
The System of Son of the Night

A being of light embraced by darkness." Evan spent the first years of his life in an eternal sleep. But this sleep was not really eternal, it was all due to the assimilation of the Night System which was assimilating with his body. Now that he woke up, he was confronted with reality. What he never had in the nightmare world, he now has; the family he never had is now by his side, people who love and support him, he now has.

Biscuit_8 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

24- The Desert (2)

"Come on, we'd better get back at once..." Chaos mentioned as he reopened a space rift.

Victoria didn't move from her place no matter how much Chaos spoke kindly to her.

"Victoria..." A chilling voice came from Chaos' delicate lips. Along with her voice, the place seemed to become more and more distorted.

The desert sand, turned liquid as if it were water and at other times seemed as solid as rock, in the air began to see swirls distorting the space. The far away felt close and the near felt far away. It seemed as if the laws were distorted, and the world in seconds plunged into inexplicable chaos.

"I'm coming..." Victoria said in a form of surrender. Immediately all the chaos that was happening around stopped.

"Perfect!" with a joyful smile Chaos entered the space rift.


The sky began to turn a dark blue while there was still a bit of orange tint left.

"The night is more beautiful than the day," Evan said calmly taking off the hood that covered his face.

Evan would take a quick break, but first, he would have to check the sand, to be sure there was nothing hidden beneath him. Unlike the Golden Serpent, the snake that ran into Evan earlier, many beasts hide deeper in the sand making it almost impossible to detect them if you don't have much more advanced senses.

Although Aura's control technique has a built-in sense technique, this sense technique is so shallow that it is not detected as a true sense technique.

Picking up his sword, Evan began to thrust it around the perimeter of 3 to 4 meters around him.

The book that was given to him by his sisters has many notes about his journey, and ways to survive in various places, among those places were the different types of deserts that are in the world.

The desert in which he is located, according to the book, is known as The Golden Desert, that name was not earned because of the color of the sand, but because the beasts that are above the Combatant Realm get a layer of metallic golden-colored skin around their bodies.

The book also explained more about the realms of cultivation, in order from the weakest to the strongest.









In each realm, you have to pass through four stages: initial, intermediate, late, and peak.

The only exception to the stages is the Mortal Realm, where after achieving the first breakthrough you will enter the realm of Foundations.

Also understand why the Mortal Realm is so important, for humans it is the time when they develop the first steps to form an aura that can then be developed into one of the three classes.

Berserker, an uncontrolled aura.

Warrior, a calm aura

Assassin, a silent aura

For vampires, the Mortal Realm is where they have to improve their circulatory system which is very important for them, after all, blood is the most important thing for vampires, it is not only their livelihood and nourishment, it is also their power.

The body of a human and an adult vampire do not differ much, but when a vampire starts to develop his circulatory system, it is the specific moment when both the veins and the heart have to be strengthened.

It has to be strengthened by at least 70% and if you are lucky 98%. When Lya strengthened her circulatory system she achieved 93% of her circulatory system.

The heart is the most fragile part for vampires, if it is not strengthened more than 70 percent reaching the Holy Realm is impossible, with 80% assured not only to pass the Saint Realm but also gets the chance to pass the Transcendent Realm.

If you manage to obtain 90% or more, you ensure the Transcendent Realm. Reaching Semi-Divinity and Divinity only depends on a variable and incalculable factor called luck or destiny.

Evan, according to his progress and thanks to the system, does not have to worry much about whether he can strengthen his circulatory system.

In the point store itself, he can compare the strength of his circulatory system.

Being already outside Evan understands better how to obtain points.

Mortal: 5 pts

Fundamentals: 10 pts

Apprentice: 50 pts

Combatant. 100 pts

Saint 1000 pts

Transcendent 10.000 pts

Semi-Divinity 100.000 pts

Divinity 1.000.000 pts

Evan in these days that he has been able to observe the system realized that he doesn't have to worry about many things, the only thing he does have to worry about is getting blood, and souls, increasing his Aura, and... well he still doesn't know how the cultivation of the Spiritual Beasts works.

Not to mention the quests that can help him get other advantages.

For now what Evan wishes to obtain.

[Soul Digesting Technique: Abyss] [500 pts].

Unlike the Spirit Beasts, the technique for cultivating souls has a simpler and more intuitive name to know which is which.

Evan is not sure which of these two Spirit Beasts techniques is the one he needs to cultivate mana.

[Mana Control Technique:...]

[Mana Summoning Technique:...]

Even so, Evan has already managed to obtain about 40 points in addition to the 25 pts he had already obtained before. In this week at least he has encountered two beasts in the deadly range. Some of these Beasts were registered in the book his sisters gave him and others were not registered. Besides that, the book is quite thin with only 50 pages.

It has a map, a beast guide, and handwritten notes that guide him in the best way to create a route, with steps to follow to reach the Night Lands safely. Plus a simple summary of things to take into account on your journey and some not-so-simple things... after all the world is strange to many who have not explored or lived in "Safe" areas.

The steps were simple.

1. Get 5 Fiery Wolf skins.

2. Get to the village near the False Rain Forest.

3. Get a tailor to make a set of clothes to cross the False Rainforest.

4 Cross the Ash Desert.

5. You made it to the night lands! You did it, Evan! Take care of yourself

The last step is written in various colors full of happiness and celebration on behalf of his sisters. Reading it without realizing it caused an involuntary smile to form on his face.

Sitting down and enjoying the little warmth that remained in the sand Evan took the opportunity to eat something quickly before continuing to his destination. A bag of blood, a meat sandwich, and a cookie.

The cookie is to see if he forgets the taste of blood, since the blood bag is pork and Evan dislikes the taste of it, it will be the same as for the snake blood.