

For the next two days, Scarlet had trained her Pokemons in the training field near the Pokemon centre. She had also battled many trainers who had challenged her, which allowed her to learn a lot about how Primeape and Oddish liked to fight.

Obviously, no one battled her Charmeleon because of his intimidating size. Scarlet had somehow convinced a Gyarados trainer to fight him, but the Gyarados himself had gotten scared to face his opponent after seeing Alex.

Though, this is not the only events that had happened in these two days. Unknown to Scarlet, few of the Team Rocket members had targeted Alex to catch him, since he wasn't a rumour of Viridian forest anymore. People and Trainers alike had seen him walking around the City with Scarlet, and this had also brought the evil organisation's attention on him.

Alex had carefully brought those team Rocket members away from the Battles with his excuse of training alone, and without any trouble, those Team Rocket members and their Pokemons had been erased from existence. But thankfully, they had provided Alex vital information regarding his mission.

The next day, Scarlet was ready to continue on their journey by heading to Pewter City next, but much to her surprise, Alex didn't wanted to leave yet.

"We're going to the Viridian City Gym." Alex said as he took off in the Gym's direction. Conveniently enough, the land behind the Gym was connected to the forest, that's why nobody in the city knew of Team Rocket's underground facility.

"But the Gym is closed!" Scarlet shouted as she ran after Alex to chase him. He really didn't listen to her once he had made up his mind.

"The Gym might be closed to the Trainers for challenge, but there's more about it." Alex explained as Scarlet came to his side, "I suggest that you leave me alone for this, because there's a chance that you might get caught up and injured."

"Caught up?" Scarlet frowned dangerously and glared at him, "Lexy, what are you planning to do? There's nobody supposed to be in the Gym."

Alex shook his head and continued towards the Gym. The route was empty of any civilian residents and trainers, which should be obvious as Team Rocket cannot allow common people snooping on their plots.

Once Alex reached to the Gym and saw it's huge double Metal doors closed, he charged up his "Mega Punch" and destroyed the door entirely with a loud sound.

"Wh-What are you doing, idiot!" Scarlet scolded him worriedly, "Are you thinking of stealing the Badge?!"

"Ssh." Alex gestured at her.

"Don't sush me, mister! There's no way people didn't hear that loud sound from earlier!" Scarlet scolded.

'Well, she's correct in a way..' Alex felt speechless and entered into the empty Gym, though he could see that the surveillance cameras were on and watching over them.

"Take out Primeape." Alex looked back at the girl seriously.

"Why?" Scarlet was confused, but she had learnt to trust Alex's instincts and brought out Primeape anyways.

"Primeape, I want you to protect her." Alex commanded as he looked at the ape, "There are enemies here that I have to take care of."



"Rat, Ratatta!"


Several lights of Pokeball release shone on the dark battlefield of the gym and dozens of Pokemons came into their view, which were visible due to the sunlight coming from the door.

But what astounded Scarlet next was when she saw the people dressed in Black Team Rocket uniform come in view as well. These were the trainers of the Pokemons that were laid in front of Alex as a buffet.

"T-Team Rocket?" Scarlet didn't a waste a single second and tapped on the S.O.S signal that her father had given her in case of situations like this.

"You made a big mistake girl." One of the female team Rocket members spoke in a haughty tone, "Boss was already looking for that magnificent Charmeleon of yours, now you have come straight to his base."


"Hey, maybe we shouldn't have said that." Another one of the Team Rocket members spoke.

"Enough of the Chit chat!" Alex roared loudly, shaking the entire Gym by his roar's impact.

"Poison Sting!"


Before his opponents could even attack him, Alex released a "Heat Wave" in their direction. The Heat from the attack was so powerful that the sandy ground had gotten crystallised.

The Dozens of Pokemons were molten in his flames as Alex next released "Blaze" in full power and charged at the next door.

"Waa.. Boss is strong.. Its also scary to see him like this!" the Primeape shouted loudly in fear and awe, "But I have to also follow his orders and cheer him on! Go Boss, destroy them all!"

"What is he doing?" Scarlet was astounded by the display of power. The once dark Gym was now entirely set aflame and Alex was still charging inside, "Why?"

"Boss always has a reason behind his actions!" Primeape complained as he heard his trainer, "There must be something here that is bothering him."

Scarlet quietly thought of Primeape's response and had to admit that he was correct. But then she saw the Team Rocket members from earlier injured gravely from the fire, and few of them were even dead.

