
Asterisk Academy

Chapter 1: Asterisk Academy

An academy which was said to produce skilled swordsmen, powerful magicians and expert enchanters. It was an institute where students with excellent abilities were enlisted. A prestigious academy where only the best were accepted. Its name was Asterisk Academy. In Asterisk Academy, students were enrolled according to their skills. It includes knights, magi and enchanters. Students were enlisted based on their merits and skills, individual background matters nothing to them. Students who graduated from Asterisk Academy were granted a promising future.

Once upon a time, catastrophe had befallen the peaceful land, students and magis alike marched towards danger, ordered by the King to subjugate the threat. The soldiers were easily annihilated. Students summoned to defend their land shivered in fear, awaiting the moment of death quivering in fright. It was then reinforcement had subdued the danger. With a galant demeanor, benevolent spirit, along with a specialized team, they had subjugated the enemy.

A hero had appeared. His name was Mikhail Fernandez.

An unknown threat that had prompted the half-destroyed empire of the peaceful land, researchers scholars and investigators had been summoned to discover its cause. Mikhail's team were one of them summoned by the King. It was soon later, Mikhail had declared the existence of a paranormal spirit. It was the result of a berserked spirit who had lost control.

Spirits existed. It was thanks to Mikhail's contributions, the empire began making countermeasures against spirits from the hidden realm. Mikhail and his partner became renowned across lands, many travelled far miles just see the renowned heroes. It was also then the pair had retired from public eyes.

Many years have passed, the contributions of heroic pair were revered and always remembered. The honorable heroes who had saved the empire from its ruins. The very land of their homeland.

Seinhart Empire.

It was soon the time of the year. Asterisk Academy opening for new students enrollment. The front gates were overflowing with students taking the entrance exams. Among the crowd, there was one who had extreme low presence, has expertly navigated himself freely into the crowds. He had gotten a good view of the number exam venue put up on the notice board and left for the hall.

"Hall 6, huh…" he muttered to himself as he set his search for Hall 6. The campus was so wide he didn't have any idea where he should start. Acquiring the map of the campus at the gate was a good idea. He was thankful he had a map to guide him around the campus. He stood in front of the door, a sign was hung over the entrance which wrote 'Hall 6'. He smiled. This must be his exam venue taking out his examination slip to reaffirm the information he has retrieved from his schemata. Stepping into the hall, he settled himself in a vacant seat next to the window. He glanced around, the hall had yet to be filled with examinees. Many of the students had come from distinguished backgrounds, he had taken note from the fashion the students had dressed.

He was different. A young boy no older than seventeen joined the hall. His wavy blond hair and the way he had presented himself had screamed he was a son of an aristocrat. He was the first son of a duke family. He was surrounded by people who fawned and flattered him. He name was Uinseann, the first son of the Terrell family. He walked right up to the seat next to the window which had been occupied. He tried to pull the chair.

"This seat has been taken. Please select another seat." The sudden voice ghosted through the hall. The aristocrat was startled as he saw blinked twice before looking down at the seat. Sure enough, the seat was already taken. He was overtaken by outrage and fury.

"Peasant, how dare you sit on my seat? Do you know who I am? I am Vincent Terrell!"

The boy possesses a different background which had made him discerned from most of his peers and examinees sitting for the entrance examination. The way he had dressed had formed stereotyped impressions of a typical commoner. Woah, how cliche. He had thought. "Yes, I am Wenzesclaus. What is it?" He had replied with an inscrutable expression. Vincent took a few steps back. He had never encountered someone who had possessed such a blank deadpan expression. His face was so deadpan he couldn't make out what Wenzesclaus was thinking.

"Wha- Bastard! How dare you disregard me! The seat is mine! I have settled my eyes on it since I stepped foot into this hall!" Vincent had the look of a disdained expression.

"Vincent, was it? I was here first. I've been sitting here since the beginning. Please select a different seat. All of us are here to take the entrance exam. Please do not disturb others." Wenzesclaus said with a blank expression.

