
Always Angry.

After a night's rest, Alex and Scarlet were back on their journey and this time, they were closing to the exiting of the Viridian forest.

But for some reason, Alex wanted to visit the Pewter City route instead of going to Viridian City first.

"Are you sure that I am going to get a good Fighting-"




Three Mankeys leaped out of the trees and stood in front of Alex, making Scarlet halt in whatever she was saying.

"O..kay." Scarlet slowly nodded her head as she saw so many Mankey's around, "I didn't know about this."

"They stay behind the mountains and only a few of them Patrol here." Alex answered to her doubt and looked at the Mankey's greeting him, "Where's Primeape?"

"There are many Primeaps!" The Mankey angrily told him.

"Which one do you want?"

"Is it the one that you saved weeks ago?"

"Yes, the one that I saved." Alex nodded his head.

"I'll go get him!" One of the Mankey's shouted and quickly leaped through the trees inside the forest of rocky mountains.

"For now, which one of you would care for a fight?" Alex asked as he looked at the remaining two Mankeys.


"W-With you?"

"Ah, not me." Alex shook his head and then looked at Scarlet.

Scarlet understood what Alex was conveying and called out Oddish from her Pokeball.

"Oh, it's one of those annoying bugs!" The Mankey had confidently stepped in front, "I'd gladly accept this challenge! But I have a question, is she going to catch me if I lose, boss?"

"Nah, she won't." Alex replied, "Just give a good fight, that's all I want."

"Boss, am I going to fight him?" The little Oddish looked at Alex with her head tilted in question.

"You can win." Alex told her with a serious stare.

Seeing that Alex believed in her, Oddish was also pumped up for the fight, "I will win!"

"Do your thing." Alex stepped back to spectate the fight, while Scarlet got ready for the battle.

This wasn't her first Pokemon Battle because yesterday in the evening, Alex had fought against Scizor after his Evolution, but it was too one sided to be counted. Scarlet was awed by the speed of that Scizor, but one "Ember" was all it took to defeat him.

"Oddish, start the Battle with a stun spore and keep distance from the Mankey!"

"Oddish!" The Oddish agreed and used "Stun Spore" on her target.

Oddish was currently level 10 with her training yesterday, but actual Experience to grow is earned from battle. Though, this also meant that Oddish was now very good at using her moves and rarely had a chance to miss. Long range attacks usually miss a lot if the Pokemon has not trained enough in target practice.

"Boss!" The Primeape angrily cheered as he came rushing to Alex and knelt in front of him, "Boss, how can I help you, Boss!"

"Ah, I wanted to ask if you'll join me in my journey if you're not busy." Alex flatly stated to him, though it was more embarrassing than he had thought.

"J-Journey with Boss?!" Primeape was baffled, but then he saw a trainer battling against his kind, "Human!" The Primeape furiously shouted, but Alex stopped him by grabbing his head.

"My human." Alex told him with a blank look, "She's the one with whom we're going on the Journey."

"B-Boss with a human?" Primeape was astounded once again, "That's impossible! Does Boss mean that the human was capable of catching Boss?!"

"No, I caught her." Alex told him with a sigh, it was really hard to explain these apes. "Just tell me, you're coming with me or not?"

"Boss saved this foolish one's life who had decided to challenge Boss!" The Primeape yelled loudly, "This Primeape is devoted to you, Boss! And will be honoured to join you in this Journey!"

"Ah, good." Alex nodded in acknowledgement, "Do know that we'll be facing many strong opponents in future, so we'll have to train a lot!"

"T-Training with Boss..." It was like a dream come true for the Primeape, so he started nodding his head vigorously, "I am up for any challenge!"

"Hm.." Alex grumbled and turned to see the battle once again. The Mankey was strong, maybe that's why it was taking so much time.

"Use Absorb!" Scarlet commanded to Oddish.

"No, use Stun spore!" Alex stepped in and yelled loudly.

Much to Scarlet's shock, Oddish listened to Alex and used "Stun Spore" on the Mankey. The Mankey became drowsy as it had fallen half asleep and standing at the same place.

"Now, keep using Absorb on him and when you feel like he's waking up, use Venoshock on him!" Alex commanded her once again.

"Oddish, Oddish!" The Oddish shouted back and went to do as told.

"Damn, he could be a better trainer than me." Scarlet mumbled to herself as she saw the result of Battle.

She thought it would be good to keep using "Absorb" on Mankey and weaken him quickly, but Mankey was too energetic to be affected by "Absorb" so easily. She understood that Alex's plan was to first disable the Mankey with Oddish's "Stun Spore" then recover her energy by using "Absorb" on her target, this, enabled her to also use "Venoshock" when the Mankey had recovered from his drowsiness.

"Hmph.. A human thinking that she's better than Boss." The Primeape snorted with a angry frown, which was his actual face all the time.

'I can learn a lot from him.' Scarlet thought as she looked at Alex. He was very experienced when it came to such battles, maybe because he had stayed in the forest for a long time now and had a lot of experience from his own battles.

"Boss, Boss!" Oddish came happily to them after defeating her opponent, "How did I do? I also feel a lot stronger after this battle!"

'Well, that's because you defeated a Level 17 Mankey..' Alex thought and happily looked at the little Oddish, "You did a good job! You deserve to be praised!" Alex complimented her with a loud cheer.

"I am very happy!" Oddish leaped around joyously and went to hug Scarlet to celebrate.

