
The tale of one

Nexussam123 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 8

After the whole scuffle with my dad, i had decided to go back home where life went on as normal as it could get with my younger siblings and father.

Dad still went to work at The Pack since he was the alpha, he continued the search for our mother while me and the others were getting some relaxation time. Aaron and Ethan were injured during the "infiltration" mission you could call it,

I was also at home recovering but at the same time i was also babysitting Kayden and Kurumay since they were still a little young to be left alone and to their own devices at home, I didnt mind though, Ethan had come over to make a potion which for some reason i thought was odd until he told he that one of his experimental potions blew up a section of his house so I just let him do what he wanted because i didn't want to deal with his nagging when he becomes desperate especially when he allows his split personality Nathan to take the wheel

At the time Zise also began to move in to my place, My house had enough room for six people to live under one house which was good because i was starting to get lonely just sitting in complete silence reading a book waiting for someone to knock.

Anyway after that one day while Dad was out at work and Kayden and Kurumay were in their room, Ethan had concocted a potion and left it in my fridge without a stupid label which lead to me drinking it because it looked like orange juice and i grabbed whatever i could get my hands on, after drinking the potion I blacked out,

According the Zise, she found me there in the kitchen and I looked like a kid, Ethans potion must've had the unexpected side effect of temporarily deageing anyone who drank it,

Zise then brought me to the living room where dad was seems like he came a bit early from home but needed to go back, Dad had asked kid me to forgive him which knowing me at the time I did and wanted to see my older younger twin siblings which he called to the living room. Kurumays reaction i could tell even before she told me

As i thought she thought I was adorable and for kayden he was clearly confused, that was when dad left for work and i was left to my younger sisters intentions, first thing she did was that she powered kicked Kayden onto the couch and snatched me and practically played dress up with me

As kayden had described i had a a embarrassed look on my face, he just laughed until tears of joy came from jis eyes after those events they stayed quiet about it and I decided not to push them for answers but the one thing i did know that is during my blackout our mother was home, I was overjoyed but Kayden and Kurumay had mixed feelings about her since they didn't know much about her because she went missing when they were still three years old and when i was about 5.

As for me though I still had questions wandering my brain like for example Damien, a demon friend who had helped me survive the trek to the nearest town after i was banished from Nights Creed


Nights Creed is a neutral village of wolves who have secluded themselves from the rest of the tribes, they have laws that prevent wolves from harming humans, the result of braking these laws is the banishment of the violators from the village, this system even affected the young and the old


I never heard anything from him after i meet Dylan and his family as a kid, I kinda felt alone when i couldn't hear his voice or see him anymore but once i found Dylan like i said earlier i memorialized Damiens memory with a bracelet i left at a makeshift cross somewhere near Dylans house, I'm not sure if it's there anymore