Dear diary,
It feels so weird to write that. Anyways, my name is Mary, Mary Cooper. My mom bought this diary for me for my 15th birthday because she said I needed to "write down my emotions". That's dumb.
Tomorrow is my first day of school. No, I didn't have a summer break. Well, a really long one. I have not been to school in 4 months now. You must think "Wow I wish I had that!". No you don't. There was definitely a reason I didn't go to school for so long. I was scared of what they would say, what they would do, what they would think of me.. I couldn't handle getting stares from everyone, knowing they had seen my body. It all happened 2 months ago, when a guy from school catfished me, and asked me for explicit photos. I had always been insecure, so because he gave me appreciation, I sent them. I hoped he would see what the others didn't. How beautiful I actually am. But all that was a BIG mistake. Before I knew it, I got tons of texts from people I didnt know. They called me cruel names. Soon enough I found out the guy I had been texting was actually one of my bullies. Well, those pictures spread like a wildfire. Everyone had seen them. I locked myself in my room for days. Mom thought it would be best to teach me from home, and obviously I agreed.
But now my parents think it's time for me to go back. This is my last year of high school and they wanted me to try and enjoy it.
I am terrified just THINKING about it. My mom bought me new back to school clothes, hoping it would make me feel better.
So tomorrow I will be wearing my new sweater, it was quite expensive, but my mom thought it was totally worth it and that I would "for sure make friends looking so cool".
Well, I hope thats true.
Anyways, it is currently almost midnight so I need to go to sleep.
I will continue writing tomorrow.
Sleep well!
Em breve