
The Childhood of Boy

Once there was a poor couple(David and Lora) live in a small village. David was a bus driver and Lora was a servent in a big house. Lora owner's wife(Sara) was so humble. She gave Lora dress in every occasion,she also gave him extra mony except salary.

Soon in the month of July their baby boy born. They named him Sam. He was so cute. He was gifted blue eyes by God. But the villagers don't understood the boy good who have blue eyes because they thought that he is cursed. Because In village there was no kid born with blue eyes.

But it might be not true,might be he got some hidden super power.

Till 2 years after birth his parents didn't took him out of house. Also did not allow him to go outside because the children of village tease him outside. At the age of 5 his parents decided to admit him in a public school.

When the admission were opened , Lora went for the admission of his son.

"You are also here".,said Lora after seeing Sara.

"What are you doing here Lora"?, asked Sara.

"I am here to get admission for my son".

"Nice! I am also here for addmision of my daughter."

"Ok! I will see you tomorrow,bye", said Lora.


Both's son and daughter were luckily admitted in that public school.Marry daughter of Sara was an arrogant girl but also good study. Where as Sam was also talented but a little naughty.Sam and Marry were in different section.

At the first day of school Sam was seeing the school in shock.As he had never gone out from his house.He was seeing the school but accidentally he hit Marry.As Marry was an arrogant girl so she started to insult Sam.

Sam was not insulted before like this.His blue eyes started shinning but no one saw it because he was wearing black sun glasses. And after losing his patient he also shouted on him.

"Keep quite "!, shouted Sam.

His shout was that loud that everyone was seeing him.Staff of school was shocked that how can a 5 year old. boy can shout this much loud.Sam was also so much shocked as he heard his shout.And then Sam quickly move from there to his class in imbarisment.

He completed his first day imbarisly and came back home.

"How was your first day my boy"?,asked Lora.

"Not good",replied Sam.