After experiencing death in an unfortunate way, Samantha woke up as someone who has been wanted for crimes the last five years with memories from a different world. It’s hard to express to people she isn’t the fugitive when they look exactly the same and have similar names.
Samantha was feeling excited ever since she woke up this morning. She brushed her reddish brown hair giving it a curl so it had more volume. She did her make up lightly around her blue eyes tonight knowing the bar would be somewhat sweaty.
And here she was! Finally partying and feeling freedom of being a legal adult able to drink alcohol! She couldn't help but smile with her beautiful straight teeth!
The moment she came inside the bar with her friends, the girl started to attract attention from the opposite gender. The slim beauty was extremely pretty with a sense of confidence not many women had in the bar.
A weird hooded figure seemed to be hanging around her for quite some time keeping some distance, but she was too busy on the dance floor dancing with the girls with her new red heels to notice him for a while. The hooded figure seemed to linger around every place she ended up, but Samantha was too busy flirting with men thinking he was just an admirer. She finally noticed the man and considered it another shy boy who didn't have the courage to approach her. Although she knew it took a lot of bravery for men to approach women, she would never purposely make him feel silly for introducing himself. She was very single and was excited to meet different individuals. The man however didn't ever take an opportunity to approach.
She wasn't too worried about him or about tonight since she had finally turned twenty one and could party all night long without using her fake I.D. She had other things to think about for the evening.
Suddenly her phone started to buzz making her stop dancing abruptly.
"Hello?" Sammantha answered to the unknown number with a bit of hesitation. She usually sent the calls to voicemail if she didn't know the number, but tonight she felt like she was on top of the world.
"You look nice tonight." Came a slow deep voice that made her chest full with anxiety.
"Who is this?" Samantha asked looking around the bar. She even looked toward where the hooded man was, but he seemed to have finally left which brought her some peace.
"The question is, who are you?"
"I think you have the wrong number sir." She murmured while catching her breathe from all the jumping.
"No. I am speaking to the right person. It's been quite some time Samantha. I was wondering how you turned out. You have blossomed into quite a pretty woman."
"What?" She asked now worried that the man knew her name.
"Don't be so shy. You're quite a famous woman. No need to play coy. I was hoping for us to chat for a moment."
"I don't have time for this." Samantha rolled her eyes and hung up the phone. She was in no mood for prank calls tonight. She immediately went and blocked the number so it would not bother her again, but she was already annoyed and a feeling of fear start to creep within her. Was this person watching her?
"You getting tired Sam?" One of her friends asked when she noticed her not dancing anymore. "You seemed to have lost your mojo for the night!"
For some reason Samantha's mood turned sour as she decided the call ruined her night, but she forced a smile when she looked at her friend pretending the whole day was perfect since her friends tried hard to make her feel special.
"Yeah. I think I'll get heading. Thanks for coming with me tonight. Tell the girls I loved the night! It was way fun!" Samantha quickly hugged her friend as she smiled and waved goodbye. She knew the girls wouldn't miss her too much since there were many good looking men around. They also didn't seem to notice or care that she was leaving alone since none offered to go with her. Sam didn't worry however, it was nice to get away and be by herself for a moment.
Samantha went and grabbed her coat and put it over her skinny jeans and tube top. Many men approached her but she quickly waved them off since she was over the drunks flirtations. She felt flattered for the first hour, but she was not looking for a one night stand tonight. They usually got worse the longer she stayed, so it was a good time to leave.
She walked out the doors and smelled the disgusting smell her favorite city had to offer. It was definitely something she knew would happen, but the smell was overwhelming every time she went outside. But she still felt like Hollywood had a much worse smell. She let out a quick laugh at her own thoughts knowing it was such an odd thing for her to think about.
She could see some cabs driving pass, but Samantha decided to take a short walk in order to catch her breathe. It was a beautiful night and it wasn't as cold as usual. She had gotten too worked up over some stupid prank call and wanted to clear her mind.
While walking along the sidewalk, people began to disperse leaving her walking alone and she felt sort of dread. She knew not to walk alone in the city, but sometimes she wanted to experience normalcy. However, she knew safety was very important and she shook her head at her stupidity that she forgot her pepper spray.
Eventually looking behind her shoulder, Samantha noticed the hooded figure from earlier following her and it made her realize the predicament she was in.
Slipping off her shoes, Samantha tried to remain calm as she quickened her pace. But the man also started to increase his pace in order to not lose her.
Starting to freak out, Samantha ran like her life depended on it only to see the man run quickly behind her in a frightening way. She saw the man pull a knife out of his hoodie while he pursued the girl with a crazy smile upon his face.
"Help!" She screamed hoping anyone would hear her. But it fell on deaf ears while the man behind her let out a dreadful laugh. He knew the little rabbit was not going to get away from him tonight.
"No one can help you!" He taunted. "I just want to talk for a second Samantha! You are making the chase more difficult than it needs to be."
The girl ran until she came to the end of an alleyway looking at a brick wall. She was stuck!
She quickly turned around and saw two red eyes at the same time she felt a cold object sink into her stomach. The man then pulled the knife back giving her a wicked grin.
"How does it feel little rabbit?" He whispered. "Does it scare you to know you won't ever see the people in this world again?"
"Why?" She croaked as she fell to her knees holding onto her stomach. Blood was gushing out and she began to feel dizzy. The stranger knelt down still looking into her eyes with a concerned look. She could barely make out his features since her vision was becoming blurry. But he had defined red eyes which had her momentarily memorized.
"Don't you know who you are Samantha? That's enough reason to why I had to do this." He chimed as he wiped the blood on the knife against her pants. "I told you I didn't have the wrong person. I wish you didn't hang up on me while we were chatting on the phone. We could have had more time to talk."
Her eyes began to close shut and the darkness began to surround the young girl. She felt utter despair thinking this could be the very last breathes of her life.