"Damn you, Lexy. You're better than me." Scarlet pouted at her Charmeleon.

"That, I am." Alex shook his head and roared loudly with a "Flamethrower" in the sky, "No, I am the best!"

"Boss is the best!" The Mankeys, Primeape and Oddish cheered in unison, "Boss is the best!"

Scarlet sweatdropped at their behaviour and laughed awkwardly with the corner of her lips twitching. Maybe, Lexy loved to be cheered like this. 'Don't tell me this going to happen after each Battle victory..' Scarlet thought in horror, 'No...!'

After that, Scarlet treated the Mankey with a antidote since he was poisoned by Oddish's "Venoshock". And this also made the Primeape see the human in a new light, he could understand why Alex must've chosen this human for their journey.

"Meet Primeape, he's going to join us." Alex introduced her to the buff and angry Primeape standing to his side.

"Prime, Primeape!" The Primeape greeted angrily.

"O-Oh.." Scarlet was startled to see that Alex had finally allowed her to get a strong Pokemon, "Then, I'll be in your care, Primeape. Let's defeat a lot of opponents together in future!"

"Boss is still my Boss." Primeape nodded to his new trainer.

Scarlet then took out a Pokeball and caught the Primeape without any struggle.

"Now that I think about it.." Scarlet realised as they were back on their way to Viridian city, "I haven't caught a single Pokemon by battling them, haven't I?" She questioningly looked Alex.

"Not my fault, the Pokemon here won't battle me." Alex shrugged in response, "Let's directly go to the Viridian City now. We maybe able to reach there by the evening and won't have to camp outside."

"Hm, let's do that." Scarlet nodded in agreement. It was better to lodge at the Pokemon centre than camp outside, "But you'll have to stay in your Pokeball, okay? I can't let you roam around freely in the City, or else you might scare everybody there."

"Not my fault." Alex grumbled annoyingly, "I can stay in the Pokeball during sleeping hours, but not for the rest of the time because I have to train."

"That's fine. We'll train for a few days around the City and see if we can Challenge the Gym there." Scarlet answered.

"We'll see." Alex mumbled with a thoughtful expression.

While on the way to Viridian City, Scarlet had come across many Pokemon trainers and much to Alex's irritation, they all wanted to trade with Scarlet for him.

Alex had decided, if he finds a annoying trainer that comes after him like team Rocket, he'll turn that Trainer's Pokemon into his meals and leave the trainer charcoaled if not dead.

He had to rest inside his Pokeball after seeing how much attention he was gathering even without entering the city. And from there onwards, Scarlet travelled peacefully without anymore Trainers coming after her. Some of them had even offered her strong Pokemons like Gyarados and Snorlax, but none of them could compare to her Lexy, who could one shot those Pokemons if given the chance.

Reaching to the Viridian City, the first thing Scarlet did was get Nurse Joy to talk her in private and explained about her unusual Charmeleon. Just so, Nurse Joy won't get shocked to see a huge Charmeleon coming out of her Pokeball when treating them.

"That's.. Really unusual." Nurse Joy scowled worriedly, "But if you say that he was checked by Professor Oak then everything should be fine. Thanks for the heads up, by the way. I'll inform the Chanseys so that they won't be scared of him."

"I'll be going back to my room then." Scarlet nodded and went back to her lodging room to rest for the night. She had Oddish with her, but Primeape needed to be more thoroughly treated since he was caught just recently. Where else, Nurse Joy had insisted to check on Alex personally.

"Wow.. You really are very big.." Nurse Joy stated in awe as she placed her hand on Charmeleon's body, to check if he was real.

"It's the first time I am meeting a Charmeleon like you, Alex!" the head Chansey told him happily.

"Where's my trainer?" Alex knew that he was in the Pokemon centre, but he was still a bit confused as he was brought out of his Pokeball.

"I am Diagnosing you for a health check up, stay still, okay?" Nurse Joy assured him. Though, she still couldn't help but feel intimidated by his gaze.

"Ah, then hurry up. I want to rest." Alex told irritatedly, because he was woken up from his sleep in Pokeball.

Though, he also noticed that Nurse Joy wasn't able to understand him and just continued doing her job. He had gotten too used to Scarlet understanding him and had felt like even Nurse would be able to understand him.

'Sometimes I forget that my trainer is like no other.' Alex thought with a shake of his head, 'But what is this strong presence I am feeling, under the ground? A underground facility? Wait a second, this is Viridian City, does that mean?'

[Quest generated.

Objective: Rescue Mewtwo from Team Rocket's Base in Viridian City.

Difficultly Level: A

Rewards: Psychic Elemental stone.]

'A elemental stone.. This is the first time.' Alex thought with his eyes going wide, 'What does this stone do?'

[Psychic Elemental Stone: Upon use, the user will gain Psychic Element and would be able to learn and use the Psychic-Type moves.

Do note, these type of Stones will only work on Host.]

'That means I can learn moves like 'Telekinesis' and 'Psy Beam' if I gain this element.' Alex thought excitedly with a nod of self acknowledgement and grinned, 'Quest Accepted. Mewtwo, I am coming for you.'

Seeing Alex suddenly grin sadistically with his fangs coming out, both Nurse Joy and Chansey were shivering in the lab.

'I hope Professor Oak has reported this Charmeleon to the Kanto League Administrators, otherwise such a strong Pokemon can cause a lot of trouble in future.' Nurse Joy hoped warily in her mind and continued working on the check up.

Though, she was really fascinated by him.

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