"He's right, Vincent." A demanding voice spoke, his steps was definite and sure each step he took as he stepped into the hall. "This academy is based on merits. Your status here is does not possess one ounce of influence here. Or are you disobeying the orders from the royal family?" The young boy had a delicate figure, just like Wenzesclaus had entered. He wore the national uniform of the royal family, rulers of Seinhart Empire.

Wenzesclaus took a quick glance at the newcomer. He had delicate, but lithe figure. His height was about 5'5 feet. He possesses a brighter aureate hair, and clearer irises of gold. He was the First Prince of the royal family. Callistus Aurelius Seinhart. Vincent had paled at the sight of the first prince.

"No… Your Highness… well then...I'll just find another seat…" his anger had defused, had hastily settled in a vacant seat at the back of the classroom. Tch, you won't be so lucky next time, he muttered to himself. I'm the chosen one! I will get what I want!

"You're as unworldly as the rumors says," The first prince burst out into laughter. "Bwahahahahaha! With that kind of self-introduction, it's the best I must say!" Wenzesclaus had a perplexed expression, wondering if he had offended the royal prince. "Well, just as you must have guessed, I am the first prince of this land, Seinhart Empire. You can just call me Callis." The prince winked. "After all, Father often talks about you. You are even more impressive in person."

Wenzesclaus blinked. He didn't have a clue what Prince Callistus had said. "Huh… Well, I am Wenzesclaus. You can just call me Zes."

"Well, let's do our best," he gave Wenzesclaus a small grin after he had calmed down from all that laughing. "I hoped we could be classmates."

Unbeknownst to them, the banter of the pair had become a mini drama towards the spectators of the frozen peers. It was written on their faces, who is he? How could he have a conversation so casually with Prince Callistus?

The examination was soon commenced and ended in an hour. The assessment comes in two parts. It includes a written part and a practical part. The practical part, students from the magi department will be assessing on their wizardry skills. Students from the knight department will be assessing their swordsmanship skills. Wenzesclaus walked into the training hall where their practical assessment will be taking place. He glanced at his fellow examinees. He and the prince were assigned to different halls for their practical assessment. He was eager the level of magic his peers were capable of conjuring. Since he was young, due to his special circumstances, he did not have peers his age. Thinking about it, the prince might have been his first friend.

After the examination had ended, students filled out of the hall. Wenzesclaus had invisibly ghosted his way through the exit. His peers were so bad at it. He had cringed on the spot. He felt like melting away into nihility. It was the worst experience. Vincent had glared at Wenzesclaus while a long string of litany was muttered under his breath. Wenzesclaus sighed as he headed to the cafeteria where students headed for their lunch. It was already half past midday when the assessment had ended. He got himself a vanilla milkshake and a small plate of mashed potatoes and salad. He found a corner where there were lesser people swarming about. He put down his tray and settled into the seat. He took a sip from his cold vanilla shake before someone occupied in the seat opposite him, sharing the same table.

Prince Callistus had settled down at the same table along with his tray of food. Wenzesclaus had stared at the prince with mixed feelings of consternation. "Is that all you're having for lunch?" He had glanced at the amount of food Wenzesclaus had bought for lunch.

"Say, Callis, you don't have to go out of your way to be with me. I'm different from you." Wenzesclaus had asked. "Aren't you afraid of me?"

"What, are you telling me you're not human?" Prince Callistus asked, munching on his burger. "Well, you have a very weak presence, but that's all it is. We're still students at the same school. And thanks to you, I have the chance to talk to you like this. So don't go thinking how abnormal you are."

Wenzesclaus's irises had lit upon hearing Callistus's encouraging words. There was finally someone who didn't call him a monster. He was accepted as who he is. "Callis…" He sighed. "For starters, there were no princes who would willingly to sit and dine with a such a plain commoner." Wenzesclaus was someone with a plain mediocre background, among the commoners, he was pale in comparison. Nothing had stood out, outlying the abnormality that he was different from others.

"There's one right in front of you." The prince continued to munch on his burger. "Eat quickly, Zes. The results will be announcing soon." Wenzesclaus nodded, the pair had quickened their pace as they consumed their lunch. The results were announced, had been pasted on the board near the entrance. The board was swarming with people. The students were categorized into levels, with the lowest level, E and the highest level being S.

