
Chapter 7


All students wake up and made their own personal hygienes. In the university there is a cafeteria and all students will have their breakfast, lunch and dinner here, but the students are also allowed to eat outside for lunch and dinner if they want to, breakfast outside is forbidden by the school policies.

Just what happening to a normal school first day of class, everyone should go to their own classes because they have different courses they will attend where department they are.

"Where is the room for business department I can't find it." Sherwin said in his thoughts.

While walking two beautiful girls are coming ahead and one of them stopped and happily said. "Sherwin is that you? long time no see!"

It was Ericka his cousin Gerald talking about.

"How are you? if I remeber it was already 4 years, your so bad you don't even keep in touch with us, even your behind of 2 years in studies were still your classmates back then."

"Yeah! by the way why did you stop after junior high?" Kyrieh added.

Sherwin calmedly said, "hey girls one by one the enemy was weak ok."

The two girls just laughed. "You haven't changed at all your just so funny."

"Well as you see I'm still fine and still a human, what do you think? The girls can't stop their self to smile.

"I stop because hmm... personal problem... maybe my laziness and troublemaker mind haha.. I didn't keep in touch because I'm lazy to do so."

"Well that's ok we knew your nature after all lazy fella". Kyrieh smirked and said.

"Where are you going? I think we can help you." Ericka said.

"I will thank you in advance if you help me, I'm new and I just can't find the business department I will be late now in my class."

"Your welcome, then we will just escort you there then so that you won't be lost."

A few minutes later...

"Were here! this is the business department, Sherwin how about we exchange contact number so that you can call me if you want help, and I can tour you also at the campus later." Ericka said happily.

Sherwin wants to refuse but thinking for their help he agreed and exchange contact information.

"We will go now, bye see you later." He just smiled when the two ladies leave.

Ericka is more beautiful and attractive today than before it's just that I don't feel anything for her now, not just like before.

Sherwin was very attracted to Ericka before and he want her to be his girlfriend, but after knowing that she have bad side he restrain and stopped his self for loving her.

He entered the class and sat on the vacant seat on the back row, and tried to look around on his classmates. The proffesor entered and he introduced his self "I'm Shane Locke your adviser," and he let the students introduced their self. He started at the back row and pointed Sherwin, young man your the first come here. He stand and went to the front.

"Nice meeting you all, I'm Sherwin Oxford and that's all I have to say." Some of his classmates just laughed but some boys tried to mocked him.

"What a speech I'm speechless." one of the girls said and giggled.

"Ok then Mr. Oxford you can return to your seat now." "Next" "Next" "Next" "Next" untill all of them are finsihed.

"Well it's the first day of the class and I'm your adviser I want you to select your classroom officers."

Sherwin just to bored to participate and he just raising his hands on votations not knowing who it was. The class president is Clarence Wade, vice president Jazanne Roxas, secretary Alice Whook and the rest.

For the time left, their proffesor discussed about their subjects and as their major subject this is the one they must not fail or else they won't move up to their sophomore. The first period finished and they will go to their room core subjects, in this core subjects they can be classmates to other students even if they are not from the same department. It was arranged and selected randomly.

As he enter he saw Noelyn sitting alone so he went straight beside her.

"Miss how are you?" Sherwin asked with a manly smile on his face. Noelyn looked with an asking eyes, and said to her self, "why this man asked like he doesn't know me?" So he punched Sherwin when he sit down.

"Hey miss your brutal" he chuckled. "By the way I'm lucky that your one of my classmate here in this subject"

Noelyn had smile on her face but after hearing his words again her smile swept away.

"I'm lucky because I have someone I can copy answers and works if I'm lazy to answer and do homeworks" he laughed.

Sherwin started a conversation and asked.

"How are you." "I'm fine."

"Nice, did you sleep well last night I'm afraid that you didn't sleep well because the atmosphere is change you have other people on a one room?" Noelyn was touched by Sherwin's word and politely replied, "I have sleep well last night it's not my first time sleeping with some people like my friends, and also thank you for your concern."

"Good I think there's nothing to worry about."

"By the way did you also sleep well?"

"Well of course me and my friends already sleep together many times so it's just a common thing to me." "By the way are you having a healthy meal after all?"

"Yes why did you ask? I'm healthy after all."

"Then why are you not gaining some heights after all?" Sherwin asked with a smile on his face.

Noelyn tried to composed herself and said. "I think when God poured out his blessings for height you took it all by yourself because your so greedy and when I came out rainbow is only left."

"Oh is that so? well maybe you overslept that's why rainbow is only left with you."

This time the two laughed and they get the attention of the other students. Some said that they are a couple, and Noelyn blushed after hearing it, while Sherwin just happily smiled and said, "don't mind them just let them think what they want they want to think."

The class resumes when their proffesor enters, this time it was a woman. The boys just can't stopped themselves asking some silly questions on the teacher.

Noelyn was so happy that Sherwin didn't also joined their other classmates asking silly questions on the pretty teacher.