
The Systems Force: Terra Indomitus. (On hold for now)

After a helicopter crash, Navy SEALs Captain Avery Gallahan woke up to find out that he was in a completely different reality than his own with no idea of how he got here or where his team was. Now he has to survive the harsh world and the villain and hero in it. But first, he has to figure out what happened and why this mysterious Doctor is so interested in him. (Crackish)(Lemon)(Some Harem Element and if you don't like it too bad)

Tofu_Misu · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 8: The Chaos.


Chapter 8: The Chaos.


Avery Room.

Christmas of 2006.

Avery Gallahan's POV.


The Ground Shook as I was woken up by what sounded like a massive explosion, the entire facility trembled, and the lights flickered and buzzed.


Suddenly, the emergency sirens went off, and the alarm blared loudly, causing me to cover my ears.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN INTRUDER ALERT ?" I shouted, trying to be heard over the alarms and chaos.


'That's not good…' I thought As I got up and rushed towards the door, a large crack appeared, and the ceiling above my room collapsed, sending a massive wave of dust and debris crashing down on top of me.

"Ah, fuck! Son of a bitch!" I cursed, and I was knocked backward and fell onto the floor.


"Shit, that's not good. This is not how I imagined my day would go."

Just then, the rubble shifted, and I managed to squeeze through and crawl out of the destroyed room. As I stood up and surveyed the area, I noticed that both sides of the hallway that led to my room were blocked, and a massive wall of debris was separating me from the other end.


"Great, just fucking great. Well, no point crying over spilled milk. Might as well get moving and get the hell out of here, I guess that this might be truly the Time to escape this madhouse forever."

"Captain, are you there?" The familiar voice of Quintero, who seemed to be coming from my new Bio-watch.

"Quint? You there buddy?"

"Oh, thank the maker," the Australian UNSC Smart AI sighed.

"What the hell is going on?" I demanded as I raised and looked at my watch and saw what seemed to be a shirtless stereotypical surfer dude-bro wearing sunglasses that looked like he was straight out of the Baywatch show. His skin is green with what looks like many lines of code running through his body, and his hair is blond and curly. "Huh… Is this you?"


"That's not good…" The man in my watch with the voice of Quintero visibly winced and confirmed that yes was my AI Companion, who I probably assumed got into and had been able to integrate into my watch somehow but that was the thought for another time.

"Uh, yeah, no shit, Sherlock." I snarked and groaned. "And please don't tell me that this SUBJECT DOOMSDAY is what I think it is..."

"You mean the hulking grey-skinned Kryptonian monster that is currently rampaging Throughout the facility mate?" The Smart AI extrapolated with a nervous smile on his face.

"FUCK!" I cursed and began to look around the destroyed hallway, knowing that time was of the essence, and the situation was more dire than I previously thought. The fucking Doomsday, the thing that slays Superman in the comic and movie, the Overpower piece of shit that is nigh-invulnerable and able to survive a planet's destruction, is here in Cadmus and on Earth, and if that wasn't a reason to run for the hills and scream, I don't know what is.

"Do you know what that thing is doing now?"

"Ehh… No, sorry, Mate, the security system is on complete lockdown but I can tell by the remaining sensor on the other system that it has been causing havoc and destruction all over the place, and there's no telling what it is up to," Quintero explained, his tone apologetic and worried.

"Fantastic," I deadpanned.

"I recommend escaping while you still can, Captain," the Smart AI advised.

"Yeah, that's the plan, and I'm getting out of this place before it's too late." I agreed as I looked around the block Hallway again before pausing again when I thought passed by my mind. "What about the battlesuit?"

"What are you talking about mate?" Quintero asked. "Wait the minute… Do you mean the Annihilator?"

"Yeah," I nodded as I began lifting one of the large pieces of rubble and finding… the half-remaining dead body of the guards that was in charge of guarding me and the hallways. Particularly the one holding the shield and baton.