"Oh, shit! I have to call for Nurse Joy and the hospital!" Scarlet panicked and started dialing the numbers, that is, if the City hadn't noticed this already with the whole Gym building on fire.

Seeing that the ceiling had started crumbling down due to the flames, Scarlet decided to leave the place first. She wanted to save the team Rocket members inside, but she also knew that they deserved this. So, she didn't bother.

Either way, it wasn't possible for her to save them as she doesn't have any Water-Type Pokemon with her.

Meanwhile, Alex had reached the dead end of the Gym and also found the entrance to the underground facility. Now the problem was, the entrance was too small for him enter through.

So Alex charged up another "Mega Punch" and decided to break his way through by destroying the ground. The Punch impacted the ground and shook the whole Gym in process, but it still wasn't enough to break through.

"Let's try this then!" Alex roared loudly and reverse slammed a "Blazing Iron Tail" on the ground by using his entire body motion.

The attack destroyed the ground with a large hole and instead of landing on the ground, Alex entered in that large Hole and reached the Underground facility.

As expected, Security was already waiting for him.

"Sir, that Charmeleon is rampaging through our facility!" One of the Team Rocket technician told to his boss, Giovanni.

The man professionally dressed in a business suit frowned at the information, "Do anything but stop him! I cannot escape without taking my perfect Pokemon with me!"

"But the Master Ball is not ready yet!" The second Technician shouted anxiously in reply, "We cannot take any risks, otherwise we'll have two Monster Pokemons rampaging in the facility."

Just then, a Team Rocket member barged in hurriedly into the main frame room, "Sir, that Charmeleon is brutal! He's destroying everything in his way and going straight towards the captured Pokemons and main subject's cage!"

"What the hell!?" Giovanni stood up by slamming both of his hand on his seat, "Why the hell is he going that way?! We have to stop him at all cost! Get the transports ready, we're leaving this place! Anyways this hideout has been discovered! We have to abandon this place!"

Giovanni thought that there might be a possibility that the Freak Charmeleon was able to sense a strong Pokemon in the subject's direction, and must be heading that way to challenge it to a battle.

'No, the subject is too unstable, the City will be destroyed if these two monsters decide to fight each other.' Giovanni thought calmly, 'I can't risk myself to be discovered and get arrested. I have to leave.'

"Get the Choppers ready, we're leaving." Giovanni answered reluctantly with a frown, "Take everything important and destroy rest of the data. We can't have the Police investigating our operations."

"Yes, Sir!" All the Lab Technicians and doctors responded in unison and started doing as they were ordered.

There's no way Giovanni can defeat that Charmeleon with a head on Battle even with his current set of Pokemons. He didn't have any Water or Ice Type to counter him, nor did the other members. The best plan was to escape and come back later, but that time he'll be fully prepared.

'I'll specifically come for that Charmeleon next time.' Giovanni gritted his teeth in anger as he made his way to the Choppers that were ready in the forest.

'Found him..' Alex beamed with a sadistic grin as he looked at the fully metal cage with several wires, fluid tubes and security panels connected to the cage.

'Who are you?' Alex heard somebody talk straight into his mind, the voice was stern but also very weak.

"Ah, I have come to rescue you." Charmeleon thought as he charged his "Blazing Iron tail and destroyed the metal cage.

'You must be strong to come all the way here..' The Voice told him as if it was thinking to itself, 'Why bother? What do I mean to you for going to such lengths for me?'

"What do I mean?!" Alex roared loudly as he saw that there was another metal cage inside, "Of course, I mean FREEDOM! You're caged here without your consent, and it bothers me a lot!"

And it was true, even if there wasn't a quest, Alex would've done this anyway to get Mewtwo out of this torture and prison.

'You're not lying..' Mewtwo said in a deeply surprised tone as he read through Alex's intentions. Even his emotions behind his words were true, 'I don't know who you are, but I respect you greatly from this day onwards.'

"Save that for later." Alex smirked as he saw a notification pop up from his System. He had achieved mastery in using his "Blazing Iron Tail".

Once the second layer of cage was down, a transparent glass cage was revealed in which Mewtwo was inside. The said Pokemon opened his eyes and looked straight at Alex with his eyes glimmering in power.

"Thank you." Mewtwo nodded in acknowledgement and the glass cage holding him inside was shattered by a invisible force.

[Quest Completed.] Alex saw another notification pop up.

"I have to save other guys in the back as well." Alex said to Mewtwo and started making his way to the back storage, where he could feel the presence of other Pokemons.

