
The Systems Force: Terra Indomitus. (On hold for now)

After a helicopter crash, Navy SEALs Captain Avery Gallahan woke up to find out that he was in a completely different reality than his own with no idea of how he got here or where his team was. Now he has to survive the harsh world and the villain and hero in it. But first, he has to figure out what happened and why this mysterious Doctor is so interested in him. (Crackish)(Lemon)(Some Harem Element and if you don't like it too bad)

Tofu_Misu · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Prologue: The deployment.

AN: This story is a reboot of another story called The System Force. I realized that I might have gotten a bit too ambitious with its story and now I am redoing it. Some time is best to Quit and start over while it is still in its early stages then let it spiral out of control.
My rebooting of this story will have some similarities and some differences to the original version, and like any story, it is open for anyone's interpretation as long as you enjoy the read.

Scotia Sea.

En route to Antarctica.


Captain Avery Gallahan POV.

"What are you reading Cap?" A voice spoke up in front of me, causing me to look up from my tablet. A sergeant judging by the stripes on his uniform, and one of my men were standing before me. I recognized him as Master Chief Petty Officer Smith. The man was tall, a good bit over six feet. He had dark skin and eyes that looked as black as a starless night.

"Comic MC, always a big fan of comic books," I admitted with a smirk.

"Really?" Another one of my men, a Lieutenant this time, said. Hunk was a big guy, a little over seven feet, and built like a brick shithouse.

"You mean like Superman? Batman? Those kinds of comics or something."

"Oh I do read those, but I also enjoy others. I was actually reading one of the old Captain America comics. Something I picked up on my last trip back to the States."

"Heh… so our tough-as-nails captain is a nerd too eh? Just what we need, more nerds, on this ship."

I looked at the man, who I am pretty damn sure was a spook that was embedded in the team, with a glare. The man looks Asian, He is about five and a half feet tall, with short-cropped hair. His face is narrow, and he has a scar on his cheek. I wasn't a fan of spooks, I didn't trust them. Never have, never will. He smirks at me, and I continue glaring.

"Hey, easy now," The Lieutenant said, his hands up, palms out, and a small smile on his lips. "You know I have a son who also likes reading comic books and such. Hell, he's even gotten me hooked on reading them. It's all he'll read any more. So you aren't the only nerd around here sir."

"Lieutenant, I'll have you know, there's no shame in being a nerd,"

"But why comic book Sir?" Another voice, this time a female asked.

Looking up I saw a young caucasian woman, a Petty Officer Third Class class, looking at me curiously. Rosette had long blonde hair and a very curvy body. I knew she had caught the eye of many of the men on this craft. But as the commanding officer for this mission, it is my job to keep everyone focused. Which means no hanky panky, or anything of the sort.

"My dad would read to me a lot when I was growing up. My mother died when I was four and I guess after her death, it was his way to help me feel better and to deal with his grief. He read to me a lot. He was an avid reader and so he made me read as well. At least every night and on weekends."

"And he read comics to you?"

"Yep, I grew up on both the classic DC and Marvel comics. I read all the classics, and still have a lot of the old books."

"And yet you're in the navy. Why not work in comic book stores or something?" The Petty Officer Third Class asked.

I couldn't help but chuckle and shook my head.

"It became of my dad actually, believe it or not, he was actually a British S.A.S. commando, and was sent to the States, where he met my mom. And as for how I ended up in the Navy, well, when I was fourteen, my dad was sent out to the Middle East and was killed. After his death, I joined the Navy and then later the SEALS."

"Ah... I'm sorry to hear about your dad,"

"Yeah, thank you. It's okay. He's been gone for a long time. However, if it wasn't for him and my mom, I wouldn't be who I am today. And I certainly wouldn't have ended up here."

"You don't sound thrilled to be here," the lieutenant stated.

"No, not really. But, hey, it's a job, right? A good one at that. We're getting paid well for this and will be going to a place few people have ever been able to go. And, I get to see new and amazing things."

"You seem like an old soul Cap," the Petty Officer Third Class commented.

"I'm not that old yet, just recently only turning 40 a few months ago. I've got a lot of life left to live yet."

"So you read anything else besides DC or Marvel?" The Lieutenant asked, taking a seat in the empty chair beside me.

I leaned back and stretched my arms out. "Sure. I'll read whatever is out there. Like the Star Trek comics or recently The Spawn comics. But, yeah, I prefer DC and Marvel."

But what I omitted to mention is that I also prefer the more explicit and erotic comics kind of comic. It was a guilty pleasure as I reminisce about that time when I was a teenager, I would read this one series, I remember It was called Morbus Gravis, about a young beautiful woman, named Druuna and Most of her adventures revolved around a post-apocalyptic future, and the plot is often a vehicle for varied scenes of hardcore pornography and softcore sexual imagery.

