

Tategan Jinchan was a tall but dull looking highschooler. He was poor, but never cried for anything. He had no friends. And was a joke to everyone in the school. One day, His classmates invited him for a nightout, But something , really really bad happened when he came back home. Find out how he stand back and fight for his SURVIVAL!

Gravley · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


Chapter 1

Hello, I am Tategan Jinchan. I am 16 , lives in 13 streets , Tokyo. Well, This my address but I know you are not going to visit. I have no friends. I do have a friend but she lives with me. She is my mother. My hard working mother. Nobody seems to look at us now because we are poor. Not exactly poor, but the people around us are rich. I am attending Jurgen international highschool. When I first attended the school, I was welcomed. But now, something's changed. The students, the teachers, didn't want to see me at all . It seems like I am a rotten fruit to them. They say ,"Look guys ,Constipated Jinchan is here , in front of us. We are holy now, that he gave us his important time." Someone else says ,"Why do you even bother to come in this school. Go find some work. You are just a load to your parents...". Though its not my fault that we are poor. It was no one's fault. It's God's fault . He is the man to be blamed. I never cried for our situation. But this , selfish world always reflects theirselves. But I am strong, I am going to change this system , Because I HAVE THE POWER OF MY MOM.