'Poor bastards...' I thought as I began to search the corpse for any weapon or item I could use.

"Well… Unknown at the moment, as you probably guess by now, the entire facility is on full lockdown, and all access and communications have been cut off," the Smart AI informed. "Wait… take that earpiece and put it on, mate. I'll guide you through this mess and make sure you will be alright. Okay, buddy?"

"Copy." I grabbed the small radio and attached it to my ear, and the Aussie UNSC Smart AI continued.

"As I was saying, the facility is in complete lockdown and the containment protocol is in effect, the whole place is sealed up tighter than a duck's arsehole. Luckily for you, I already extracted everything I can here and according to the schematic of the facility, there should be a vent that leads up to the upper floors, so that's the way to go."

"I see, and what about the people in here?" I questioned.

"Do you really care about the people in Cadmus, Captain?" Quintero questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Not particularly."

"Then, why are you asking?"

"I'm not a heartless monster, Quint, and the thought of leaving these poor shits to the mercy of the Doomsday, the Annihilator, or whatever is attacking the facility does not sit right with me." I pointed out, remembering the faces of the people in Cadmus, some of whom have treated me surprisingly well over the last two years, even the ones that did not. "Has Doctor Iamizaki and Doctor Tala gotten out yet, and can you tell me if they are alright?"

"According to the security logs, I was able to pull from the database, the doctor is nowhere to be found at the time of the attack, and Dr. Tala…" The Aussie AI paused for a moment as if hesitating.


"She was last seen in her workshop, Captain, studying the Annihilator with what seemed to be some sort of magical mirror that contained a person that spoke back to her, with Facial Recognition and the data that I have been able to collect so far over the year, I was able to identify the face belong to one Felix Faust, who was supposed to be dead according to my data."

Then the screen of the Biowatch began to change as the UNSC AI began to show me a video of what looked like some kind of security footage. The footage shows the inside of the sorceress's workshop from the beginning with her conversation with the man in the mirror Felix Faust, and to the part where Tala begins to chant some kind of spell that causes the footage to Blackout from a good minute before it comes back online where Dr. Tala is… nowhere to be seen. The battlesuit suddenly begins to move around before looking at the mirror that now has the face of… Tala's, the sorcerer's expression is distraught and panicked. The large battlesuit then looks around a bit more and spots the camera before raising its arms and destroying it, ending the footage.

I have a feeling that I know where this is going and I don't like it… not one bit and if my suspicions are correct then the Annihilator is even more dangerous and powerful than anyone realized.


"Faust…" I scowled at the name, Instantly knew who was presumably responsible for Doctor Tala's current predicament, and sighed. "Of course, I should have expected this to happen…"

"Yeah, that's what my hypothesis too, that Dr. Tala somehow, likely through some magical means, got Felix Faust's soul and trapped him in a magic mirror of some kind to help her study the Annihilator and now there is a high probability that Faust is currently possessing the automated battlesuit and is also on a rampage like Doomsday."

"Wonderful," I sighed as I grabbed the M1911 pistol from the corpse. "Is the mirror still there?"

"I… don't know actually… but why yo-" The Aussie AI inquired but then stopped as he looked at me accusingly. "Wait… a bloody minute… don't tell me are you seriously considering going to save the crazy sorceress, mate? Aren't you forgetting about the fact that she has been abit handsy with you over the last few years, and a bit unhinged and deranged? You're not seriously considering rescuing her, are you, Mate?"

"I can't leave her there, Quint. She's not exactly a bad person and she has done a lot for me," I admitted. "Sure she may be a bit crazy and eccentric but no one deserves to be trapped in a mirror and left behind, and besides, I have a hunch that if I rescue her, then she'll owe me one, and having an ally on the magic know-how would be beneficial."

"You are a bloody moron, Captain," Quint stated bluntly.

"I can't argue with you on that," I smirked good-naturedly.