That was the first erotic comic that I've ever read, and boy was I hooked. I then read less but still fairly graphic or explicit stuff like Red Sonja or Vampirella. I have always found women who are capable and able to handle themselves and stand up for themselves, very sexy. Most of the characters I read were of this type, and the stories always had some type of sex in them, even if it was a softcore.

I guess you could say that I've got a bit of a secret fetish for strong warrior women with unrealistic proportions and a sex drive that is unmatched. I know it's strange and a lot of people might think that makes me a bit of a pervert. But who can blame me, when the women in these comics were always portrayed as these incredibly hot women with huge breasts and round asses, and a strong, fierce look in their eyes, while their bodies were almost naked, showing their perfect tits and asses.

Hell Even DC and Marvel comics had their sexy females, like Catwoman, and Black Widow, the various female warriors, like the Amazon women, and even some of their super-powered women. The older version of Wonder Woman is a good example, a very strong female lead, with a luscious figure, and a firm body.

But anyway I get why they have to tone them down because they have to cater to a younger audience, who shouldn't see or read stuff like this, at least not until they are old enough. And I also know the military, especially the Navy, is a tough place, especially for a female. Private Rosette here is a prime example, I read her file, and hell, she has already had her share of issues, from other females trying to make her life hell, and several of the male soldiers trying to take advantage of her. I see it and sometimes I have to personally step in and put a stop to it.

I know, in some parts of the world, females aren't treated well, and I won't deny that the US isn't one of them, sadly. We can't change everything, and even if we tried, there's still gonna be assholes everywhere, who will take advantage of anyone, if given the chance. But that doesn't mean, I can't do my part, do what's right, and treat everyone with the respect they deserve. Because on the battleground, gender doesn't matter, and everyone is equal.

You know the saying, you watch my back and I'll watch yours. If we can't rely on each other, then we might as well be dead already. I was quite surprised that Rosette made it through boot camp and became a full-fledged Navy Seal. She wasn't the strongest or biggest of her group, but she was the most determined and willful. And I think that is why she's here now, with me and the rest of the team. And for that, she has my respect.

Suddenly the intercom in the Helicraft chime and a voice spoke over the loudspeaker. "Captain, We are about 15 minutes to our current location, so prepare the team and equipment, the weather is a bit bad, so be careful out there, and be ready."

"You heard the man," I called out. "Prepare to jump, get ready to disembark in five minutes."

"So what are we doing in the middle of Antarctica?" MCPO Smith asked as he started to suit up. "I didn't get the briefing,"

"Yeah me neither what is going on Captain?"

"Well," I began slightly scowling at the obvious Spook, who was trying not to be noticed, as he came over and stood behind Rosette, his arms folded over his chest. I didn't like him and his kind. "I can't tell you much except, a few days ago, one of our satellites pick-ups what seemed to be a distress signal coming from deep in the Antarctic."

"The signal is seen to be Russia in origin, we decided to send out a fighter squadron to investigate, but when the fighters arrived, all connection with us, and all communication with it was lost for 12 hours. It was later discovered the fighter squadron was all destroyed."


"Well?" I turn to look at the spook who stood up and then continues where we left off.

"Yes, and then yesterday, the Russian government issued a warning to us, to stay away, that the area was off limits, and that the United States military and government were not to enter. The Russians then sent a Carrier Group to the area. But they too have since gone silent."

There was a long pause as everyone processed this information. I looked around the room and could see that they were all worried and concerned, as well as nervous. An entire Carrier Group even if it is Russian just doesn't disappear.

"The President has issued an executive order, we are to go down to the site and investigate. But our primary objective is to retrieve any survivors and gather any and all intel possible. If there is nothing to be found or if the situation becomes too dangerous, we are to withdraw."

"As things right now The President has elevated all of this to a DEFCON 2. Meaning that whatever is going on, we can assume the Russians have been compromised and are under attack. We must proceed with extreme caution. Our lives could be in danger, so everyone must stay alert and ready."

Shit… we are going into hostile territory and we're basically walking into the lion's den. What the hell have the Russians done this time? And who or what could be causing all this destruction I don't like the fact that they are sending us in blind.

"The President and NATO are worried about what the Russians are doing, and why they're being so secretive about it. And since the Russians aren't playing nice, and they are the ones that have been hit the hardest, the president is willing to bet the Russians did something stupid. That's why we're here, and why he sent us, a team of the best the United States military has to offer."

"The entire U.S. Navy and its allies have begun the process of quarantining the entire region and will begin the evacuation of civilians from the region, starting with the Antarctic continent and the surrounding areas. The goal is to clear the area by tomorrow."

"What about the Russians?"

"After issuing that warning to us, the Russian Government has gone dark and all attempts at communication with them have failed. This leads us to believe the Russians are no longer in control. Whatever has caused this, it's highly likely the Russian Government and its people are gone or have been neutralized."

"Oh my god…"

"Does the public know about this?" I asked the spook.

"The government will soon be issuing a statement, but we're going in blind. As such, all the teams sent here are under strict orders to keep this hush-hush. We are to maintain radio silence and to avoid any contact with civilians and other military personnel."

