim navigates through the twists of time, seeking a path back to the geodesic dome and the impending threat it holds.

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Volume 1 :Time Rift Chronicles


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  • Antecedentes do mundo


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