
The Summoner Of Middle-Earth

### Introduction: Daniel, an ordinary young man with an extraordinary love for J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings," awakens in the heart of Middle-earth, surrounded by the enchanting beauty of its ancient forests. Armed with a mysterious game-like system known only to him, Daniel discovers he has been granted the rare and powerful class of Summoner. In a world brimming with legendary heroes, formidable foes, and untold wonders, Daniel must navigate his new reality, balancing the secrets of his origin with the immense responsibility of his newfound powers. As he explores the humble outskirts of Bree-land, he begins to unravel the intricacies of his Summoner abilities, forming bonds with magical creatures and seeking allies in a land both familiar and alien. Driven by a thirst for adventure and the desire to make a mark on the world he has always admired from afar, Daniel embarks on an epic journey. With each step, he delves deeper into the lore and magic of Middle-earth, uncovering hidden truths and facing perilous challenges. Join Daniel as he ventures into the rich world of Middle-earth, where every choice echoes through the ages, and the line between myth and reality blurs. Will he rise to become a hero in this storied land, or will the weight of his secret and the trials ahead prove too great? The journey begins now, in a tale where fantasy and reality converge, and a new legend is born.

Police96 · Fantasia
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23 Chs

The Edge of Despair

Chapter 19: The Edge of Despair

The aftermath of the second wave left Bree in a state of exhaustion. The villagers worked tirelessly to repair the walls and tend to the wounded. Despite their best efforts, a palpable tension lingered in the air. Daniel knew that the third wave was imminent and that it would be the most challenging yet.

**[System Notification]**

- **Alert**: Third wave approaching.

- **Enemy Count**: Approximately 300 monsters.

- **Types**: Goblins, Wargs, Trolls, Ogres, Orcs

The ground shook as the horde approached. This time, the air was filled with the guttural roars of Orcs leading the charge. Their sheer size and brutality made them a formidable foe. The villagers, though weary, stood ready to defend their home once more.

**[System Notification]**

- **Objective**: Defend Bree from the third wave.

- **Sub-Objectives**:

1. Repel the Goblin, Warg, and Orc assault.

2. Defend against Troll and Ogre attacks.

3. Minimize casualties among villagers.

Daniel took his place at the forefront, his mind racing with strategies. Fenrir and Luna, his loyal summons, were ready for battle. He knew he had to inspire the villagers to hold the line, despite their dwindling strength.

The first clash was brutal. Orcs and Trolls battered the walls with relentless fury. Goblins and Wargs swarmed through breaches, overwhelming the defenders with their numbers.

**[System Notification]**

- **Enemy Count**: Goblins (150), Wargs (50), Trolls (50), Ogres (25), Orcs (25)

**[System Notification]**

- **Skill Activated: Spirit Bond**

- **Effect**: Summons' combat effectiveness increased by 20%.

"Hold your ground!" Daniel shouted, his voice cutting through the chaos. "Archers, fire at will! Spearmen, brace for impact!"

Arrows rained down on the invaders, but the sheer number of enemies made it impossible to stop them all. The battle quickly devolved into a desperate struggle for survival.

**[System Notification]**

- **Fenrir Attack**

- **Damage Dealt**: 400 HP to Orcs

**[System Notification]**

- **Luna Attack**

- **Damage Dealt**: 300 HP to Trolls

Fenrir's ethereal form darted through the battlefield, his powerful strikes leaving Orcs reeling. Luna used her agility to outmaneuver the Trolls, her ethereal attacks hitting them from unexpected angles. Despite their best efforts, the village's defenses began to crumble.

**[System Notification]**

- **Ogre Attack**

- **Health Points**: 2500 HP each

- **Damage Taken**: 600 HP from arrows, 400 HP from traps

**[System Notification]**

- **Orc Attack**

- **Health Points**: 3000 HP each

- **Damage Taken**: 700 HP from Fenrir, 500 HP from villagers

The casualties mounted rapidly. Villagers fell under the relentless assault, and the cries of the wounded filled the air. Daniel fought with every ounce of strength he had, but the enemy's numbers seemed endless.