'I shall help you in this task.' The Mewtwo replied him telepathically as he floated behind him. He also had to use "Safeguard" on himself, since the fire coming from Alex's active "Blaze" was no joke.

Alex went into the storage and freed all the Pokemons by breaking their cages with his physical strength, "All the Water-Type, help the other Pokemons on our way out!" Alex roared at them loudly so that everybody could hear him.

There were unbelievably more than fifty Pokemons trapped in separate cages, where else there were more in the Pokeballs stored in the side of room. This Facility really must be one of the main hideouts for Team Rocket.

"What do I call you?" Alex looked at Mewtwo in question.

"You can call me Mewtwo, that's what I remember of my name." The levitating Pokemon replied.

"Okay, Mewtwo. Get those Pokeballs together in a bag and use Telekinesis on it to our way out." Alex ordered and started leading the Pokemons out, by breaking a big enough hole into the wall for their exit, "Everybody, Follow me!"

Mewtwo was left speechless to realise that he actually was ordered by Alex. Though, he didn't know why, he felt right to do this as he was also the only one capable of this job. Mewtwo swiftly used "Telekinesis" on the Pokeballs and stored them in a large bag, before he started following Alex's lead to get out of this hell hole.

On his way to the exit, Alex retracted the "Blaze" on his body and also started consuming all the fire around. There were many Grass-Type in the group, so it was only right to do so.

None of the Pokemons questioned his authority as they knew Alex was thier rescuer. Rather, they were awestruck by his might and power. Some even thought that he was a legendary Pokemon who had finally heard their pleads and come to rescue them.

'I feel humans outside.. Lots of them.' Mewtwo warily spoke in Alex's mind, 'They'll harm us! Should we get rid of them? It should be possible if you help me!'

"Don't bother, these are good humans." Alex replied by looking back at Mewtwo, "I know that you're wary of thier kind, but not all are as evil as Team Rocket are."

'I Still don't trust Humans!' Mewtwo yelled loudly in response, 'I have to leave this place. I am thankful of you for saving me, but I cannot risk getting trapped again!'

"Do as you wish." Alex sighed and grabbed the bag of Pokeballs from Mewtwo's control, "See you again. But because of your hatred don't harm other people, okay? Try not to make me regret my decision."

'I won't.' Mewtwo nodded in assurance, 'We'll meet again, my friend.' Saying that, Mewtwo disappeared by using "Teleport".

The rescued Pokemons had already left the Gym through the destroyed Wall when they saw Alex and Mewtwo conversing, so Alex was the last one left behind when Mewtwo had departed as well.

He came outside of the wall and immediately a brunette girl dashed at him and pulled him into a tight hug, "Lexy, what were doing inside there? I was so worried!"

Alex saw that there were Police officers, Nurse Joy, Chanseys and fire fighters gathered at the place as well. The Chanseys were treating the injured and rescue Pokemons, where else the fire fighters were busy getting the fire off of the the Gym.

Alex hugged Scarlet back with a arm wrapped around her, "I'll explain later." He told her and separated from the hug, "First, let me deal with this."

He went to the Gym's actual entrance which was still on fire and retracted all the fire with a deep inhale. The Fire Fighters and Water Pokemons were astounded for what had happened, but then, they were shocked to see a monstrous Charmeleon right beside them.

"Wh-What the fuck?!" The Blastoise yelled in shock, "Dude, what are you?"

"A Charmeleon?" Alex titled his head in answer and pointed inside the Gym, "Anyways, you'd do a good job that way since there's a underground facility inside."

Heating this, the Blastoise commanded his team of fire fighters, that consisted of other Water Pokemons as well, and went inside the Gym to secure the facility.

"We found humans in the forest! They were running away in those flying machines!" Many Growliths came to the spot and told to Officer Jenny.

"Good job." Jenny told the group of Growliths, "They must be Team Rocket as the girl had reported, we also found lots of their members here."

Soon enough, the Matter was getting big as a lot of people came this way. So Alex went back to Scarlet and decided to rest in his Pokeball, he didn't wanted to deal with all of this stuff.

Though, he did hand her the bag full of Pokeballs before going to rest in his own.

Scarlet knew that she was up to a big interrogation after this. She only hoped that her Dad had got the S.O.S and he was on his way back here.

'And I didn't even get the Earth Badge in all of this mess!' Scarlet thought frustratingly at the realisation.

Next will be Gym Battle.

infinite_glorycreators' thoughts
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