"You do realize that the likelihood of success is low, and even if you succeed in saving her, there is a very small possibility that she might turn on you and try to kill you, right?"

"I'm aware, Quint, but I still have to try,"

"Alright, captain, but it's your funeral, not mine." The Aussie UNSC Smart AI shrugged helplessly. "I don't think I can even stop you from trying, not when you're seen dead set on doing something."

"Yeah, well, thanks for the concern."

"Don't mention it, and just be careful and make sure not to get killed," the Smart AI said as he showed the path to me on my bio-watch. "Okay, mate, it looks like both sides of the hallway are blocked by debris but luckily for you, there is a vent tunnel on the other side of the wall in front of you, which should lead you up to the next floor, and the path from there is not completely sealed, but there are a few areas and sections of the building that are barricaded."

"Got it,"

As I headed toward the wall and began the attempt to smack my way through with my bare fist, I then suddenly remembered something, I tucked my hand into the pockets of my pants and pulled out the small box that the good doctor had given me. Recalling her instructions to open it when I was back in my quarters, but since… you know… I was tired back then and now my room has been completely demolished, the circumstances have changed and the situation has escalated, might as well open it now and see what's inside.

I quickly opened the box, and inside was a strange metal ring…?

My first thought when I looked upon the ring, was that it was maybe one of the power rings that the Green Lantern used. However, when I examined it, it looked like one of those magic rings in the Lord of the Rings movies and I then noticed the strange runes engraved on it.

"Quint, is that a magic ring or something?" I inquired, showing the object to the Aussie UNSC Smart AI.

"Hmm… It looks like Old Nordic language, mate," the Australian replied after analyzing the old language probably faster than any advanced quantum computer could have, and his face turned thoughtful. "Hmmm, the inscription on the ring says: 'Draupnir Spear. May this weapon strike true; may it be wielded with wisdom; may it be put down when its job is done, may this weapon bind and banish the wicked, whose ring binds the worlds together. By Brok of the Huldra Brothers, the greatest blacksmith duo of the nine realms,"





Could it be…? It couldn't right? There is not possible or is it? I was having a hard time believing it. I was barely able to keep myself from passing out on the floor from shock and wonder as My trembling hand began to move toward the rings. This Ring… no, This weapon that was in the God of War game and was used by the god of war himself Kratos, this legendary weapon can allow the user to conjure up a magical spear in hand multiple times and the spear is self can act almost like a small remotely activated explosive. So in theory when I am in a fight, I probably could just spam the spear like mad and maybe wreak a lot of hell on my enemies. The thought of holding such a powerful and iconic weapon in my hands was both thrilling and daunting. And for some reason when I picked it up, I could feel its potent energy radiating off the ring almost like it was calling to me… like I am some kind of fucking chosen one bullshit.

"How the fuck does the doctor have this?" I muttered but I didn't get the chance to dwell on my thoughts as suddenly the ground shook again as I heard more explosions and the walls began to crack and collapse.


Without hesitation, I quickly slipped the ring on my finger and instantly it spawned and manifested an elegant-looking spear in my hand, and a surge of energy ran through my body. The sensation was like nothing I had ever felt before like everything felt… complete, and as I held the spear in my hand, I couldn't help but giggle. The energy of the ring gave me the strength and power I needed, and with a mighty throw of my spear, I tore through the wall and rubble blocking the vent tunnel, jumped in, and began climbing up the shaft.

'This is unbelievable. It feels like I can do anything with this thing.' I thought as the spear that was embedded in the wall disappeared and Detonated into a tiny explosion.

But I can put that thought in the back of my mind later… time to save the sorcerer for…reasons TOTALLY unrelated to the fact that I have had sexual intercourse with the said sorceress, and May have developed… I wouldn't dare say feeling for her, more like a mutual understanding and appreciation for each other. Like a strange sex friends kind of thing relationship you know? And if that's not a weird friendship, then I don't know what is.

"Quint, which way?"

