
Chapter 1

It seemed to rain endlessly. It had been like that for the past five hours. Julian leaned into the sofa as he shut his eyes and tried to tune out the excited chatter around him. He would open his eyes at intervals when he heard a laugh or a shout from Sam. The latter was definitely having the time of his life. He had gained promotion at work, hence the mood for a celebration.

Try as much as he could, Julian knew it was fruitless. He was going to be part of the party whether he liked it or not. The living room was just prepared for that. The large mahogany table in the center was adorned with all sorts of liquor. Few meters away from where Sam stood talking with his girlfriend, Cheryl, was another large table with lots of snacks on top. Nancy, Julian's colleague, was seated at another sofa with Trish, flipping through a magazine. Julian watched as her eyes would narrow behind her glasses every time she flipped a page. Beside them was Randal ransacking the fridge for a beer. Julian couldn't help but shake his head at his best friend's ever growing enthusiasm for the beverage. He watched as the brown haired man frowned at not seeing his preferred brand.

'Hey, Sam." Randal turned his head towards the chatting couple. 'You didn't get Goldberg?"

'Sorry, man." Sam replied offhandedly. 'Skipped my mind. Why don't you try Star?"

'Sure, why not?" Randal whispered as a frown appeared on his face. He was clearly disappointed but what choice did he have? He grumbled as he picked the mentioned brand and slammed the fridge shut.

Julian sighed and leaned into the sofa for about the hundredth time. He didn't want to be here. There were better things he would rather spend his time doing. Watching a movie. Eating all sorts of junk food. Anything but being in a gathering. Apparently the rain had other plans as it never stopped even when he closed from work and made his way home. He had no choice than to give into Sam's persistence at making him stay over until the raining subsided. Which did not seem like happening anytime soon. Rather, to his infuriation, it intensified.

'How can it rain for five hours?" He grumbled.

'Julian?" A soft voice was heard just as he shut his eyes.

He opened them again to see Nancy standing right in front of him. She gave him an inquisitive gaze as she rubbed her forearm. An habit she was used to since they knew each other from high school.

What baffled Julian at that moment though, was how he never heard her approach at that moment.

'Yeah? What's up?" He enquired.

'Nothing serious. I just thought I could keep you company. You look bored." Nancy said as she sat beside him. She adjusted her glasses and tucked a few strands of her raven hair behind her ear.

'I don't just look bored, Nancy. I am bored." Julian frowned.

Nancy sighed as she tugged at the sleeve of her red blouse. Sometimes she wondered why she always bothered trying to get him to lighten up. He was always a walking personification of depression. Never laughed. Rarely smiled. Anti-social. It was like he was trying to shield himself from the world. Her only consolation was that he spoke to her at least. Her and few other people.

'Well, you could join Randall for a beer?" She half joked.

Julian gave her a blank stare.

'Sorry, my mistake. I forgot you don't drink." She gave a nervous laugh.

Julian was about to reply when he spotted Trish walking towards them. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. He knew at that moment that the blonde was about to make things worse for him.

'Hey, Nancy. You left me hanging back there. That's low." Trish pouted as she sat at the other side of Julian.

'Sorry?" Nancy replied. Her raised eyebrow mirrored her confusion. She was quite sure she remembered excusing herself before leaving Trish to ogle the magazine alone.

'It's okay. I forgive you, honey." Trish giggled in a girlish manner. She then turned her attention to Julian.

'What's the matter? You're not enjoying the party, Julie?" She gave him a wicked smile.

'I've told you several times not to call me that." Julian glared at her.

'Call you what? Julie? Come on, it's a cute name. I know you love it." Trish laughed as she ruffled his ebony hair playfully.

Julian said nothing but Nancy could hear a faint rumbling. It sounded more like a low growl from within him. It was no news that Julian and Trish didn't get along. She always tried to find a way to rile him up. Nancy knew it was just her friend's way of having fun but she could tell Julian was particularly a living time bomb today and any slight provocation could cause chaos at Sam's party.

'Trish." Nancy gave her friend a warning glance.

'Fine." Trish raised her hands in surrender. 'I'll let your boyfriend be."

Nancy blushed hard while Julian cleared his throat and brushed his hair back into place. Trish knew they weren't in a relationship but she couldn't help teasing the topic, considering the fact that she knew of Nancy's feelings for the lone wolf. This was just too much fun.

'You know what? I have an idea on how to make things enjoyable for everyone." Trish said.

'Should I even ask?" Julian mumbled.

Trish ignored him and turned her attention to the remaining participants of the party.

'Hey guys!" She cried out, gaining everyone's attention. ' How about we play a game of truth or dare?"

Sam and Cheryl were intrigued. Randal's eyes lit in glee. Nancy rolled her blue eyes from beneath her glasses. Julian groaned in agony.

'Glad to see everyone is interested." Trish smiled, ignoring the scathing look Julian sent her way.

'Gather around everyone." Sam said as he walked over, hand-in-hand with Cheryl. Randal tossed him a plastic bottle which he caught.

'Let the fun begin." Trish grinned.

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