**[System Notification]**

- **Casualties Reported**

- **Villagers Lost**: 70

- **Wounded**: 100

As despair threatened to take hold, Daniel felt a surge of energy from deep within. He realized that this was a crucial moment, one where he needed to tap into the full extent of his abilities. The system responded to his determination.

**[System Notification]**

- **Level Up!**

- **Current Level**: 14

- **Health Points**: 2400/2400

- **Mana Points**: 1800/1800

- **New Skill Unlocked: Arcane Summoning**

Daniel focused his energy, drawing upon the newfound power coursing through him. He summoned a creature unlike any he had called before, hoping it would turn the tide of battle.

**[System Notification]**

- **Skill Activated: Arcane Summoning**

- **Summoned Creature**: Arcane Griffin

- **Health Points**: 3500 HP

- **Abilities**: Arcane Blast, Wing Shield, Healing Aura

A majestic Arcane Griffin materialized, its powerful wings and shimmering feathers radiating an aura of strength. With a mighty screech, it soared into battle, its presence inspiring the beleaguered defenders.

**[System Notification]**

- **Arcane Griffin Attack**

- **Damage Dealt**: 800 HP to Orcs

The Arcane Griffin's Arcane Blast struck the Orcs with devastating force, sending them sprawling. Its Wing Shield deflected incoming attacks, protecting the villagers as they regrouped.

**[System Notification]**

- **Wing Shield Activated**

- **Effect**: Reduces damage taken by 50% for 5 minutes

The villagers rallied around the Griffin, their spirits lifted by its powerful presence. Daniel directed his summons with renewed vigor, their combined attacks creating a whirlwind of destruction.

**[System Notification]**

- **Fenrir Attack**

- **Damage Dealt**: 500 HP to Trolls

**[System Notification]**

- **Luna Attack**

- **Damage Dealt**: 400 HP to Ogres

The battle raged on, but the tide began to turn. The Arcane Griffin's Healing Aura mended the wounds of the defenders, giving them the strength to fight on.

**[System Notification]**

- **Healing Aura Activated**

- **Effect**: Heals 300 HP to all allies within range

Slowly but surely, the enemy's numbers dwindled. The remaining monsters, seeing their leaders fall and their ranks decimated, began to retreat. The villagers, fueled by a newfound hope, pressed the attack, driving the invaders back into the wilderness.

**[System Notification]**

- **Objective Completed**: Repel the Goblin, Warg, and Orc assault.

- **Objective Completed**: Defend against Troll and Ogre attacks.

The battle finally ended, and a weary cheer rose from the defenders. They had survived the third wave, but the cost had been great.

**[System Notification]**

- **Quest Progress**: Third wave repelled.

- **Reward**: +5000 XP

**Updated Character Status**

- **Name**: Daniel

- **Level**: 14

- **Health Points**: 2400/2400

- **Mana Points**: 1800/1800

- **Strength**: 100

- **Agility**: 90

- **Intelligence**: 110

- **Defense**: 105

- **Summoning Skills**: Spirit Bond, Elemental Fusion, Enhanced Strike, Ethereal Dash, Moonlight Ray, Elemental Shield, Arcane Summoning, Summon Creature

- **Current Summons**: Fenrir (Greater Ethereal Fox), Luna (Ethereal Fox), Arcane Griffin

**Updated Territory Status**

- **Bree's Population**: 812 villagers

- **Bree's Walls**: Severely damaged, urgent repairs needed

- **Ally Settlements**: 2 neighboring settlements

- **Resources Available**: Timber, stone, iron, enchanted artifacts

- **Casualties**: 70 villagers lost, 100 wounded

As the villagers began the grim task of tending to the fallen and repairing the defenses, Daniel took a moment to reflect on the battle. The Arcane Griffin had been instrumental in their victory, and its summoning marked a significant step in his journey as a summoner. He knew that the fight for Bree was far from over, but with his new abilities and the unwavering support of his people, he felt more prepared than ever for the challenges ahead.