"Keep going, turn left, and Head towards the elevator shaft, and then head left, mate, and the workshop should be right around the corner," the Smart AI instructed.

"Right," I nodded, and I continued climbing and maneuvering through the vent until I heard multiple gunshots and a few loud and painful screams coming from a nearby room. I looked through the vent cover and saw what looked like an intense firefight between the Cadmus guard and mercenary against another group.

As I began to observe the scene, I noticed that the exchange of gunfire was very one-sided and this new group was absolutely mowing down the security. The masked group looked like they carried some extremely advanced laser-like rifle and military equipment and if my eyes were not deceiving me which is very unlikely because of my training and enhancement.

It looks like there is some kind of energy shield around all of the unknown figures, which means they must have some sort of technology or something else that allows them to protect themselves. Despite The Cadmus guards and mercenaries also having some advanced rifles on their side, they had no such protection and were getting mowed down like butter, and I didn't blame them either. Overall, the Cadmus soldiers were no match, and it was a massacre as I saw one of the unknown troopers who looked slightly different than the other, who had some kind of golden mask on and firing a fucking flame thrower, burning and incinerating the remaining Cadmus soldiers alive. The screams and moans of the dying were almost deafening.

I had to bite my lip to keep from screaming, and the sight of the charred bodies was enough to make even the toughest of men sick. The smell of burnt flesh and the sound of blood and guts splattering on the walls were all too much, and the screams and cries of agony and pain were almost unbearable. As the trooper finished off the rest of the soldiers, a voice sounded, it was distorted, and the person sounded like an electronic female.

"This is Apostle-2 to Apostle Actual, encounter light resistance, no casualties or injuries on our side, and will begin with the process of containing The designated object ANNIHILATOR." The distorted female voice that was coming from the trooper with the flamethrower, called out.

"Can you hack into their radio and find out what are they doing here?" I whisper to the Aussie UNSC Smart AI, knowing full well that Quintero has the capability, and is already doing so.

"Copy, Mate, just give me a minute, and I'll see what I can find out," the Smart AI replied.

"Affirmative, proceed to Objective ANNIHILATOR, and eliminate the target. And if possible capture and bring in Subject-Skyfall." Another voice that sounds very distorted is speaking out over the communicator. "Remember, Apostles 1 and 4 will be on the lookout for the subject, while 5, and 6, are going after Doomsday while the Dhohanoids alpha, and are in the process of hunting down Deathstroke. 3 will stand, prepare the ship, and assist in the extraction of the subject while 7 will be guarding Project Kr but are ready to move in to provide backup if need be"

"What the fuck is a Dhohanoids?" I asked.

"No idea mate, but I'm willing to bet it can't be good either way." the Smart AI answered.

Huh… For many years now I have read and watched many DC comics, movies, and cartoons and I don't think I ever heard of something called the Dhohanoids, or these so-called soldiers who are called apostles. They must be either new additions to the DC universe that I haven't heard of yet or maybe… there is something else at play behind the scenes...

"Okay, I keep that in mind, keep me updated and inform me of any changes."

"Copy that, mate,"

"And, Remember…" The voice spoke again. "Our main target is Project Skyfall and everything related to it, no witnesses. Kill everyone."

"Affirmative," the trooper with the flamethrower responded.


The trooper turned and started walking, and I waited until she and her squad were out of sight before opening the vent cover sneaking out, and moving silently, following the trooper to the long hall, where the direction of the workshop was located.

The sound of gunshots and the screams of the dying can be heard throughout the facility as the many Bodies of guards and scientists lay about, blood leaking from the wounds caused by the laser fire as I stepped over them carefully and precisely, not making a single sound as I passed by the bodies, trying my best to ignore the gore and carnage that littered the halls, and focusing instead on the task at hand.

This unknown group has… by my assessment about a full platoon and was obviously better equipped than the guards here in Cadmus, and they were using some sort of advanced weaponry and armor with some kind of exoskeleton all over their all-black uniform, not to mention the fact that they apparently knew about Cadmus and they want me for whatever god know the reason.