"Oh, we're in the same class." The prince commented. "Let's work hard, Wenzesclaus August Fernandez. " The prince had grinned. Only a handful of students had passed the highest level of difficulty, S-class. According to the list, their class had comprised of five students, along with Wenzesclaus and Callistus. Vincent had gave a growl, had charged at Wenzesclaus and grabbed hold of his collar.

"You peasant! You must have cheated! I can't be in Class-A! I am the chosen one! Everything has gone wrong since meeting you!" Vincent had cursed. The surrounding students had parted, a circle had formed between the three of them. Wenzesclaus had grabbed Vincent with his delicate hands and had thrown him onto the solid ground.

"What do you think you're doing?" Wenzesclaus had questioned. "I've prepared to forgive you the first time, but I can't let it go the second time. Statuses does not have power in Asterisk. Did you forget that?"

"I am supposed to be in Class-S! You are just a plain commoner! How can you be in Class-S?! I have been trained by professional tutors since I was five years! I am the chosen one! Everything will go as I command!" Vincent had burst into hysteria.

"Vincent, do you even know what you are saying?" Callistus's expression was dark, ready to bring judgement onto his own classmate. Callistus and Vincent had been classmates since they were in primary. This was the first time he had seen Vincent becoming like that.

The teachers had rushed to the scene after someone had reported an aberrance had occurred within the grounds of Asterisk. Wenzesclaus sighed. "I apologize, Vincent." He struck the central nerve point in the neck. Vincent had the lights knocked out and collapsed on the ground at their feet. "Sleep," He dusted the impure particles from his palms.

The teachers and the prince had stared at Wenzesclaus with an astounding manner. Wenzesclaus was more extreme than he looked. "Zes… you're very impressive." Callistus had uttered. The spectators were beyond shocked. They didn't know what they should make of his skills. After all, Wenzesclaus was the only one who had scored top marks for every assessment Asterisk Academy had tested. He was truly a talented youth, a genius that was said to appear once a million years. He was a national treasure. The esteemed Supreme Oracle must have foreseen the appearance of a youth who would one day inherit the mantle of the hero, Mikhail Fernandez.

"Someone, carry him to the infirmary!" the prince had ordered. The guards and faculty teachers had rushed to the scene, discovering that the threat had been diffused just like that. Observing Vincent unconscious body had been taken away, Wenzesclaus blinked twice. Wenzesclaus had morphed into an esteemed admired idol on the spot. The skills he had displayed were top-notch, the caliber of someone of unknown background had scored top marks was extraordinary.

"Congratulations for becoming famous, Mr top-scorer." Callistus had smirked, his expression was extremely satisfied. The prince was literally snickering and smirking at the attention Wenzesclaus had attracted. "Pffft!"

Wenzesclaus scowled at the prince. "Hey!"

The pair of newly-made friends made their way to the exit. The opening ceremony will be held in three days where VIPs, fellow parents and guardians were invited to witness the children attending the opening ceremony of the esteemed academy. Just before the pair were to leave the school grounds, a girl had grabbed onto Wenzesclaus's hand, her other hand had dragged her best friend along.

"Please wait!" Her ringing melodious voice had spoke, calling after the pair in attempt to halt them in their tracks. Puzzled, Wenzesclaus and Callistus turned back, responding to the source of the voice.

Two girls had hastened their pace, out of breathe. Wenzesclaus and Callistus stared at the girls. "Yes?" the prince had questioned. Wenzesclaus had blinked. He had to admit, the girls' appearance were above average. They had appeared decent, with the astute and perspicacious discern judgement, Wenzesclaus had noted the assertive and elegant ambience they have had pointed they were daughters from the aristocrat families.

"Thank you for saving us!" The girls had bowed their heads. "It's an honour to be graced by your presence, Your Highness!"

Prince Callistus had sighed. He had waved away the aristocrats' formality. He hated formality. "Please, you don't have to be so formal, Alexis, Seraphinus. What happened?" Callistus had questioned the pair. "It's rare for both of you to chase after me like this."

