
Chapter 235 Reasonable Use of Resources_1

At this moment, Big Nose was fighting with a fatalistic attitude, because his brothers were falling one by one. In such a situation, there was no way they could escape, unless a miracle happened!

But with the fight having escalated to this extent, what kind of miracle could still occur?

Just as Big Nose was about to lose hope, suddenly the piercing sound of a siren filled the air. To people like them, the sound of a siren was extremely grating and they were particularly sensitive to it!

Very quickly, a group of burly men who were in midst of a fierce battle saw several police cars marked 'Criminal Police' driving towards them from a distance!

Seeing the approaching police cars, Big Nose's eyes lit up, like an oasis in the desert, signifying hope. Clearly, now was their chance!

In this kind of situation, the people they were fighting against obviously dared not continue the brawl, unless they wanted to end up in prison!