And for whatever reason, I have a bad, very bad feeling about this group, I don't know what this group wants from me but I am willing to bet that it's not something good, judging from the fact that they were willing to kill everyone in their way, it's safe to assume that they are not a friendly bunch.

One more thing to note, this unknown group seemed like… very confident in their ability to deal with Both the Annihilator and Doomdays not to mention their willingness to try and take on Deathstroke the fucking Terminator himself, which was a very bold and ballsy move, not even a lot of government organizations have the guts or the resources to pull that off.

As the trooper and her soldier continued on her path, the radio on her suit began to chime, and the person on the other end was speaking.

"Apostle-2, report," the voice demanded.

"This is Apostle-2, the operation is going smoothly and according to plan. All enemies have been neutralized, moving in to take down the object."

"Be advised, the advanced sensor and analysis indicate that the object designated Annihilator is likely possessed and controlled by a magically potent phantom, analysis shows that is most likely the soul of a powerful magician, also known as Felix Faust. And most likely its vulnerability has been mitigated. So, be cautious."

"Understood, the Dhohanoids are already on their way and are ready for the challenge," the trooper replied.

As I moved stealthily and cautiously, the trooper stopped at the entrance to the workshop, turned to face the door, raised their rifle, and pointed it at the door as what sounded like a large footstep began making its way toward them.

But despite the Trooper about to face a weapon of mass destruction made by the Greek god of the forge himself. The Trooper stood there, unmoving, unflinching, and ready, like they were not afraid, like this was normal, and they had faced such things before.

'I really hope that Doctor Tala is alright.' I thought as I called on my spears with my M1911 aimed at the ready.

"All Apostle unit, Object ANNIHILATOR is approaching, be prepared and be ready to counterattack," The trooper announced as they began charging up their weapon, and I could see the glow of the gun growing brighter.

'Oh shit, not good.' I thought and prepared myself, just as the doors blasted open and out came the Annihilator, the automated and robotic suit that was powerful enough to fight and take down Superman, and it was a massive and powerful piece of magic tech.

"Hmmm…" A male voice Hummed coming from the Armor itself then a sinister chuckle could be heard as the possessed battle suit looked at the line of Advanced troopers pointing their guns at him. "Heh…Well isn't this something…"

"Give up Faust…" The trooper with the flamethrower, Apostle-2, demanded as the Annihilator raised its arms and pointed its weapons at the enemy. "The COC has the entire facility locked down and surrounded and there is not a chance you could escape us, give up now and surrender and you won't die again and be sent back to Hades."

"Tch, you think your words have an effect on me, former professor of archaeology scoffed, the suit's tone mocking. "How about you all step aside and let me carry out my business, or I'll be forced to demonstrate the true power of this suit."

I cautiously observed the standoff, realizing that this situation had escalated far beyond what I initially anticipated. Faust's possession of the Annihilator and the presence of this mysterious group raised numerous questions, and I knew I had to navigate this chaos carefully to save both Dr. Tala and myself.

"Quint, any ideas on how to handle this?" I whispered through the communication device, my eyes focused on the unfolding confrontation.

"Captain, it's a tricky situation, mate. We need to find a way to either defuse the tension or take advantage of the chaos. Maybe find an opportunity to slip past while they're distracted," Quint advised but then paused for a second his expression bewildered. "Wait… Hold on minutes… I am detecting some kind of tremor and… abnormal life-reading under us...?"

"Wait… what do you-"


That was when all hell broke loose as the battle suit opened fire with Faust sending a magical beam toward the Lead soldier Apostle-2's and hitting Her shield, knocking out and sending Apostle-2 flying and then crashing into a wall as the trooper returned fire.


Author Note: This is a kind of !CRACKISH! Fanfiction. I don't own Marvel and DC, nor am I some sort of loremaster.