The pair of girls were esteemed daughters of the aristocratic families. Both of them had a slender build. The girl who had chased after the prince upfront, her name was Alexis von Faustus. She was the first daughter of the Faustus Family. The Lord of the Faustus Family was duke who owned marinal businesses. Although Alexis was the first daughter, she had two elder brothers who cared dearly for their younger sister's wellbeing. Being a daughter of a Duke's family, she wasn't ladylike at all, was often brash, audacious and impatient.

Seraphinus was a close friend of Alexis since childhood. Their first meeting was during the 'coming-out' parties when the children of aristocrats and the royal families reached the age of five. Seraphinus was the opposite of her dear friend. Seraphinus had always been nervous and timid. Alexis had helped Seraphinus in becoming more confident and assertive in herself. Since then, they've been best friends. Unlike Alexis, Seraphinus was patient and supporting. She often played the supportive role.

Wenzesclaus felt that lightning has struck through his heart when he laid his clear golden orbs onto Seraphinus. From that moment, he felt that Seraphinus was the prettiest woman he had ever laid sight on. Wenzesclaus had stared at Seraphinus in a daze.

"Thank you for saving us!" Alexis and Seraphinus had bowed. "If you hadn't intervened, we might have been in danger." Alexis explained.

Callistus elbowed Wenzesclaus right in the ribs. "Callistus had found the sight of Wenzesclaus's dazed state funny. He had smirked. "If you wanted to dream about her, you can have all the time to dream at home." Callistus had whispered in Wenzenclaus's ear.

"Ouch!" He had yelped. "You bastard…." Wenzenclaus turned back to Alexis and Seraphinus. Callistus had made Wenzesclaus snapped out of his trance. It was such an interesting sight. Such a thing, love at first sight.

"Uh oh, don't mention it, Alexis and Seraphinus, was it? It wasn't our intention. It just so happens Vincent unexpectedly grew more interest in picking a fight with a stranger, yet a commoner with the most mediocre background. It must have hit a nerve, believing my background was skeptical without a promising status. I wonder why though? We should thank the heavens nothing had happened to the both of you."

"He just hated not getting the way he wants. It has nothing to so with your mediocre background. It so happens you lit the fire." Callistus added.

"Oi…." Wenzesclaus stole a scowling glance at Callistus.

"How can that be," Alexis had chuckled. "Isn't Asterisk Academy a merit-based academy? It doesn't matter the origins of your background within the grounds of Asterisk. You are you. You are recognized based on your skills. I heard that you snatched the top seat from Prince Callistus. My name is Alexis. You must have just arrived on this land."

"I'm Seraphinus. You may call me Sera." Seraphinus introduced herself.

Wenzesclaus was frozen. He didn't have an intention to steal Callistus's top seat. It just happened that he had ended up as the top scorer of the year. Callistus had smirked at Wenzesclaus. "Good luck, Zes. Feel the sufferings as I had, those years I endured as the crowned prince."

After the long discussion, Callistus had followed Wenzesclaus to his home. Wenzesclaus had sighed and taken stolen glances at Callistus. He couldn't imagine the crowned prince was following a mediocre student into his home. He didn't have a single idea why the prince was fervent on following Wenzesclaus to his home. He was just a son of the magician at a local school.

Wenzesclaus flipped the door open, a crowd of people he had never seen before was gathered in his small living hall. They were famous faces of empire rulers. The lineup of state officials was sitting casually in his house drinking tea. Wenzesclaus felt that he had turned into dust.

"....I'm back…" Wenzesclaus had greeted feebly. It finally dawned on him why the crowned prince would deliberately followed him home. This was the sole reason. This bastard.. Wenzesclaus had muttered under his breath. He was tricked. Callistus had burst into a chuckle.

The string of events thus had concluded the day Wenzesclaus was officially admitted into Asterisk Academy as a magi student.

Hi guys! Let me know what you think! I'll be updating every week. If you're lucky, you'll get new updates twice a week. To support this story, leave your reviews in the comment section! <3

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