"So that's why there were more ships than necessary around the area. To block the public's view and to give the other teams and the public the illusion that everything is normal. We are going into a hot zone and we are doing it without knowing a single damn thing about the situation or what the fuck we're getting ourselves into."

I looked around at my men and noticed many of them looked nervous and scared, as well as worried. But before any of our thoughts and emotions could fester and grow, I clapped my hands, and said firmly,

"Alright, listen up. I know this is a bit daunting and frightening, but we are soldiers and this is what we've been trained for. We're the best, the elite, and nothing can stand against us, so have courage, and faith in your fellow soldiers. You are all the greatest of the greatest, and we've survived and come back from worse. So chin up and get your heads in the game. Let's get ready and let's go."

"Yes, sir!"


Suddenly everyone shook as what sounded like a loud explosion rang out, and the craft began to rapidly descend. Everyone quickly grabbed onto the closest thing to them to stop themselves from falling, while I managed to grab onto the intercom system,

"What the hell was that?!"

"SHIT! CASUALTY! WE ARE GOING DOWN!" The pilot's voice rang out through the loudspeaker.

"Brace yourselves! We are going to crash!"

I looked over at Rosette, and saw that she was shaking in fear. I then looked over to the lieutenant, who was busy trying to calm everyone down. I then looked at the spook, and saw him grabbing a hold of Rosette, holding her close.

'Well, at least he's not a complete asshole.' I thought as The craft continued to shake violently, and the alarms were blaring. There was a lot of shouting and screaming.

"We are going down! Brace for impact!"

A moment later the craft crashed into the ice. The entire thing rocked and shook violently, tossing everyone around, as it skidded along the ground. Then, with one final crash, the craft came to a stop, and we were all thrown forward, as it rolled over a couple of times. But Before I blacked out I heard a sweet voice calling out to me and what seemed to be a Japanese woman with hair black as the blackhole and wearing a Kimono with eyes that looked like they contained a galaxy suddenly appeared right in front of me.

"Hmmm… perfect! all of you should do nicely. And you, captain, I will use you, you and the other four are the ones I need to help me achieve my goal, the others are just here to ensure that you five are kept safe. You don't know me but it shouldn't matter cause I know that you will do an excellent job because like it or not you are under my…*employment* and I know you and I will work well, all of you will. I already know all of you will have an extraordinary future ahead of you. Now sleep and don't worry you won't feel anything."

And then everything went black.


Subject Skyfall Profile=

Name: Avery Gallahan

Occupation: Captain, Navy SEALS

Age: 40

Nationality: United States American

Ethnicity: African American

Languages: English, Spanish, French, and German

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Height: 6'5" (1.96m)

Weight: 220 lb (100 kg)

Body: Muscular

Relationship: None

Likes: Comic Books, Action Movies, video games, Reading, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Sci-fi, and strong women with a realistic proportion.

Dislikes: Politics, Spook, Sexism buffoon, and incompetent Fools


Born on June 11, 1995, in Chicago Illinois, Avery Gallahan grew up an only child, his father was a British S.A.S. commando and his mother a psychiatrist, when he was ten his mother died and he lived alone with his dad until he joined the Navy, and then after a year in the navy, he then joined the SEALS.

During his time in the military, he became well-known for his leadership, strength, and his tactical abilities, as well as his ability to stay cool under pressure. He is considered to be one of the most skilled and capable soldiers in the military, and is widely respected by those who know him.

He became the youngest lieutenant commander ever in the history of the US military and was quickly promoted to captain, where he led several successful missions. He is considered to be one of the most powerful and skilled members of the US military.

However, he has also been known to have a bit of a wild streak, and is often involved in bar fights, brawls, and other mischief. He is also known for his love of comic books, action movies, video games, and sci-fi/fantasy. He is also a bit of a nerd, and enjoys reading and learning new things.

In spite of his wildness and love of comics, he is still considered to be one of the most respected and powerful members of the military, and is often looked up to by those who serve under him. He is also well-known for his leadership skills, and is often sought out by others for advice and guidance.

But he also has a dark side. He has a violent temper and is known for his harsh treatment of those who cross him or disobey his orders. He is also known to be quite ruthless when it comes to dealing with those who threaten him or those he cares about. He led a 'very' unconventional team even by most standards. But he always gets the job done very well.

He also has a dislike for spies and the government, and has often butted heads with the intelligence agencies, as he feels they are too secretive and uncooperative. He has often accused them of being more interested in their own agendas rather than the welfare of the country.

Overall, Avery is a complex man, with both a strong sense of duty and loyalty, as well as a wild, carefree spirit. He is an honorable man but when push comes to shove he can be ruthless and unforgiving, especially towards those who wrong him or those he cares about. Despite his flaws, Avery is a man who can be trusted and relied upon, and those who are lucky enough to have him as a friend or ally, are fortunate indeed.