
Mission Starts

What is supposed to be done within 24 hours? Who is Dhruv exactly looking for? Who is "he", in Ruhi's thoughts? After unintentional eavesdropping, the scrambled information had made Krish even more anxious about the duo and their past. There is surely something deeply hidden within the proximity of their unacknowledged years of friendship. The premonitions of having to witness the worst had made it all the more important for Krish to put her mind to peace. The only way to stop all the adamant thoughts was to unscramble the puzzle revolving around the three of them.

The next day, Krish entered her neighboring apartment, noiselessly.

"Feed him enough to keep him alive.", Dhruv said over the phone as he hurried out leaving Ruhi under Krish's care.

"Now, who needs to "just" stay alive? May be someone he has been looking for was finally in his hostage!", Krish thought to herself.

She went over to Ruhi and informed her that she'll be getting the injection. Ruhi nodded and extended her sleek arm towards her nurse.

The dose rushed through her veins and within a span of 15 mins made her fast asleep. The betrayal towards a patient by her doctor was completely unexpected, as for Krish. The curiosity of unveiling the truth was far more fierce than the guilt of deceiving her patient.

Krish hurriedly double-checked the door's lock and went over to begin her search. Since this was a familiar territory it would be easy enough for her to spot the basic evidence.

In a rush, she tried to find the source to all her queries. She began from the study room where she expected important documents to be. At least she would get an idea about whatever has been going on with the secretive investigation by Dhruv. At the very moment of searching through random books, files and documents; all she wanted to know was the motives behind the entire show put up by Dhruv.

After minutes of going through random drawers and files, with no worthy information, she had almost lost hope from the study room when finally she spotted a suspicious little box kept in one of the extreme corners of the last drawer of the desk. The box seemed to have protected a beautiful jewel, as for its luxurious appearance. But, contradictory to the appearance, it had a key. Though unaware of its lock, Krish was sure that this key had to be something important and without wasting time she took it away from it's resting place and carefully placed the box back.

Her curiosity was not just limited to the relationship between them, but also Ruhi's past. As a matter of fact and experience, she knew that Ruhi possessed a secretive diary, which made an appearance only when it's owner cried.

She rushed to Ruhi's room, to find out the sole acquaintance from her past. She went over to her target, "the almirah", and quietly and swiftly started looking for the little red diary.

It wasn't as difficult as she thought it would be. Securely placing the diary in her bag, she was about to shut the door when something weird caught her sight. Besides the diary, there was something else as well. At first, it seemed as a crumbled white cloth, but as soon as she procured it, her eyes were left wide open in complete astonishment.

A shirt covered with bloodstains made a debut to the evidence family for Krish.