John Crownguard Info

Name: John Crownguard (Son of Adam

Parker and Fiona Parker)

Age: 30 (50+)

Bloodline: Half-Demon(Sparda|Mastered),

Hybrid Guardian(Has the power of

all classes|Mastered)

Powers: Superhuman Strength, Speed, Agility,

Recovery, Reactions, Balance,

Durability, Stamina, Ki Control

(Master), Reiatsu Control (Master),

The Great Way of Buddha (Stage 10),

God Ki Control (Master), Ultra

Instinct, Magic Control (Expert),

Haki Control (Master) Chakra Control

(Master), Eternal Sharingan,

Rinnengan, Lightning Body (Master).

Items: Kings (Zanpakutos), Yamato,

Devilsword John, Fusion Sword.

Companions: Fang (White Tiger), Azure

Dragon Clan (Summon)

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