
The ride

"Well love, are you ready for the ride of your life?"

Rhys said as he closed her shield. Beatrix gripped herself closer to him and rested her chin on his shoulder.

He revved the engine and Beatrix jumped a little. She knew she was going to piss on herself before they reached their destination for sure.

She heard him over the noise. "Try to relax and enjoy. "

Beatrix dug her nails into his skin and nodded. She closed her eyes as she felt them move forward and sent one last prayer to God.

Rhys gunned out onto the street. Beatrix gasped, realizing a shiver of panic as her butt flew up a little off the seat, making her react by holding onto Rhys tighter.

He shot a concerned look behind him, "are you okay?"

Beatrix swallowed before she replied, "Yes."

She could hear the wind whipping past them and knew he was speeding or was it always like this on a bike?

After a couple of minutes, she gained the courage to open her eyes and was shocked when she realized how much better it was to have them open.

She loosened her death grip on Rhys and looked around at their their surroundings.

She couldn't believe she was scared because honestly this was amazing! She opened the shield on her helmet and started laughing when she felt the wind push against her face.

Rhys yelled breaking her out of her trance, "Hold on tight love."

Beatrix leaned closer and held him tighter as they went around the curve, Beatrix leaned to the side as Rhys did. The ground was so close to her , she wanted to put her hand out and run it along the road but knew that would be a stupid action.

The bike straightened out and Rhys yelled again, "Are you okay?"

Beatrix couldn't think of anything else to say but, "Go faster!" He laughed, "Well your wish is my command princess. Hold on tight!"

Beatrix clutched onto him and smiled, not being able to help it as he sped down the road.

The feel of the wind whipping around her face, the rumble of the engine beneath her her. The freedom was so exhilarating .

She had spent so long locked away on her family's estate. Lonely days spent watching the world beyond from the window seat in her bedroom.

When she was younger, she had dreamt of a handsome prince coming to rescue her from her prison.

Rhys might not be a prince but he was exactly what she had craved for years. She felt it in her soul. He was trouble. A distraction she craved but didn't want or need.

Yet here she was, sitting on a bike holding on to him like she never want to let go.

Three more turns, one straightway and a couple of stop lights later, Rhys stopped at a parking lot.

He cut off the engine and a heavy silence filled the space between them.

"Wow, that was…wow." Beatrix climbed off the bike and pulled off the the helmet.

"I had no idea it could be so invigorating."

A slow smile broke over her face.

"I will love to go on a ride sometime especially in the night. I mean…if you want."

She flushed in embarrassment and Rhys chuckled.

"Hmmm. So are you ready for our first stop?"

Beatrix glanced around and nodded. She was curious about where he had brought her.

He grabbed her hand and led her to a store opposite the parking lot. Beatrix stared at their joined hands and her heart skipped a beat.

Rhys turned around to glance at her and she caught a hint of smirk tugging the corner of his mouth.

They walked inside the shop and Beatrix realized it's was a mini market where everything was sold.

"Sit here I will be right back okay?" He said as he pointed at the waiting area of the shop.

Beatrix nodded and took out her phone to update Stella on what's going on. After all she promised her friend to update her on everything.


Sent 12:00pm

Hi! I haven't been kidnapped hohoho. We are currently at a shop.^^

Beatrix sent the message to her friend and glanced around the shop. She saw a kid walking with her mom holding an ice cream cone and a pang of sadness consumed her.

Suddenly she stiffened as unwanted memories assaulted her. Beatrix stiffened. Her heart slammed in her chest as she tried to calm down her nerves.

"Mommy….mommy wake up. Mommy why are- you bleeding?" She trembled as she stared at her blood-stained hands.

Her phone vibrated snapping her out of her thoughts.


Received 12:03pm

Oh what shop are you? Beatrix don't tell me you're at a sex toy shop. You're getting bold!"

Beatrix blushed and shook her head as a faint smile graced her lips.


Sent 12:03pm

Very funny Stella. I will buy you one. Which one do you want?"

Beatrix had no idea why she sent that but maybe she curious about the different types of sex toys and what is was used for.


Received 12:05pm

Come on Beatrix if you want to know about sex toys don't be smart with me. Ask your Mr. badboy. I'm sure he got lot of knowledge in that area. I'm no expertise when it comes to toys. I just use my vibrator. You know that. I can get you one if you want. It's totally bomb and does a fine job getting me off.

Beatrix read the text and an unwelcome blush crept into her cheeks.


Sent 12:06pm

Too much information Stella. Bye!"


Received 12:06pm

Remember to use protection. I'm currently too poor to be a rich auntie. Be safe!

"What are you doing?"

Beatrix heard Rhys' voice and she looked up from her phone.

"I was texting Stella."

Rhys nodded and rubbed the nape of neck. It was only that Beatrix noticed how nervous he looked.

It was the first time since she met him that she had seen him look this apprehensive.

Beatrix realized he was holding a small gift bag. She raised her eyebrows.

Rhys cleared his throat as he stretched out the bag to her. He looked so uncomfortable.

"Rhys what is this?" She asked carefully, keeping her voice soft, because it looked like the slightest sound

might startle him.

Rhys placed his hands in pocket and shrugged.

"It's for you." He whispered as he tapped his feet and glanced sideways.

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