
All up to Luck

The next morning my alarm wakes Vinny, my Pokemon and myself up. I set out some a bowl full of pellets for both of them. While I shower brush my teeth and get dressed. After finishing I return both Tsun and Eevee to their balls and put them on my belt. "What you don't want to show off your crazy luck there Lukey boy, or should I just call you lucky Lukey. Hell I still can't believe one of those eggs you purchased a shiny pokemon. You know how much that Eevee of your is worth even? Even if it ends up having shit potential that Pokémon's a gold mind probably worth around 50k minimum." Vinny chides me while we walk to the cafeteria. "Well I don't want to draw a lot of attention at school I just want to focus on becoming the best trainer I can be." I retort. "Right becuase that pretty boy mug of yours along with the 2 pokeballs on your waist won't draw attention anyways. Face it Lukey your gonna have fan girls so just embrace it you lucky bastard. Oh and don't be afraid to break a few hearts that way I can be there to comfort them." Vinny chortles. "Right, becuase I'm sure they'll turn to you." I reply sarcastically, before we both start laughing.

After grabbing a plate for myself . We start to look for a table. That's when I see Sara waving for us to come over. " Good to see you dethawed in time for breakfast ice queen. It would have been a shame if I actually got to enjoy this meal." Vinny snarks. Sara grabs his arm pulling him close and repentivly says, " I'm sorry about yesterday I didn't mean to be rude, I would appreciate if we could start over and try to be friends Vinny." Vinny who is now blushing like crazy snaps out of his stupor before mumbling " yea whatever but I'm keeping the nickname alright Elsa." Sara who is glowing with excitement just nods her head happily. With that we finish our meal before leaving for class.

We arrive about 15 minutes early and most of the other student are standing or sitting in groups chatting about how excited they are. I make my way towards a spot upfront near the windows and sit down with both Vinny and Sara following behind me. After a few minutes Mrs Scott walked in and started the class. After hours of listening to her cover basic information about type advantages, status conditions, routes, and the importance of potential we finally got to something I didn't know.

"Alright class who can tell me the 2 ways to make your Pokemon stronger." Before a girl raised her hand and waited to be called upon before answering. "They would be training, and battling Mrs Scott" . "Excellent now could you tell me how each one is different and the benefits of each." I myself didn't know as my dad only taught me about the importance of training. Then a brown haired boy stood up and spoke. " well that would be that training is focused on increasing a Pokémon's stats and does little for increasing level while battling and defeating other pokemon helps raise a Pokémon's level quickly with little to no improvement of stats." He sat when he finished. " that's right Mr Mathew's but how about raising your hand next time instead of interrupting." Mrs Scott spoke. The boy just shrugged unbothered while the group of girls around him giggled. The lunch bell then rang and Mrs Scott said "Alright when you come back we are going to be having your battle tactics class after lunch all of those you don't have a Pokemon will be given one at that time before breaking up into pairs to battle."

At lunch Vinny was nervous but also excited. "What do you think I'll get I hope it's sting and likes me. Maybe I should let you pick it for me since Lady Luck obviously fancies you. How about you Elsa maybe they'll have a nice ice type for you." "Sorry to disappoint you Vinny but I already have my Pokemon I actually have 2 like Lucas here." Sara answered smugly while pulling 2 pokeballs out of her bag. Vinny and I were both surprised by the revelation but before anyone could say anything she continued "And before you accuse me of being a spoiled rich girl just now that I didn't buy them I befriended them when I was younger and they both agreed to join me." Now we were both just staring eyes wide mouths agape, not bowing how to respond. Sara giggled before telling us to hurry up as lunch is almost over. After she got up and stilled away to the training area while humming.

10 minutes later Vinny and I arrive at the training facility and go stand near Sara who got there a few minutes before us. Inside the stadium type of building there was a large open area in the middle. (think something similar to an outdoor sports arena like like a football or soccer stadium only slightly bigger). Where 2 dozen moderately sized stone platforms stood each painted with the same design and and some kind of machine next to each one. (picture). Around the outskirts of the stadium there was a multiple of rooms, too many to be able to count from a glance. All the students waited expectantly until Mrs Scott showed up followed by a familiar plump red headed woman. "Hello I'm Mrs Annette and everyone who need a pokemon should get up and follow me we have a wide selection of partners for you to choose. Move quickly as we do not have all day." The red headed woman said before she turned around and started walking. Vinny along with about 100 others got up and moved quickly to catch up to her. Only turning to say " Hopefully some of of your luck rubs off on me." While grinning. I really hope he returns with something good but I guess that will depend on his luck. ( yes I created multiple wheels to decide his fate. I'll leave them available at the end of chapter to those interested in looking but there will be spoilers .)

After Vinny and that group left. Mrs Scott asked if any of us had any battling experience. Only myself and a few others raised our hands. "Excellent now which ones of you who have experience would like to come up here to demonstrate? So that we can discuss what happened and what both trainers did right and wrong afterwards. Almost all of the hands that were up went down. Now only my hand and 2 other boys remained, I recognized one as the boy who spoke out during the last class Alex I think his name was. Ms Scott looked at us 3 before choosing myself and the other boy who's name I didn't know. Much to the annoyance of Alex who huffed and turned his back. As we walked up Ms Scott announced " this will be a 2v2 battle since both trainers have 2 Pokemon apiece no switching is allowed." "Before we battle I'd like to wish you luck and let's have fun." My opponent spoke while extending his hand. I accepted his the handshake and replied " Thanks and the feeling is mutual my name is Lucas by the way what yours." "You can call me Tom. Now let's battle." We both released our pokemon from there pokeballs at the same time. While Mrs Scott activated the machine next to her as a transparent Sphere encircled the battle area.

As both pokemon became visible both I could hear some ooohs and ahhs along with some high pitched squeals coming from the audience. I also was shocked but not due to my Tom also having a shiny or a rare pokemon but the level and potential . ' This is not gonna be easy, but that's what makes it fun' I thought while smiling.

Spearow: lvl 6 ( mid Iron stage)

Potential: light green

Ability: sniper

Stats:(well above average)Hp F /Atk C-/Def F / SpA F/ SpD F/ Spd B-

Total:( 330) D-

Spoilers for Vinny's Pokemon here

( about to write my first battle scene in next chapter hopefully I do it justice.)

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